TNT, Lynette Zang, Max Keiser and more Thursday AM 3-5-2020


Rogue:  Remember the 2019 budget has the rate...

Locofelipe:  it is my understanding that the budget has had the reval in it since the 2017 budget.... so, IMO, they would have to be using the 2016 budget.... becasue all the rest have the rate adjustment in them, they passed them, they just didn't open the.... or not allowed to open them. whatever. but the shot over the bow has to do with the UN report

Jwill:  The article headlined says Iraq may be exposed to international resolutions that may include sanctions….In other words they really need to get their act together ASAP

Locofelipe:  The UN report made the whole world see the disfunction and the corruption up to the highest levels.... and now that it has been revealed, there is a genuine concern that IRAQ will be going back to chapter 7 and a bunch of them will be prosecuted and sanctioned due to the new laws that are in place... I think we may some quick movement... the heat just got turned on majorly.....

Locofelipe:  This ride is about to get interesting.... IMO….Especially now that a DOD contrator was arrested today in Erbil feading the Hezbola information on certain people working for us..... it’s about to show really big…. someone over there has to get a brain or simply turn it on.... because now the whole world is looking at them. Publically…... the UN report was stinger

DianeMarie:   Hang in there any way you can, many of us are facing difficult financial times ... here is one quote that is simple to remember, “Obstacles don’t have to stop you. If you run into a wall, don’t turn around and give up. Figure out how to climb it, go through it, or work around it.” – Michael Jordan

Harambe:  BBC News: IMF provides $50bn to fight coronavirus outbreak

Courtesy of Dinar Guru

Bruce   [via WiserNow]   ...could we be notified and start tomorrow [Wednesday]? The answer is an outstanding YES – possibly...we understand that the redemption centers were to receive their schedules that would take them through Saturday March 14th until midnight...In other words, us – the internet group – we would get started and continue all the way through midnight on the 14th of march...which is... a week from this Saturday...  Do we have any other indication that we’re just about there? ...We got an indication from the World Bank – yesterday – that talked about 2 days – today and tomorrow [Wednesday]...then we heard further from the World Bank that there was emphasis on tomorrow’s date (Wed 3-4-20)...It could go Thursday -  we don’t know...this is a moving target...  Really,

we are down to the wire...this is not going to last much longer...Let’s just believe that no other hindrance will keep us from starting and everything is set...


Lynette Zang:  Can Central Banks Save Us

Streamed live 17 hours ago

With fear creeping into the markets as we enter into uncharted territory, global central bankers are facing their biggest test yet.

The fed just cut rates by a whopping 50 basis points; a level only used during past financial crises. It was supposed to instill confidence.

The big question is, did it work? How do gold and silver fit into this picture and what’s next?

Keiser Report |Telling the Truth About Financial Pandemic | E1510

Mar 5, 2020

In this episode of Keiser Report from Las Vegas, Max and Stacy discuss the Secretary of State accusing Iran of covering up the truth about the coronavirus outbreak in their country.

Meanwhile, JP Morgan claims they will soon access the Fed’s emergency lending facility only to ‘reduce the stigma’ so that other banks are not afraid to use it.

They also discuss the cobalt crisis emerging as electric vehicle sales takeoff.

In the second half, Max interviews early bitcoin adopter and now suddenly controversial altcoin promoter, Trace Mayer, about the bitcoin market.


Thursday Morning Update(s) from DinarAngel - Finally The Coming Days Will Be Great


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