The Atlantis Report: "Helicopter Money Becomes Submarine Debt" 3-27-2020

The Atlantis Report

Helicopter Money becomes Submarine Debt -- The Fed is Killing The Dollar.

Premiered 2 hours ago

Big bazooka has been a term used to describe some central bank actions over the past two weeks.

With the Fed buying $622 billion in Treasury and MBS, a staggering 2.9% of US GDP, in just the past five days... But an even bigger bazooka (helicopter money) is the last resort few central bankers seem willing to countenance currently.

This ongoing economic crisis will also accelerate the collapse of the dollar as the world’s leading reserve currency.

The Fed just fired the biggest bazooka ever and is buying everything in sight, and Powell is already calling for more. It seems scared of something. thirty to fifty percent of the economy is shut down now. There is no way the fed or treasury or congress can fill that gap in the dollar system. We are screwed!

The Fed money machine will last only until people lose faith in the dollar. It can happen much faster than you think. And the dollar’s days are more numbered now than ever. It will fall when the monetary system blows up and resets...because the dollar keeps soaring.

The trend away from the dollar was already underway before the latest crisis, led by China and Russia. Now that trend will greatly accelerate as the world seeks to eliminate, or greatly reduce, its dependence on the dollar.

The dollar’s surge will renew calls for a shift from a dollar-centric global financial system.

Powell just said he has unlimited ammunition. But there is a catch - the country abdicated its responsibility to its citizens by granting a monopoly to Powell & his ilk to issue our currency - WITH INTEREST on any loan.

Helicopter Money becomes Submarine Debt. Load the aft torpedo tubes...flush. It's a transfer from middle-classes to establishment/Government elites.

For the full transcript go to


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