TNT, PIR, Pimpy and more Thursday Afternoon 5-7-2020


Thursday UPDATE for May 7, 2020

Iraqi citizens are calling for the arrest and trial of former Prime Minister Mahdi now that Al-Kazemi has been voted on and accepted.

Al-Kazemi will send the budget bill to the Parliament before Eid al-Fitr, which begins on Saturday, May 23, 2020 and ends on Sunday, May 24, 2020. 

TishwashParliamentary Finance reveals the date for sending the budget to Parliament

May 7, 2020

Baghdad / .. Parliamentary Finance Committee revealed, Thursday, the date for the government to send a draft federal budget law for 2020 to the House of Representatives.

Committee member Hanin Qaddo said that “after giving him confidence, Mustafa Al-Kazemi begins today forming a committee of economic experts and members of the Finance Committee to amend the budget items in a way that suits the conditions that the country is going through,” pointing out that “Al-Kazemi will present to Parliament austerity budget.”

He added that “the federal budget project for 2020 will be free of job grades and attention will be focused on the operational part of the budget related to the salaries of employees, retirees and other financial obligations,” noting that “Al-Kazemi will send the budget bill to the parliament before Eid al-Fitr.”   link


GRLewis2000Thanks Tishwash - just to add, Eid al-Fitr, is called the "Festival of Breaking the Fast", is a religious holiday celebrated by Muslims worldwide that marks the end of the month-long dawn-to-sunset fasting of Ramadan; which start 23May & end 24May

BillnMas:  It was really nice to see so much activity during Ramadan, I guess thats answers 10 years of wondering if they do anything during Ramadan

Harambe:  CNBC: Oil jumps more than 10%, on track for best week in history


Courtesy of Dinar Guru

Footforward    [What do y'all think the new PM will have to do with the RV?]   ...his biggest contribution is that he's not an Iranian hack...It's helpful...So he's not something that would hold back the RV. ...But it's not something that forces the RV to happen. It's like oil in a a car. Oil doesn't run the car, but the car runs better with oil in the engine.

Patriot Intel Report

PIR 05 07 20

Next week they will start debating about Phase 4 stimulus. We are anticipating it will have the infrastructure money in it we are looking for. This bill will also probably be in the trillions.

People are asking how can they do this…well, they are basically taking this old system down….there are people entrenched in the deep state who want the old system to stay…..but , President Trump and the white hats realize that we are going to redo it…reset it…so why not spend it….

If they are going to default on the old system anyway… was meant to fail and was a ponzi scheme from the beginning…so why not cut some checks and give cash to everybody before they shut it down?

Nesara Part 3

Pimpy’s investment Chat:  May 6, 2020

I beleive many things from Nesara/Gesara are already happening… sure to watch part one and part 2


Lynette Zang and X22 with Bix Weir Thursday PM 5-7-2020


Frank26 Update and more from KTFA Members Thursday 5-7-2020