TNT, Charles Ward, X22 Reports and more Friday Night 11-6-2020


Tishwash:  Parliament holds a session tomorrow and the borrowing law tops its work

The House of Representatives will resume its regular session tomorrow, Saturday, and the session begins at 12 noon.

The agenda includes 12 articles that begin with a report and discussion of the "second reading" of the draft law on financing the fiscal deficit (borrowing).  link

Tishwash:  Urgent ... The United States affirms its support for the government of the Prime Minister, Mustafa Al-Kazemi,

The US State Department commented on the PKK's attack on the Peshmerga forces, while confirming the US support for the government of Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kazemi and the Kurdistan Regional Government to eradicate terrorism.

"The United States strongly condemns the attacks launched by the terrorist Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) yesterday on security officials in the Kurdistan region of Iraq," said Deputy Ministry Spokesman Cal Brown in a statement received by our agency.

The statement added: "Our position will remain steadfast in our support for the Iraqi Prime Minister, Mr. Al-Kazemi and the Kurdistan Regional Government in their efforts to eradicate terrorism. We extend our deep condolences and sympathy to the families of those killed and injured in these attacks."

Yesterday, Thursday, the Presidency of the House of Representatives considered the attack by PKK militants against the Peshmerga forces as an attack on national sovereignty.

A presidential statement received (Baghdad Today) said, "The attack by PKK militants targeting the Peshmerga forces in Jumanki district in Dohuk governorate is an attack on the security establishment and Iraqi sovereignty."

The statement called on the government to "control security in these areas and prevent any deterioration of the security situation in the region due to outlaw forces."

She stressed the need for the government to "take its role in strengthening the Iraqi military security institutions in all their formations, and work to jointly coordinate with the Kurdistan region to deter such repeated movements and attacks inside Iraqi territories, which represent a violation of the sovereignty of Iraq:  link


Tishwash:   US imposes duty on Vietnam tires, cites ‘undervalued’ dong

 The U.S. Department of Commerce is imposing a preliminary anti-subsidy tariff on car and truck tires from Vietnam, citing the Southeast Asian nation’s “undervalued currency” among the reasons for the decision.

It’s the first time the Commerce Department has based a countervailing duty on the value of a foreign currency, it said in a statement Wednesday. The tariffs range from 6.23% to 10.08%. U.S. imports of passenger tires from Vietnam were valued at about $469.6 million in 2019, the department said.

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“Today’s preliminary determination represents an important step forward for the America First trade agenda,” U.S. Secretary of Commerce Wilbur Ross said in the statement. The Trump Administration “will continue addressing this issue to ensure American industry competes on a level playing field,” he said.

Vietnam has repeatedly denied it uses exchange rates to boost trade. “Vietnam has been closely monitoring the situation since it was raised,” Ministry of Foreign Affairs vice spokesperson Duong Hoai Nam said during a press briefing in Hanoi when asked about the tariffs. “We have explained to the U.S. our relevant policies.”

Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc, in a meeting last month with Adam Boehler, head of the U.S. International Development Finance Corporation, said the government doesn’t use its currency “to create a competitive advantage” for its manufacturing sectors.

The tariff follows the Trump administration’s October announcement of a trade investigation into Vietnam’s currency policy. The probe is also looking into the Southeast Asian country’s import of illegal timber.

The Commerce Department will instruct U.S. Customs and Border Protection to collect cash deposits from importers of passenger tires from Vietnam based on the preliminary rates. It will make a final determination on the tariff on or about March 16, which is around the time the U.S. International Trade Commission is scheduled to rule on the case.

Vietnam’s premier, in his meeting with Boehler, asked the Trump administration to “have a more objective assessment of reality in Vietnam” and said that using its currency to gain advantage would “seriously hurt macroeconomic stability, people’s and investors’ confidence” while damaging the nation’s economy.  link

Courtesy of Dinar Guru

Pimpy  talking with people behind the scenes about the Iraqi dinar in regards to this election.  Sometimes you gotta take the bad news along with the good news.  And I'm not just saying this because it's a political jab.  That's not what it is...this is pure speculation but I can tell you this they're already concerned that a Biden Administration would prevent the Iraq's dinar from getting its revaluation for years...having said the bad let's talk about the good.  Again, this is just speculation.  This is just my opinion.  If they really start to feel threatened that Biden is going to cause holy hell over there...don't be surprised if they don't pull the trigger before he takes office.  Again that's my opinion...there's nothing behind that other than my opinion.  But don't be surprised if that happens...


Charlie Ward.

I was told  I could share this.....i can tell you 100% that the blockchain QFS/QVS system was used during this election !!!!  This was a sting operation. We actually know the true result.

Over the next few days you will see a number of arrests and indictments.


Friday Night X22 Reports

They Economic battle is going to get worse before it gets better. Episode 2322a

The economy continues to improve. the unemployment number has come down to 7%. The economy is seeing a very strong V recovery. Trump was right again. This next battle is going to be fierce, the [CB] will pull out all the stops to keep control.


[DS] Is A System, That System Is Our Enemy, Nobody Can Be Told What It Is, They Must See It – Episode 2322b

The [DS]/MSM are now in the process of convincing the American people that [JB] has one the election. The art of war, the [DS] is a system, the system is our enemy, people cannot be told what it is, they must see it. The people who are a sleep are part of that system, but once the system is exposed the people will begin to wake up. This is not an easy process, it will be painful.


Iraqi News Friday AM 11-6-20


Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday Night 11-5-20