Sunday Morning Iraq Economic News Highlights 6-11-23

Sunday Morning Iraq Economic News Highlights 6-11-23

"Consensus Is In Place To Pass The Budget." What About The Government's Appeal To Some Of Its Amended Clauses?

Policy |Baghdad today - Baghdad   Today, Sunday, the Parliamentary Legal Committee suggested the date for completing the vote on the articles of the Federal Budget Law, while confirming that it is subject to appeal before the Federal Court.

Committee member Muhammad Anouz told (Baghdad Today) that "the amendments made to the budget are subject to appeal in the Federal Court by the government," adding, "but political consensus will exist to pass the budget items."

He added that "dialogues are ongoing regarding the paragraphs of the budget, and there is a possibility to pass them today or tomorrow," noting that "challenging the government with some articles of the budget or stopping some of them has no problem."

And the member of the Parliamentary Legal Committee stated that "Article 42 was not received by the deputies, and it will be discussed today."

Earlier, legal expert Salem Hawas confirmed that the House of Representatives committed a constitutional violation during the enactment of the Federal Budget Law.

 Hawass told (Baghdad Today) that "there is a decision of the Federal Supreme Court that says: (If it imposes financial burdens on the public treasury and prevents or obstructs the government from implementing its program approved by Parliament and prepared in accordance with its powers stipulated in Article 62 of the Constitution, as it is responsible for drawing And the implementation of the state’s general policy, including the financial policy, as this addition is an explicit violation of the constitution.”

He explained that "the House of Representatives should be careful of violating the constitution by adding any financial burdens on the public treasury in the budget."    LINK

The House Of Representatives Postponed The Session For Voting On The Budget Due To Lack Of A Quorum

Iraq   2023-06-11  Today, Sunday, First Deputy Speaker of Parliament, Mohsen Al-Mandalawi, decided to postpone the voting session on completing the budget.

The media department of the House of Representatives said in a statement, "First Deputy Speaker of Parliament Mohsen Al-Mandalawi decided to postpone the session to complete the vote on the budget." She added, "This was due to the lack of a quorum."

KDP: We Accepted The Vote On The Budget To Thwart A Plot Against The Region

Political  | - 11/06/2023

Will The Budget Fall Into The “Trap” Of The Federal Court?.. A Warning Of A Constitutional Violation “Committed” By Parliament

Posted On2023-06-10 By Sotaliraq   Today, Saturday, legal expert Salem Hawas confirmed that the House of Representatives committed a constitutional violation during the enactment of the federal budget law.

Hawass said, “There is a decision of the Federal Supreme Court that says: (If it imposes financial burdens on the public treasury and prevents or obstructs the government from implementing its program approved by the House of Representatives and prepared in accordance with its powers stipulated in Article 62 of the Constitution, as it is responsible for drawing and implementing the general policy of the state, including Fiscal policy, this addition is a clear violation of the constitution.

He explained that "the House of Representatives should be careful of violating the constitution by adding any financial burdens on the public treasury in the budget."

And he continued: “Especially since the legislative procedure that includes amending the budget by reducing financial burdens and not overburdening the budget and the public treasury, and if the deputies deviate from their personal, regional and partisan interests at the expense of public money and the public treasury, there is no harm in that, and it is a concept that contradicts the content of the decision that includes unconstitutionality.”

The draft federal budget law is going through a difficult labor phase, while some of its paragraphs are waiting for political consensus to pass in full.

The House of Representatives had voted, on Thursday and Friday, on some paragraphs of the federal budget and postponed the controversial points to today's session, in order to reach political understandings that proceed with the approval of the law.   LINK

The Democrat Rejects Article 14 Of The Budget And Al-Halbousi Suspends The Session "Temporarily"

Political  | 11/06/2023   Baghdad - Mawazine News   The Kurdistan Democratic Party rejected the parliament's vote on Article 14 of the draft budget law.

Our correspondent said, "The Democrat refused to vote on the article by majority, and his deputies left the session."

He added, "Al-Halbousi stopped the session for a quarter of an hour, after the dispute raged."

And the House of Representatives voted on Article 14 of the draft budget law, after two days of disagreement over it.

Parliament Postpones The Budget Session

Policy  2023-06-11 | 6,738 views   Today, Sunday, the House of Representatives decided to postpone the session to complete the vote on the items of the federal budget.

A statement by the media department of the parliament, reported to Alsumaria News, stated that "the First Deputy Speaker of the House of Representatives decided to postpone the session until a quorum is completed."

The House of Representatives was scheduled to hold a session at exactly one o'clock this afternoon, during which the vote on the budget paragraphs would be completed.  LINK

Al-Sudani: The Government Has Practical Steps Awaiting The Resolution Of The Budget

Information / Baghdad..  The representative of the State of Law coalition, Muhammad Saadoun al-Sudani, confirmed, on Sunday, that the government led by Muhammad Shia’ al-Sudani has many projects that the people are waiting for, pointing out that the government will have more practical steps than before in the event that the budget is fully resolved and entered into force.

