The Habit of Becoming Wealthy

The Habit of Becoming Wealthy

By Mr. Refined · Published June 8, 2018 · Updated January 5, 2021

If You Can’t Beat Them, Join Them

The Habit of becoming Wealthy Habits of the Ultra-Successful

There I was, scouring the internet, podcasts, and blogs for the knowledge to outpace all of my contemporaries in success. I had been studying self-made millionaires and billionaires for a couple of years. Reading biographies, the books they publish and studying their decision trees throughout their careers.

I knew that a select few top performers achieved extremely more significant success than others that started with the same amount of time, intelligence, education, and money. So what made them different? What sets them apart? Why do some of my high school classmates that never went to college make more money than a ReFIned man with a few degrees and an indomitable spirit? How can I be one of the top performers and put myself in positions needed for advancement and success?

I started to see common threads or trend lines in this data set of the millionaires and billionaires I had been studying. I discovered that they didn’t go to sleep poor and wake up rich one day but rather their success came from lots of long days, commitment to continued learning, willingness to adopt new skills, discipline to work to a large more distant goal in spite of little measurable accomplishment in the near term.

The predominant trends that immerged seemed not to be directly correlated to published models of success. What I was searching for was a strategic trend of investment portfolios, business development paths or asset control that I could duplicate. The trends that proved to be most common where lackluster, less than sexy simple habits rather than breakthrough moments or once in a lifetime opportunities.

“Excellence is not a singlular act but a habit. You are what you do repeatedly.”  – Aristotle

So then why do all the lucky break moments make the news in the stories of success we commonly hear about? Because they are the exception, not the rule. Because they are abnormal. Because they are sexy. Most billionaires have very unsexy careers of discipline and hard work. Each deal is only slightly better than the last. No one is going to watch that new story. Imagine the news anchor describing Warren Buffet’s Thursday, which was exactly like his Wednesday, which was exactly like his Tuesday. “There he is folks! At his desk, reading a book again! Oh, wait folks, he set the book down and picked up another book.” yet that is what making a billionaire looks like. Warren Buffet admits in interviews that he spends 5-8 hours a day reading.

Good News/Bad News

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The Difference Between Men and Women


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