TNT, Charlie Ward, Pimpy and More Saturday PM 10-24-2020


Tishwash:  Parliament sessions .. The House of Representatives raises its session to next Monday

Parliament raises its session to next Monday

The House of Representatives resumes its session in the presence of 176 deputies Source:

Parliament's session continues, and Al-Halbousi is asking to present the election law to a vote

The House of Representatives agrees to pass all electoral districts in the provinces with the exception of Nineveh and Kirkuk Deputy:

 Major disputes over electoral districts may be postponed to another day Parliament discusses the file of salaries of employees Parliament Presidency:

The session continues until it is agreed that the electoral districts will complete the elections law

The House of Representatives ends the first reading of the proposed law on the genocide of the Yezidis

The heads of the parliamentary blocs and the legal committee meet on the electoral districts

The House of Representatives ends the first reading of the bill to finance the fiscal deficit

Postponing the electoral districts clause until the legal committee ends its meeting with the heads of the blocs

The House of Representatives holds its session headed by Muhammad Al-Halbousi Parliament adjourns its session by half an hour

Meetings in Parliament and threats to boycott the session due to the election law link

Tishwash:  Kuwait Central Bank denies plan to devalue, stands by peg

The Central Bank of Kuwait, which pegs the dinar to a basket of currencies dominated by the US dollar, affirmed its commitment to the country’s exchange-rate policy, responding to reports of an impending devaluation.

“In light of recent online reports falsely speculating on the intent to devalue the national currency, the Central Bank of Kuwait reiterates its commitment to maintaining the Kuwaiti dinar exchange rate at a level that protects its purchasing power,” it said in a statement on Sunday.

“CBK will continue its adherence to policies that aim to bolster the local currency and maintain monetary and financial stability.”

The speculation started swirling after the passing last week of Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmed Al-Jaber Al-Sabah, who has been succeeded by his half brother.

Kuwait is facing the highest budget deficit in its history, brought on by the drop in oil prices and the coronavirus pandemic. A potential solution to its liquidity crisis has been blocked by parliamentary opposition to a law that would allow the government to borrow.

Twelve-month forward contracts on the Kuwaiti dinar rose almost 60 points to 270 in the offshore market at the end of September, signaling traders’ concerns over the risk of a devaluation in the currency peg.

Kuwait is the only country in the six-member Gulf Cooperation Council that links its currency to a basket dominated by the US dollar, while the others are linked solely to the greenback.  link


Courtesy of Dinar Guru

Footforward    many have connected the QFS and the revaluation as something that will happen together. I've felt that wasn't going to be the case. That the QFS was a few years away every banking article, Iraq is talking swift. Not QFS. Trump put one billion into development of the QFS. That told me this is something still being worked on.

Pimpy   Article: "Trump delivers remarks after announcing Sudan will normalize relation with Israel" ...we're about to see the most prosperous time in human Trump get his now fifth  Nobel Peace Prize nomination this year...I'm expecting these types of announcements to really help outside invests feel really good about coming in there.  The more they see these nations cooperating with one another and agreeing to peace and willing to work on the international scene and bringing businesses. This is really good.  This is a good time to be holding Iraqi Dinar...they're doing really really good and so you should be very excited...

Charlie Ward, Mel K, Cirstan W and George Webb



Pimpy and Rice talk about The Plan to end it all

Pimpy’s Investment chat:  Oct 24, 2020

 The Plan to end it all Part 1

The Plan to end it all Part 2



"Speech from Mustafa Al-Kazemi" Saturday 10-24-2020


Iraqi News Saturday AM 10-24-20