TNT, Pimpy and Lynette Zang Tuesday Morning 8-25-2020


Tishwash:  Economist: ending corruption, government bureaucracy and the phenomenon of uncontrolled weapons .. Iraq’s vast gateway to Investment

Economic expert, Mazen Al-Ashiker affirmed that ending corruption, government bureaucracy and the phenomenon of fugitive weapons ... Iraq’s vast gateway to investment.

Al-Kazemi's visit to America was positive, especially in the economic file, and everyone is waiting for the implementation of what was promised by the two sides.

Al-Ashiker stressed that: On the Iraqi side, end corruption, government bureaucracy and the phenomenon of fugitive weapons to ensure a wide entry for investment into the country.

He indicated that the American side should urge its companies to invest in Iraq and help improve Iraq's relations with the Gulf countries, indicating that: It is too early to evaluate the visit until practical steps are taken on the ground.  link

Courtesy of Dinar Guru

Pimpy  We're going to talk about the dinar today because there's a lot of newbies that are interested in it or have invested into into the Iraqi dinar...whenever any country invades another country usually what happens to protect...the wealth of a nation they usually devalue their currency down to damn near nothing - where it's worthless.  As soon as everything gets back to normal...the country is no longer being invaded and they're back to where they were, then what they'll do is they'll revalue or reinstate the give you an example - let's say at the time the Kuwait invasion you were getting 3 American dollars for every 1 Kuwaiti dinar.  [post 1 of 3....stay tuned]

Pimpy  Then all of sudden they got invaded.  Well they dropped it down to where you could get a million Kuwait dinars (I'm just making this up) for 10 dollars.  So they do that on purpose.  Then as soon as they got Iraq out of Kuwait and they started getting back on their feet all they did was reinstate the rate so it went right back up to where it was - over $3.  So those individuals who happen to be holding onto the Kuwait dinar, some people for some reason somehow knew about it ahead of created some millionaires.  So people bought a whole bunch of it, once the rate change happened it created a bunch of millionaires.  That's what everybody is basing this whole investment into the Iraqi dinar on.   [post 2 of 3....stay tuned]

Pimpy  Iraq was invaded.  The value was dropped.  Once the invasion was over in 2003 they swapped out the old (Swiss) Iraqi dinars - the ones with Saddam Hussein's face were taken out and the new dinars put in, which are the ones we see now.  What everybody's hoping is that when it's time,  that they reinstate the rate and the rate at the time was $3.22.  That's what a lot of people are hoping will happen again.  There are a bunch of different arguments going both ways...on whether this will happen...You should approach knowing...all investments are a risk... [Post 3 of 3]


Iraqi Dinar news 08/24/20 - Iraq is on the move

Pimpy’s Investment Chat:  Aug 24, 2020

THE TRUE VALUE OF GOLD AND SILVER: and Revalued Currencies...Q&A with Lynette Zang

Streamed live 15 hours ago

There's been a lot of questions and concerns regarding the next most likely outcomes for us both socially and economically. And while I can't tell you exact what's going to happen, I can definitely prepare you for the top 3 scenarios.

So today I'm going to show you how to protect yourself from inflation, deflation, and even confiscation.


Restored Republic via a GCR- Rumors as of Tues. Aug. 25, 2020


Don't Feel Like You're 'Good' With Money?