TNT, Jim Cramer, Operation Disclosure and more Tuesday AM 4-14-2020


Tishwash:   The central bank issues a new directive to all of Iraq’s banks

On Tuesday, the Central Bank of Iraq directed all banks to meet customer requests throughout the week, after the crisis cell decision, with the exception of all banks from the curfew decision.

It stated in a document issued by the bank and directed to approved banks obtained by Shafak News, that “based on what was included in the decisions of the crisis cell formed according to Diwaniya Order No. (55) for the year 2020 installed in paragraph (1) of the Ministry of Health book / Minister’s office numbered (422) On 3/24/2020, which excluded all bank employees from the decision to ban roaming, and in order to maintain the permanence and smoothness of work, the following are attributed to the following:

Direct your banks to meet the demands of customers for all days of the week, taking into account the preventive measures issued by the official authorities to limit the spread of the epidemic (Corona).


Courtesy of Dinar Guru

Pimpy  ...I've gotten into a pretty good lengthy conversation with a few people...they wanted to voice their opposition to why we should invest in a dinar...they said the currency is a scam. And I of course was able to prove to them that the currency is not a scam.  It can't be a scam - the currency itself.  I can take my dinar, go into Iraq and use it to buy things.  So The currency itself is not a scam.  Now we all know that people have taken the currency itself, Iraq dinar, and they have committed scams with this currency.  That's why you've got to be careful...there's a huge difference between whether this currency is a real scam or if the people are using it as a scam...

Pimpy   They said, well you never see anybody on normal mainstream talk about investing in this.  I go yeah, there's been a couple occasions.  There's lots of videos out there and I shared a couple with him...CNBC's Video "Jim Cramer of Mad Money Talks About Iraqi Dinar"...They're talking about the actual currency doesn't make a difference how old the video attention to what the whole point of these videos are and that is they're encouraging people...this CNBC.  Jim Cramer is not a small fry.  This guy has a pretty good following.  He's encouraging people to buy into the dinar..


From Recaps Archives:

Jim Cramer of Mad Money Talks About Iraqi Dinar

Aug 12, 2013

Operation Disclosure Intel Alert (4-14-20): "Lockdown"


 Operation Disclosure   RV/INTELLIGENCE ALERT - April 14, 2020

(Disclaimer: The following is an overview of the current situation of the world based on intelligence received from several sources which may or may not be accurate or truthful.)

All sources are remaining quiet, available information is currently minimal.

However, it is becoming increasingly evident that GESARA is being discretely implemented.

The entire world being on lockdown over the pandemic and has resulted in change worldwide.

Many of the elite have been stricken ill with COVID-19.

The Federal Reserve has been taken over by the US Treasury.

Illegal immigration has ceased completely.

The World Health Organization has been called out as corrupt.

Planned Parenthood has been declared non-essential and is unable to continue.

People worldwide are waking up and showing doubt toward their governments.

Social media platforms have been partially unlocked.

The idea of a vaccination for COVID-19 is being rejected by many.

The mainstream media and the US Democratic party are ousting themselves as only caring about greed and their own self-preservation.

Multiple Grand Jury subpoenas have been issued on behalf of US attorney John Durham.

Meanwhile, the US Army is training soldiers to fight underground.

Why is the US Army training to fight underground?

Could it be for rescuing children being held captive underground by the Deep State or perhaps is it soft disclosure for Deep Underground Military Bases (DUMBs)?

A global transition of the financial system and a currency reset is expected to occur once this is all over.

The whole world is watching.


Sierra, MarkZ and Mike Maloney Tuesday Morning 4-14-2020


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