TNT, X22, Max Keiser and more Late Fri. PM/ Early Sat. AM


Tishwash:  Al-Kazemi makes the first statement after arriving in Iraq from the three European capitals

Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kazemi arrived in the capital, Baghdad, on Friday, from his European tour, while he announced the signing of several agreements and memoranda of understanding with the countries he visited.   

Al-Kazemi said in a press statement, followed by "People" (October 23, 2020) that "a number of memoranda of understanding have been signed in the fields of economy and culture in order to strengthen strategic relations with other countries," noting that "the Ministry of Foreign Affairs should follow up on those memoranda."   link

Courtesy of Dinar Guru

Footforward   [Should we wait for forex changes or what do you think we need to be looking for in the markets?When the rate changes it will change on CBI website. I'd watch that.

Petra  I gotta believe that a lot of those International market players are already lining up because they read the articles like we do.  Those finance guys.  Those hedge fund guys read the articles like we do.  So I'm sure they're excited as well...we're in a great stop.  I'm excited.  The wife is excited.  We're just looking forward to this coming to an end...we're in a great place...we're right there.  There is no question about it...let's see what they decide to do...

Pimpy  REPORT: "White Paper for Economic Reform" Now that we have the details of the "White Papers" or The Economic Reform Papers you guys can see the details for yourself because there is some exchange rate talk... quote "Review the current exchange rate of the dollar against the dinar.Again, listen, they said they're just the dollar continues to get weaker other currencies will rise up against it.  This is good for those of us holding on to foreign currencies as an investment.  We want to see that...quote "establishing new trade markets such as commodity markets and a currency exchange market."  We need to see the Iraqi dinar become eligible and start trading on the Forex...they'll probably just float the dinar and let the market decide from there what the exchange rate is...that's good news.  We need them to unpeg from the U.S. dollar...


Friday Night X22Reports

The CBI running out time, Ready to implement, think gold  Episode 2310a

The [CB] have run out of time, the changed the inflation calculation, the IMF is signaling its time for another Brenton Woods. The [CB] around the world are ready to switch to digital currency. The patriots have been preparing for this, think structure change and gold. Crisis will allow the Patriots to make their move.


Dark Winter, Dark Secrets, Biden Investigation Begins, Crimes Against Humanity – Episode 2310

The [DS]/MSM are now trapped, the patriots have dripped out information on the Biden family and it is very damaging. The investigation has begun, the patriots have used the art of war. The setup is almost complete. Crimes against humanity will be exposed, but the [DS] already sent out a message for their next FF. Biden mention Dark Winter, when dark secrets are exposed we might see a Dark Winter.

IMF calls for Bretton Woods | Simon Dixon speaks to Max Keiser

Premiered Oct 22, 2020

Simon Dixon speaks to Max Keiser on Keiser Report about his thoughts on the recent IMF call for a new Bretton Woods.

 Simon recently held an emergency broadcast about the IMF calling for Bretton Woods Monetary Renegotiation -

View the full episode of Keiser Report (E1609) on


Restored Republic via a GCR- Rumors as of Sat. Oct. 24, 2020


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