TNT, Sierra, Mike Maloney and SRU Thursday AM 4-23-2020


CutebwoyDeputy: Iran has lost a large part of its role in Iraq and America can now end the armed factions

April 22, 2020

Baghdad / news

Member of the House of Representatives Muhammad Al-Khaldi saw that Iran has lost a large part of its role in Iraq, indicating that America can now end the armed factions.

He said in a press statement, “The issue of restricting weapons to the state is not related to the next prime minister, Mustafa Al-Kazemi, but rather is an international regional issue, mainly related to the United States, and the nature of its dealings with the Iraqi file. If it wants to proceed with this option, it will be able to That is without question. ”

Al-Khalidi added, “Iran has lost a large part of its role in Iraq, and may have lost its entire role during the past period, and it is currently suffering internal crises, and it has no control or acceptability in Iraqi affairs, so if the United States decides to end the armed factions in Iraq, Al-Kazemi will do that. 

Getagripon: The interesting trend, by the time of the RV, the USD may have very little value as it is printed and spread across the world​-sending-billions-of-dollars-all-over-the-world


"Interesting Theory from an Anon" by Sierra (NZ) - 4.22.20

Entry Submitted by Sierra (NZ) at 9:12 PM EDT on April 22, 2020

Check out this post from an Anon, retweeted by Dr Russell McGregor. The Anon is ex-military with thirty years experience. His opinion is worth the time to read. As Dr McGregor says, 'Use your discernment...'

Just posted on QRV by an ex-Military Anon:

He/she is thinking ahead and obviously implying saved kids are the final act.

Worth a read and use discernment.#QAnon #MAGA #WWG1WGA #POTUS

— Dr Russell McGregor (@KillAuDeepState) April 23, 2020

The Anon's theory resonates with me. I can see the division between the two lock down factions here in New Zealand.

The 'Stay at Homes' are steeped in fear. They leap out of your path while walking, like scared rabbits. It's comical. I sometimes call out, 'The seasonal flu is more dangerous', just to stir the pot. These frightened people have total faith in our Prime Minister. They do not question her draconian approach to lock down - the most severe strategy in the world.

Then there are the 'Let's Get the Country Open Agains'. I am a member of this group. I think New Zealand made a massive mistake with the severe lock down. Sweden has remained open, choosing to trust herd immunity. I am full of admiration for the courage of the Swedish people. They trusted themselves, not the propaganda.

The New Zealand economy will take years to recover. One of our primary industries, tourism, has been decimated. I live in a small tourist town, heavily dependent on a steady stream of overseas tourists. That's gone. Many excellent hard-working tourism operators have shut their doors forever. Jobs lost. It's heart breaking. And it was TOTALLY UNNECESSARY.

I believe we won't have long to wait to see the 'big boom' suggested by the Anon in the post. Tension is escalating world wide. If you haven't seen the video of the mother in USA who was arrested and handcuffed in a playground for taking her children to play - check it out. That is the level of insanity that is currently raging on planet Earth.

It cannot continue. It WILL not continue.

The navy hospital ship Comfort is leaving NYC and returning to its home base in Virginia. It isn't needed any more. Maybe because the children have all been rescued? What comes after C (Children) according to Q?

'C before D'

D stands for 'DECLAS'. And DECLAS means...ARRESTS.

Bring it on, President Trump and the Alliance. Your army of digital warriors is standing by...

Where We Go One We Go All.

Love and Light
Sierra (NZ)

CRISIS UNFOLDS: Gold to the Rescue - Mike Maloney

April23, 2020

Could it be that mainstream media and financial institutions are finally waking up to the true role of gold? It has taken a while, but the train may be pulling into the station.

Join Mike Maloney as he explores the latest new in gold, silver….and online censorship.

Big Banks Sued By Small Businesses For Giving Stimulus Money To Big Businesses, Hertz 10,000 Layoffs

Apr 22, 2020

The Big Banks on the hot seat after being sued by thousands of small businesses for giving the stimulus money to the largest businesses instead of actual small businesses allegedly to make more money from the larger fees.

The banks named in the suit are JP Morgan, US Bancorp, Wells Fargo, and Bank of America.

The lawsuit claims the banks made as much as $100,000 each by prioritizing funding the largest businesses as opposed to $17,500 for the small loans. The largest banks also consumed most of the stimulus themselves as many smaller lenders we're not even able to access the website for days.

This is the problem I brought up in the beginning which was why are we funneling this relief bill through the big banks anyway as it appears to be an unapologetic scheme to skim money from the taxpayers in a desperate time of need.

At the time this was sold to us as a way to help the workers and families but that wasn't the case in practice as hedge funds and millionaires and ivy league colleges ran off with the funds.

We also see Hertz rental car has announced plans to lay off more than 10,000 employees in North America as they try to cope with the dramatic decline in business travel.

Many of the large companies have been suggesting we may not see a rebound in air travel by some of their largest clients since teleworking seems to be a suitable solution for many tasks.

 There is also the rapidly declining used car prices that will weigh heavily on the company as they move to replace their rental fleets.


Restored Republic via a GCR- Rumors as of April 23, 2020


Inflated Pandemic Scare