TNT, Frank26, Charlie Ward and more Thursday Morning 12-3-2020


Tishwash:  The Union of Arab Banks praises the efforts of the Central Bank to enhance the strength of the Iraqi banking sector

The Secretary-General of the Union of Arab Banks and Sam Hassan Fattouh made a phone call with the Governor of the Central Bank of Iraq, Mustafa Ghaleb Makhaif, during which they reviewed the efforts of the Central Bank in the framework of banking reform in the country, and the Secretary-General Fattouh expressed his appreciation for these efforts aimed at enhancing the strength of the Iraqi banking sector and its ability to Securing banking services according to the highest international standards.

"The two sides reviewed aspects of joint cooperation at several levels, as the Governor of the Central Bank of Iraq explained the reform plan that is mainly based on activating the supervisory approach and increasing confidence in the Iraqi banking sector with the aim of empowering the sector and enhancing its development and economic role," said a bank statement. And work to build relationships with banks and international financial institutions. "

He added that the two sides discussed the issue of research and technical support in the field of digital transformation of banking work and the training and qualification of human resources in the Iraqi banking sector, which includes an elite group of experts in addition to the Central Bank of Iraq, in line with modern banking developments, working within its framework, and activating the sector’s role in providing support and support. Economic and social improvement of the investment environment in the country. 

For his part, the Secretary-General of the Union of Arab Banks, Wissam Hassan Fattouh, affirmed that it has been agreed with the Governor of the Central Bank of Iraq, Mustafa Ghaleb Makhaif, to agree to establish joint activities, including conferences and special training courses in the field of compliance, governance and digital transformation in a way that serves and contributes to achieving what has been agreed upon. between two sides.

Fattouh concluded by affirming that the Union of Arab Banks had put all its capabilities to support the reform efforts of the Central Bank of Iraq, and to provide technical and technical support to Iraqi banks, especially in the areas of digital transformation, combating money laundering and terrorist financing.


SpiritBear:  From Riches to Rags - Vanderbilt Family


Courtesy of Dinar Guru

Frank26  ...IMO there are 5 steps that we are looking at...What are the 5 steps? 1.  The executive bankers they met with the CBI and the CBI told the executive branch level of all the banks in Iraq this is what we are doing with the monetary reform.  The count.  The printing.  The new exchange rate.  The date we want to do this.  The rate we're gonna come out at...that was two weeks step 2.  The Senior executive level at the banks.  That was last week...step 3.  This week the floor managers are going to start receiving their information...Step 4 that would be the tellers...that will probably be more than likely next week or the week after.  The Managers this week and then it goes to the tellers...  Step 5.  The's going fast.

Jeff   "Deleting the zeros" could mean deleting zeros off of the physical note themselves or off the rate.  When they reference "delete the zeros" they mean in a way 2 things.  They do mean delete zeros off the note but that's because...they're gonna replace the larger 3 zeroed notes with smaller notes and nothing greater than a 100 dinar.  But the phrase "deleting the zeros" really means deleting zeros off the exchange rate [.00086 becomes .86 ].  The only way they can strengthen the dinar is to replace large notes with small notes and delete zeros off the exchange rate to increase the value.  That's all this means.   Nothing more.


Excerpt from Benjamin Fulford

Fortunately, MI6 sources tell us the world’s military forces are on the case. Here is what they plan for the financial system, according to MI6:

“All of the wealth of the world is intended to be used to back the new system, which will accurately make an inventory, perform the valuation, total the valuation and use that value to calculate the value of the currency and everything else essentially replacing the IMF SDR system…These all have to be verified by the world’s military.”

It is also inevitable that any reboot of the system will have to include a jubilee of some sort. Under the current system, about 40% of Americans will have to be evicted from their homes in mid-winter because they cannot pay their rent or mortgage. That is obviously not going to happen.

Unlike the Cabal’s Communist plan to make sure nobody ends up owning property, the White Dragon Society wants to make sure everybody has the right to own property. Specifically, people will end up owning their current residence with no debt. Landlords will be given the equivalent of rental income by the government.

Also, if the Western countries are not to be taken over by China, they need to completely revamp their own economic systems.


Charles Ward:  Dec 3, 2020

A New Hollywood and much more…………

About minute 16:00 they talk about the Great reset versus the GCR………..

GREAT RESET: WHITE PAPER RELEASED. How Reset Will be Implemented in the World of work.

Life Growth Academy:  Nov 29, 2020

Today, we explore what the great reset really means for you, by looking at a recent World Economic Forum white paper as well as other WEF insights.

So the Great Reset is an incredibly well funded, enormously ambitious internationally co-ordinated project led by some of the world’s largest multinational corporations and financial elite and is being implemented by state bodies and supporting NGOs.

Specifically we focus on how the reset will impact the world of work. It’s ultimately needed due to the natural conclusion of the paper Ponzi scheme which has seen debt levels soar globally since the gold peg broke in 1971.

The diminishing ability of additional debt to facilitate growth has meant that the system was creaking at its seams as evident by the inability to normalise interest rates without giving rise to the repocalypse event in the autumn of 2019 where the FED was forced to resume to their old ways of more quantitative easing.


Restored Republic via a GCR- Rumors as of Thurs. Dec, 3, 2020


More Iraqi News Wednesday PM 12-2-20