TNT, Lynette Zang and more Tuesday PM 4-21-2020


Eccle519:  This current economic world turmoil  is exactly what the GCR needs to begin a reset of all currencies especially the Petro Dollar which supports all currencies...I believe the Plan for Iraq (Dinar Exchange) was waiting for this moment

Eccle519:  Now, Parliament will be adequately pressured by the US, France and UK to get this done...they will be scurrying like Chickens at a barn dance lol

Briona:  Once the GCR is in full swing, oil will still be a big factor on the value of the dollar, as it will be a huge component of what our asset backed currency is composed of..

Eccle518:  It's still fiat briona and in order to change that I think Gold will need to be involved because oil (as we are seeing) can't do the job if all it takes is other countries to pump surplus oil etc

Briona:  Eccl519, Once the GCR kicks in, we will no longer be a fiat currency, and we do not have enough gold to cover the new currency, That is why they refer to an asset backed currency, in which oil will be one component of many.

Eccle519:  Oil will have it's value for sure but the dollar won't come from the Federal Reserve as in the past, it will be some type US Treasury Dollar (or Crypto Dollar) note and people won't even know the difference since most will be digital numbers in our bank accounts ...That will eliminate unlimited printing of Dollars

Briona:  I agree, the new currency will be actually based on something of tangible value, unlike the Federal Reserve Note, and it can't happen fast enough for me.

Eccle519:  Right, we really don't want to exchange for Fiat money imo

Eccle519:  According to the US Debt, (today) silver to Dollar ratio is $2,422 and Gold ratio to Dollar is 20,075 in order to match the debt at 24 Trillion ...Per ounce.   A reset in Gold (and Silver) pricing could happen overnight the way things are going right now

Courtesy of Dinar Guru

Frank26  ...the Iraqi Stock is a mechanism ...what they did IMO is they made an announcement that the index value of the Iraqi dinar had gone up about a thousand percent...they did something to do something.  If it was 10% up - okay, you removed one zero.  If it was 100% increase - okay, you removed two zeros.  It was a 1000% increase - that's three zeros.  In other words when they raised the value of the index of the currency of Iraq is now poised and set to be at one-to-one with the American dollar...I hope you understand there was a percentile increase in the index of the Iraqi dinar currency for its stocks that was officially announced to the international world...the Iraqi stock exchange has made a change...

Jeff  ...the decimal point has moved.  Iraq has basically dropped the zeros off the exchange rate.  That's why they're showing you that the value of these stocks [CBI's ISX Price Index} have jumped from being worth in the millions to the billions.  They transitioned to kind of a one-to-one...I told you that Iraq had already started the rate change process as of March 17th.  You're now in the 6th week and I told you that the exchange rate has only changed on the accounting books not in the public realm.  None of this is public not even in country...This is more proof right here because the overall combined value of these companies' shares have transitioned from millions to billions and there's no way that these companies could have just done so magically...just because they do really good in the business world.  That's just the most asinine logic I've ever heard...the movement of the price index is showing you that the companies jumped in combined share value from millions to billions because they deleted the zeros off that exchange rate...


FED BUBBLE & PHYSICAL TO SPOT GOLD: Economy and Gold Q&A with Lynette Zang

Streamed live 44 minutes ago

Alan C: Can the Fed reflate this everything bubble one more time?

Yves B: Why is physical Gold beholden to the spot price if the cost of mining them is higher? Why can't miners ask whatever they want or need for their metal?

Ericka E: Recently, she said she foresees a "transaction-based economy" in our future. Can she explain this?

Andrew G: Why isn't silver moving higher like gold, due to the coronavirus fears?

Paul F: Websters defines a note as “a written promise to pay a debt.” The dollar reads on top “FEDERAL RESERVE NOTE.” Who is promising to pay this debt and to whom?


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True Friendship to Family; Thank You - Message from Bluwolf, sent to Dinar Recaps