"The GCR and QFS are Real and Underway" by MilitiaMan 8-29-2020


MilitiaMan:  So here is much of the data below that imo supports the Global Currency Reset is real, and it is underway, as is the Quantum Financial System.

Seriously absorb these links provided. It has been upwards of a decade or more of study for me that is coming to an end and into a new beginning.

I have and am now witnessing this manifestation of a new era, and it looks to be in biblical proportions with the Artificial Intelligence (AI) ushering in the Quantum Financial System (QFS) with the help of President Donald J. Trump and many others. The effects will be profound~ .. imo

Not only is the QFS and GCR in play, (see OCC link) so is our USA voting system which appears to be setting up Block Chain as a secure, fair, and transparent, corruption and fraud free system.

The implications of the all inclusive effects that the White House Quantum Coordination Office has on their plate, being the Financial and future Voting Systems will have is so very powerful.

This should be an eye opener for us all. We will be witnessing safe, fair and transparent voting, transparent finance and much more from our phones, home computers or tablets.

There will be transparency and an accurate historic accounting of it. A level playing field for all of us and with value being an end result.

Not just monetarily, but, culturally too! Whether it is fair elections or asset backed currency, it is a new beginning that is unfolding before our eyes.

It is clean and has integrity. Who can say they don't want a clean system that has integrity as in integral part of it?

Not one honest person in my opinion..

That is why there will be and has been push back for this to roll out. Those not so honest folks know the gravy train of theft is about to cease exist as they once enjoyed.. Amen too, as the level playing field is now in our good hands to be stewards of.

Take that seriously too. imo ~ MM 


Watch QFS Movie   Click Here for Link


Patent for BlockChain Voting System http://www.pat2pdf.org/patents.....258338.pdf


"In preparation for the Global Currency Reset and arrival of the Quantum Financial System currently running parallel, any international financial activity, regulated by their respective agencies, must strictly comply with no tolerance to all protocol and regulations stipulated in the International Quantum Initiative Act, Passed by the U.S. House of Representatives and approved by the U.N and U.S.M.C.A. (Formerly known as N.A.F.T.A).

This means all financial obligations involved in the finalization of this and any other international settlement must be satisfied in full and specifically by the registered beneficiary, in this case being [NAMES REMOVED]. An audit performed by the International Organization of Supreme Audit institution (INTOSAI) revealed a seemingly innocently overlooked deficit caused by the before mentioned International settlement moving into a new bracket limit requiring a re­ adjustment of certain financial obligations when the cost differs depending on the bracket in which it currently fits.

Below is a table showing the Financial Obligations required by the Federal Government of Mexico which depend on bracket limits and the bracket limits affected. "

GodServant:  Future elections MM or this upcoming in post  above?  Thank you  

MilitiaMan:  It is looking like it is ready now and will be even for Iraq into the future.. We shall see. ~ imo ~ MM

QFS Movie

Quantum Financial System (QFS) is building a Virtual Private Network (VPN) for the Cross-Border Interbank Payment System (CIPS). It's a network based on Sovereignty and Commerce.



Documents Referenced in MilitiaMan's Post Saturday 8-29-2020


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