TNT, PIR, BIX and more Wednesday Afternoon 4-1-2020


Tishwash:  Iraq extends nationwide curfew to April 19

Iraq has extended a nationwide curfew until April 19 amid a rising rate of confirmed COVID-19 cases as the country improves testing capabilities.

Under the curfew, first imposed on March 17, all but essential businesses have been shuttered and inbound and outbound flights suspended in Baghdad and local airports across the country. Twice a day clarion calls by Iraqi authorities instruct citizens to stay at home.

Iraq is seeing a gradual increase in confirmed coronavirus cases as testing capabilities improve. By Tuesday, at least 50 people had died among 694 cases, according to a statement from the Health Ministry.   link

Harambe:  Reuters: Fractures grow among Iraq militias, spell political retreat


Tishwash:   Iraq is moving to reconsider the policy of economic and financial

Called the Finance Committee in the House of Representatives to reconsider the economic policy of the country through the next stage and reduce dependence on oil.

Said committee member Dr. Ahmed Al-Saffar told the"morning": that "the government was intends to change the state budget of items to objectives, and should begin their application as of this year in the sectors of education, health, and then generalized to other sectors".

He added that "the current crisis made it necessary to reconsider fiscal policy economic development of the country and reduce dependence on oil as a source is one-sided in the financing of the budget".

And the beep that "the government should ease the burden of the public sector and participation by the private sector, and through the facilities and the issuance of laws and legislations that enable the private sector that also exist in all countries of the world, when he runs the majority of the agricultural sectors, industrial, health, transportation and education under the supervision and control of the government not to use Citizens."

Warned the yolk of the conduct of Iraq in the context of risk can be through which the future is not clear and cataclysmic in the case remained dependent on oil as the primary source of financing for the budget, as prices are unstable and depend on the International Relations of supply and demand on the one hand, a commodity inexhaustible, and can be consumed all the Reserve in the ground being the share of future generations, which should behave in Then".  link


Courtesy of Dinr Guru

Pimpy   ...these people in parliament we all know they're corrupt...we know there's been a huge crackdown on this.  Guess whatTrump's now supporting this guy [Zafari] and he wants him to put in the government that they are going to support...this is the kind of movement we want to see...Trump's not playing around anymore.  He's already forming his next agenda and what he's gonna do over there in Iraq and he's implementing it right away.  These guys should have their government formed voted on and implemented somewhere between the middle and the end of April.  It's funny how all of these things are happening right around April...this is some good news.  This is exciting...all this pertains to what's gonna happen to the dinar.  We really want this country to really get stable...I think you're gonna see a lot of action happen here between now and the end of this next month...

Patriot Intel Report

 PIR 04 01 20

ALERT! 1st Quarter Earnings? Settle In for the Long Haul in "Year Zero!" (Bix Weir)

RoadToRoota:  Apr 1, 2020

The NEW reality is here. How does it feel? Not Good? I know! But believe it or will NEVER return to "Normal."

This is the New Normal and it will get much, much worse before it gets better.


IQD CALLS Chat Early Wednesday  4-1-20


"Coffee with MarkZ" Wednesday Morning Chat 4-1-2020