Follow the "information" channel on Telegram.. news that does not need to be documented..

Al-Sudani said in an interview with Al-Maalouma, that "members of Parliament are required to pass the budget and vote on all its paragraphs in a way that serves the Iraqi people, and guarantees them the provision of services by the government."

He added, "The government continues to work on various projects, especially service projects, despite the absence of any budget for quite some time, and is waiting for the budget to be fully resolved in order to launch broader projects that serve the Iraqi people."

And Al-Sudani stated, "The government takes practical steps to restore confidence in the political process by investing the budget in launching many projects that the people are waiting for, in line with the government program that it prepared when it assumed power." LINK

Politician: The Region Is Under The Hammer Of The Judiciary In The Event That It Is Proven That It Exported Its Oil To The Zionist Entity

Information / Baghdad...   Political analyst Sabah Al-Ugaili confirmed, on Sunday, that the regional government will put itself before judicial accountability in the event that it is proven that Kurdistan's oil has reached the Zionist entity, pointing out that the monitoring agencies such as intelligence and others can reach the parties that the region's oil reaches.

Follow the "information" channel on Telegram.. news that does not need to be documented..

Al-Ugaili said in a statement to Al-Maalouma, that "the amendments that were made to the budget obligated Kurdistan to hand over all oil and non-oil revenues, so that the Ministry of Finance would release state funds estimated at 12.6."

He added, "This step, if implemented, will oblige the region to respect the provisions of the budget and the decisions that have been taken recently, in order to ensure revenues and stop thefts."

And he indicated that "the step of exporting oil from Kurdistan towards the Zionist entity will open the door to condemning him and placing himself before the judicial authority, whether the Kurdistan government or the Ministry of Natural Resources," noting that "the intelligence and oversight agencies can reach the parties that receive the oil exported through Kurdistan." LINK

The Exchange Rates Of The Dollar Against The Iraqi Dinar, Coinciding With The Approval Of The Budget

Economy   2023-06-11 | 5,868 views  Alsumaria News – Economy  Alsumaria News publishes the exchange rates of the dollar against the Iraqi dinar in the Iraqi local markets, for Sunday, June 11, 2023

According to the " Iraq Stock Exchange website", the exchange rates were as follows:

Baghdad  Offered: 147,000   Wanted: 145,000

North  Offered: 147,000   Wanted: 145,000

South  Offered: 146,750   Wanted: 144,750

The Central Bank of Iraq decided earlier to adjust the exchange rate of the dollar against the Iraqi dinar, as the price of buying a dollar from the Ministry of Finance reached 1,300 dinars per dollar and sold it at (1310) dinars per dollar to banks through the electronic platform, and it is sold At (1320) dinars for each dollar from banks and non-bank financial institutions to the final beneficiary.  LINK

Passing The Budget Is A Foregone Conclusion.. And Resolving The Dispute In Article 14 Falls Within The Competence Of The Prime Minister

June 10, 2023  Baghdad / Obelisk Al-Hadath: Sources revealed that the dialogues between the political blocs resulted in the passing of all budget items, despite the difficulties.

Over the course of two consecutive days, the House of Representatives held intensive sessions to pass the federal budget law, as only 13 articles out of 67 were voted on.

A member of the Parliamentary Finance Committee, Representative Mudar Al-Karawi, expects that passing the budget has become a reality, despite the existence of differences over some of its items.

Legal expert Ali Al-Tamimi revealed to Al-Masalla about Article 14 of the budget, which was postponed due to the dispute between the region and the federal government.

He said that resolving the dispute over this article is the prerogative of the Prime Minister in accordance with Article 78 of the Constitution, as he is the executive responsible for the general policy of the country...and also Article 112 of the Constitution that differentiated between joint management and export...and this article is a subsidiary article that has nothing to do with the Federal Court and its jurisdiction. .

He said that bringing this matter to the Federal Court will take a long time in procedures that are not commensurate with the issue of oil export.

Al-Tamimi considered that the draft oil and gas law included the existence of the so-called Federal Oil Council, which is chaired by the Prime Minister, and it is this council that decides on such disputes.

Parliamentary Finance Determines The Number Of Articles Remaining To Settle The Tripartite Budget: Non-Controversial

Policy |Baghdad today – Baghdad   A member of the Parliamentary Finance Committee, Representative Mudar Al-Karawi, confirmed today, Sunday, that only 37 articles remain on settling the 2023 budget.

Al-Karawi said, in an interview with (Baghdad Today), that "what remains of the 2023 budget is 37 articles," pointing out that "the session will take place this evening," ruling out its delay or that it will witness disputes like yesterday, as the remaining articles are almost agreed to be passed. .

He pointed out that "the most important points in today's session are the governorates' demands for fairness to the lecturers and other segments, and we interact positively with any request that supports our people in any governorate," stressing that "there are meetings taking place between several parliamentary parties in order to coordinate in supporting the approval of the remaining articles The budget is expected to be decided in today's session.

Parliament decided until yesterday's session, Saturday, 38 articles for 3 articles.  LINK


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