TNT, Delta, Sierra and more Wednesday Morning 6-3-2020


Tishwash:  The World Bank marks “long-term scars” for Iraq and other countries

The World Bank expected, today, Tuesday, to leave the Coruna virus “long-term scars” on developing and emerging market countries and oil exporters, including Iraq.

The bank said in the analytical chapters of its new report, “Global Economic Prospects”, and seen by Shafaq News, that it expects to leave the Corona virus and the resulting recession “long-term scars” on developing and emerging market countries, indicating that the greatest harm will be caused to oil exporters and those who suffer From financial crises.

The bank added that emerging market countries suffering from financial crises may witness an eight percent decline in their production over five years, while oil-exporting developing countries will lose 11 percent of their output.

And Iraq, which is the most prominent oil-exporting country, is going through a stifling financial crisis, due to the drop in the price of a barrel of oil since the outbreak of the Corona virus, which led to fears of the impact of the decline and lack of revenue on the federal budget for 2020 and the impact of the operational budget and the salaries of government employees and retirees.   link

Courtesy of Dinar Guru

Frank26  ...we told you there would be a trickling of information down to the citizens.  They're talking to the citizens on television about the exchange rate.  Adding value to their currency...information is flowing very rapidly right now ladies and gentlemen.  I mean it's just as obvious as can be...

Delta  ...everybody knows I watch...the Iraqi channel.  I speak the language.  That's old news for you...there was this information coming up from Iraq channels and the Central Bank of Iraq they're coming out with new rates and the new rate is going to be...managed, not float.  Then last night one of the financial committee of the parliament...he had an hour and half interview with one of the major Iraqi is just amazing...he mentions...that they're going to change the exchange rate.  I know some of you might ask, 'Did they say that on live TV?'  Of course they said that.  There's no secret anymore that they need to change that...this is unbelievable!...I'm not exaggerating.  No.

Petra  ...Fantastic news.  Its coming together in a culmination of education. The fact that they're under curfew and then what do they [Iraqi citizens] do?  They sit and watch TV.  What else are they gonna do?  And they hear a presentation like that informing them on what's coming [Reference Guru Delta's Post 6-2-2020].  It's all part of the process.  It's all part of the fact that they're kind of forcing education on themI still think they need some time to ask questions and to go in and do their exchanging if they wanted with the new smaller category notes when those come out.  I think all this information is great...

"New Q: Military - All Systems Go" by Sierra (NZ) - 6.3.20

Entry Submitted by Sierra (NZ) at 1:50 AM EDT on June 3, 2020

New Q drop number 4388 published at 1.44.44pm on 3rd June. Title: 'MILITARY - ALL SYSTEMS GO'

There are three parts to the Q drop. The first part is a repeat of drop number 26 from 1st Nov 2017. It is titled:

'The Only Way Is the Military'

'Think about it logically.
The only way is the military. Fully controlled. Save and spread
(once 11.3 verifies as 1st marker).
Biggest advanced drop on Pol.'

The second part is President Trump's tweet from 1st June 2020...

'NOVEMBER 3RD' (11.3)

The third part is a message from Q...

'All systems go.'

It is time, World Patriots. This message from a NYPD police officer explains why it is time...

Sent by a source I trust, from an NYPD officer on the streets last night.

— David Reaboi (@davereaboi) June 2, 2020

Pray for the military personnel involved in the upcoming operation. Pray for President Trump and the Alliance team. Pray for the countless brave souls who have sacrificed their lives in the war to liberate humanity.

On the other side of this chaos and insanity lies the new Golden Age of Gaia - prosperity, peace and FREEDOM.

Where We Go One We Go All.

Love and Light
Sierra (NZ)


Restored Republic via a GCR- Rumors as of Wed. June 3, 2020


My Five Truths