TNT, Frank26, and X22 Friday Night 9-13-19


Cutebwoy:  Fears in the Syrian street after the exchange rate of the lira against the dollar to the highest level since the beginning of the war

The fall in the exchange rate of the Syrian pound, on the black market, against the dollar, to its lowest rate since the beginning of the war raised many concerns and questions in the Syrian street, after it reached 675 pounds per dollar.

A number of Syrian officials and economists have presented the government with a number of solutions to counter this major shift. Where the Director General of the Syrian Real Estate Bank, Madin Ali, proposed to take punitive measures against those found to be involved in speculation in dollars, whether banks, people or actors, and reconsider the policy of financing imports, and perhaps withdraw from it and leave the subject to the private sector, with strict and strict restrictions on Import only for the maximum need.

He also proposed imposing a mandatory dollar loan on large traders, financiers, new financiers and businessmen, and confiscating the funds of those who refused to help the state with a dollar loan.

The head of the financial and accounting professions, Zuhair al-Tinawi, said that the quick and emergency solution is "hitting speculators" and monitoring the trading operations in the parallel "black" market, noting that this solution is not optimal, but it is required in relation to the current situation, and stressed thatThe views of those charged with improving the value of the lira are complex and confusing, especially since previous procedures such as certificates of deposit have never borne fruit de facto.

For his part, a member of the committee of the draft law on the protection of the lira, legal Ammar Yusuf, proposed the control of the exchange market urgently, immediately and seriously, to protect citizens with very weak purchasing power, demanding the criminalization of the possession and circulation of the dollar outside the official channels, in accordance with the laws that were in force during the eightThe current situation is war, so the economy of war is to be applied, so the way the state deals with the exchange market in the 1980s has to be adopted today.

In statements quoted by al-Watan newspaper, which is close to the government, he called for closing companies and bureaux de change, limiting the dollar to basic need, through the state, in full, and controlling those who smuggle the dollar, in any amount.

Dr. Shafiq Arabesh, a professor at the Faculty of Economics, called on the government to launch a major crackdown on black market traders, especially since foreign exchange money is smuggled daily outside the country, noting that "the black market has become stronger than the monetary authority in the country".



September 13, 2019

Courtesy of Dinar Guru:

Frank : ...their pattern is always to wait till the last second to do something. 

But between now and the last week of September IMO is a good window to do what they showed them in the visual aids.  It's no secret. 

The CBI is telling the citizens we're giving you purchasing power. 

 The citizens know it.  You know it.  It's no secret...everything is on course.  We're alright...

Smoke And Mirrors, This Is What Economic Control Looks Like - Episode 1969a

X22 Report:  Published on Sep 13, 2019

D5 Avalanche, Could Gouge The Landscape, Take Cover, Incoming - Episode 1969b

X22 Report:  Published on Sep 13, 2019


IQD CALLS Chat Friday Night 9-13-19


.The Price Of Gold Just Hit A Record High