TNT, Max Keiser, Bix Weir and more Wednesday 1-22-2020


Tishwash:  Political expert: Saleh and Trump's meeting with Switzerland is very important .. He will return next Thursday to resolve

Iraqi political expert Wathiq al-Hashemi stressed on Tuesday the importance of President Barham Salih meeting with US President Donald Trump on the sidelines of the Davos conference in Switzerland.

Al-Hashemi told Al-Akhbaria that the visit of the President of the Republic to Switzerland is very important, especially at the present time, because Iraq needs to communicate with the outside world in light of the pressures and significant interference in its affairs.

He added: "Saleh's meeting with Trump is very important in light of the American escalation on Iraqi soil, as well as more important issues that Saleh will discuss during his visit."

The expert Hashemi said: "Saleh will return next Thursday to Iraq, in order to resolve the prime minister's file."

It should be noted that an informed source in the Presidency Court said earlier today, in a statement to Al-Akhbariya, that the President of the Republic left for Switzerland to attend the Davos International Conference, after it was not possible to agree on the selection of a new Prime Minister during the meetings held today    link

Tishwash:  Postponement of the nomination of the new prime minister until Saleh returns from Davos

The file for choosing the next prime minister was postponed after news that it was close to settling on Monday evening, after President Barham Saleh traveled to the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, and participated in it.

According to media sources, she stated that "a prime minister will not be nominated for Iraq until the President of the Republic, Barham Salih, returns from the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland."

The protesters forced the government of Abdul-Mahdi to resign, in early December, and insist on the departure and accountability of all political elites accused of corruption and waste of state funds.

Today, Baghdad and the Iraqi provinces are witnessing an escalation in the popular protests after cutting most roads and bridges, while the security forces opened fire on the demonstrators in Baghdad and some provinces    link


Tishwash:  here's Trump with Barzani the Kurdish President


Tishwash:  The House of Representatives turns its regular session into deliberative session with the attendance of 138 deputies

Failure to reach a quorum The House of Representatives turns its regular session into a deliberative session with the attendance of 138 deputies  link


Harambe:  Bloomberg: Rupiah Could Take Baht’s Crown as Asia's Strongest Currency in 2020 

The Thai baht was Asia’s best-performing currency by a country mile last year. This year’s winner looks to have been already decided: the Indonesian rupiah.

The currency of Southeast Asia’s most populous nation has rallied for seven straight weeks as the bumper yields offered by the nation’s government bonds enticed carry traders and the central bank said it would allow further gains.

The nation’s local-currency bonds offer yields of between 5% to 8%, an alluring prospect for investors looking to put on carry trades that seek to capitalize from the difference in interest rates between two countries. If they feel brave enough to execute them without currency hedging, investors stand to reap even greater rewards if the rupiah keeps rising.

Just as important as the yield allure has been the tolerant attitude of the central bank. Whereas policy makers generally seek to limit currency gains to support exports, Bank Indonesia said Jan. 10 it would refrain from limiting the rupiah’s strength as long as it reflected the improving economy and volatility was manageable. The rupiah jumped as much as 0.8% that day.

The currency extended gains into the next trading session after the United Arab Emirates said it had agreed to set aside $22.8 billion to invest in Indonesia’s sovereign wealth fund, joining Japan’s SoftBank Group Corp. and U.S. International Development Finance Corp. in giving the nation a vote of confidence.

Two Hiccups

That’s not to say the rupiah is a one-way bet. Indonesian President Joko Widodo said last week rapid currency gains may hurt exports and undermine efforts to rein in the current-account deficit. “If the rupiah appreciates too quickly, we should be cautious,” he said.

A possible hiccup also awaits this week in the form of a central bank policy decision. While 24 of 27 economists surveyed by Bloomberg predict Bank Indonesia will leave interest rates on hold, three are forecasting a 25 basis-point cut to 4.75%. An easing move, or a hint in that direction, would help restrain further rupiah gains.

For the currency to finish top of the league table this year it has to outperform its peers. Here again there’s positive news. Last year’s best performers -- the Thai baht and Philippine peso -- are both facing challenges that should prevent them from replicating 2019’s gains. The Bank of Thailand has announced measures to stem the baht’s strength, while the peso may be weighed down by a widening current-account deficit

The rupiah was third on the podium last year: this year it seems destined to finish on top.

Courtesy of Dinar Guru

Jeff    ...a lot of BS is coming out right now.  They're doing that to mislead us because we're getting closer to the finish line.  On Monday they came out saying that they nominated a prime minister and then today Salih says he withdrew it because political bloc's did not agree.  Now Salih is going to Davos, Switzerland to meet with Trump.  So after that Salih says he's going too appoint or nominate a new P.M.  So we're waiting now on Thursday until we get a new P.M.  We'll have to see how that goes.  Lots of BS in the news coming out right now so it's hard and challenging to really focus on the news but that's all by design...


Keiser Report 1491

Jan 20, 2020

Markets! Finance! Scandal! Keiser Report is a no holds barred look at the shocking scandals behind the global financial headlines.

 From the collusion between Wall Street and Capitol Hill to the latest banking crime wave, from bogus government economic statistics to rigged stock markets, nothing escapes the eye of Max Keiser, a former stockbroker, inventor of the virtual specialist technology and co-founder of the Hollywood Stock Exchange. With the help of Keiser's co-host, Stacy Herbert, and guests from around the world, Keiser Report tells you what is really going on in the global economy.

Stocks Teeter as Silver, Gold & Crypto are "Held" in Check!! (Bix Weir)

Jan 21, 2020

The biggest stock market bubble in human history is about to end in Tears.

It's hard not to feel sorry for people that "believed" in what their investment advisors, politicians and neighbors told them...INVEST IN THE STOCK MARKET! Follow the crowd in!

Now it's time to follow the crowds out but the crowd is too BIG! HANG ON TIGHT!






Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday Night 1- 21-2020


"Coffee with MarkZ" Short Wednesday Morning Chat 1-22-2020