TNT, KTFA, Sierra and more Friday Morning 5-1-2020


Harambe:  Bloomberg: Iran Is Hauling Gold Bars Out of Venezuela’s Almost-Empty Vaults

Out of cash and desperate for help in propping up its oil industry, Venezuela is raiding its gold vaults and handing tons of bars to its long-time ally Iran, according to people with direct knowledge of the matter.  

Government officials piled some 9 tons of gold -- an amount equal to about $500 million -- on Tehran-bound jets this month as payment for Iran’s assistance in reviving Venezuela’s crippled gasoline refineries, the people said. The shipments, which resulted in a sudden drop in Venezuela’s published foreign reserve figures, leave the crisis-ravaged country with just $6.3 billion in hard-currency assets, the lowest amount in three decades. 

The two nations -- both pariahs of sorts in international circles -- are working more closely together as they try to withstand withering U.S. sanctions and a coronavirus-sparked collapse in the price of oil, their main source of revenue. For Iran, the deals provide a fresh source of revenue. For Venezuela, they ensure that its supply of gasoline doesn’t totally run out. 

Iran is the latest destination for Venezuelan gold after the U.S. cracked down on similar deals that the Nicolas Maduro regime was conducting with Russia, Turkey and the United Arab Emirates.  

The sanctioned Tehran-based carrier Mahan Air has flown more than half a dozen jets to the South American nation in the past week alone. Most delivered gasoline additives, parts and technicians to help repair a key refinery along Venezuela’s northwestern coast.

Meanwhile, Mahan has sent other planes to the international airport outside of Caracas, where they are loaded with the gold bars to take back to Tehran, said the people, who asked not to be named because they aren’t authorized to speak publicly about the transactions.

As oil prices collapse, the gold held in Caracas is a now an even more important source of wealth for Venezuela, which has been driven into extreme poverty under Maduro’s socialist rule. While the country holds some 70 tons of gold in its vaults, selling it has become increasingly difficult.

 When Maduro’s predecessor, the late Hugo Chavez, was in power, he and Iran’s then-leader Mahmoud Ahmadinejad cut deals on a variety of energy, agricultural and financial projects. They even opened a joint car assembly plant west of Caracas.

After a brief -- and rare respite -- Venezuela’s currency is once again in free fall and inflation has started picking back up, with the annual rate climbing to about 3,500%, according to a Bloomberg index. A strict quarantine to fight the coronavirus pandemic is beginning to show cracks and the risk of greater social unrest is growing as Venezuela frantically tries to secure food and fuel.

With much of the central bank staff self-isolated at home, the transport of the gold bars into armored cars to be taken to the airport was discrete and conducted by employees and heavily armed security officials from the vaults located in downtown Caracas, according to the people familiar with the matter.

The gold and remaining central bank assets are part of a larger battle for control of Venezuela’s finances between Maduro and Juan Guaido, the National Assembly leader who is trying to install a transitional government with the support of the U.S. as well as Latin American and European nations.​d-bars-out-of-venezuela-s-almost-empty-vaults


Samson:  US Treasury Secretary: The White House could store hundreds of millions of barrels of oil

30th April, 2020

US President Donald Trump has said that his administration may soon unveil a plan to help U.S. oil companies, and Treasury Secretary Stephen Mnuchin has indicated that it may include adding millions of barrels of crude to already national reserves, in light of global demand collapsing due to the Corona virus pandemic

"We are exploring the possibility of storing several hundred million additional barrels, and then we are looking at many different options," Mnuchin said while briefing the White House on the implications of the virus for the industry   LINK


"Indictments: Now Includes Non-Sealed" by RY - 5.1.20

Entry Submitted by RY at 1:56 AM EDT on May 1, 2020

There are now three categories of indictments. Sealed, Unsealed and Non-sealed.

390,000 Non-sealed.

As of March 1, 2020:

165,000 = Sealed.
19,000 = Unsealed

Dear Rothschild(ren), Rockafallens, JeZOOits and the rest of the self-pointed worthless tyrants, see you at OUR military tribunals. It's youuuuur tuuuuurn nowwww. Enjoy your own medicine. What color "rope" would you like?

"Obama and Muslim Brotherhood" by Sierra (NZ) - 5.1.20

Entry Submitted by Sierra (NZ) at 6:38 AM EDT on May 1, 2020

New Q drops indicate that the net is tightening around the top Deep State players - including Obama.

Q drop number 4035 features an opinion piece by Mark Levin from 2013 in which he states: 'The Muslim Brotherhood has infiltrated our government. It's called Barack Obama.'

Today President Trump re-tweeted a tweet by radio host Buck Sexton: 'Obama is ultimately responsible for FBI's dirty investigation into Flynn.'

James Comey is feeling the heat too. Check out this House Judiary tweet that was re-tweeted by President Trump...

'We already know that James Comey's FBI was out to get General Flynn and President Trump. But it was worse than we thought. Comey's failures were part of a larger pattern of misconduct and politicization at the FBI. Durham is coming.'

It is clear that we are on the threshold of arrests of key Deep State members such as Comey, Clapper, Brennan and others. President Trump and the Alliance are fully on the offensive. President Trump has called the heads of the FBI 'human scum' because of their treatment of General Flynn. Why did he make such an extraordinary statement? Because he knows these 'human scum' will shortly be arrested.

President Trump declared 1st May 'Law Day' - to acknowledge the vital importance of the Rule of Law. Great timing in light of the explosive revelations now coming forth.

As Q often says, 'Sit back and enjoy the show'. THE BEST IS YET TO COME.

Where We Go One We Go All.

Love and Light
Sierra (NZ)


Common Enemies


When To Follow The Rules — And When To Break Them