TNT, Pimpy, PIR and more Friday 8-28-2020


Tishwash: Disclosure of the waste of 58 billion dinars of public money in Kirkuk

The Federal Integrity Commission revealed on Friday that there were cases of waste of public money in the pre-built school construction project in Kirkuk governorate, indicating that the value of the project is about (58,000,000,000) billion dinars .

In its talk about the seizure process, the investigation department of the authority indicated that the Kirkuk investigation office team moved to the governorate office, and set the priorities for the project of constructing (25) schools in a pre-built method referred to a foreign company at an amount of (57,894,000,000) billion dinars, explaining That the project implementation period was set at (24) months in contravention of the provisions of Clause (Fourth) of Article (4) of the Instructions for Implementing Government Contracts No. (1 of 2008) .

The department added that the investigations of the authority's investigation office in the governorate revealed that the company executing the project had tampered with the basic designs, reduced the number of schools from (25) to (18) schools, and changed designs and spaces, contrary to the terms of contracts and without obtaining the approval of the Ministry of Planning, in addition to the comprehensive implementation of the Kirkuk governorate.

The Italian company according to the provisions of Cabinet Resolution No. (347 of 2015) contrary to the requirements of the resolution that stated the necessity to address the stalled projects; As a result of the security situation and the financial crisis .

She explained that the company's inclusion in the provisions of the aforementioned decision led to a waste of public money by exempting the company from late fines and exaggerating the cost of the project .

She confirmed that a fundamentalist seizure report was organized for the operation that was carried out based on a judicial arrest warrant, and it was presented with the seizures to the judge of the investigation court specialized in integrity issues in the Kirkuk governorate. To take appropriate legal action.  link

Courtesy of Dinar Guru

Frank26  ... Iran influence in the government, in the banking structure, in their streets - is the only reason why we don't have the new currency rate...the mess is Iran .  That's all there is to it.  They are the parasite and how do you get rid of them?  ...all the arresting.  All the court appearances.  Everything that they've done and now there's just one final thing left to me that is the next step that is what has been given to Kazemi...get rid of the final remaining Iranian influence...

Jeff   Statement: "The CBI hasn't initiated the project to delete the zeros."  They are not going to tell you when they initiated.  You won't even know when it's initiated.  You'll know when it's just done.  You're just gonna wake up one morning on a Sunday and be like 'Oh, rate change -ya!"


Did they talk about NESARA / GESARA on Kitco

Pimpy’s Investment Chat:  Aug 27, 2020

Patriot Intel Report

PIR 08 28 20

Charles Ward believes something big will happen on Sept 1st . Historically and traditionally we have seen a  rate change and posted September 15th as per the IMF and World Bank sites. .

So this fits with the timeline of the fiscal year of the United States (Oct 1st) and other countries.

Watch for major economic changes.


KTFA Members "Friday News" 8-28-2020


MarkZ and Michael Cottrell Friday Morning Chat 8-28-2020