Sunday Night X22 Reports 6-7-2020

You Can See The Economic Transition Happening In Real-Time - Episode 2193a

X22 Report:  Jun 7, 2020

Behind the scenes the patriots are transitioning the economy from a [CB] globalist system into a people run system.

Trump is making the rounds, removing tariffs, helping the industries that have been hurt by the [CB]/globalists.

What we are witnessing is the great transition.

Comms, We See All, We Know All, [DS] In The Process Of Being Exposed - Episode 2193b

X22 Report:  Jun 7, 2020

The patriots are now exposing the [DS]/MSM, the people need to see the truth, only then can change take place.

The patriots just signaled the [DS] that we know all, we see all.

This is part of the plan, this the GA and it is happening WW.

The [DS]/MSM is now moving into the next phase, we knew this day would come, we knew it wouldn't be easy.


TNT, Footforward and C365 Monday Morning 6-8-2020


Bits and Pieces in Dinarland Sunday Night 6-7-2020