SRU : "Legal Tender Act in South Carolina" 11-27-19

The Legal Tender Act Seeks To Use Silver And Gold As Money In South Carolina

Silver Report Uncut:  Nov 27, 2019

The Legal Tender Act Seeks To Use Silver And Gold As Money In South Carolina. H. 4678 under the proposed law gold and silver coin shall be legal Tender in South Carolina.

 This effectively creates competition with federal reserve notes. Over time people who use gold and silver in banking will see that their purchasing power is preserved over time while holding Federal Reserve notes they will find a depreciating asset.

This is a big step toward enacting the new gold standard in the US. The states move to abolish the Fed by creating a competing currency.

Article 1 section 10 of the Constitutions states that “ No State shall make anything but gold and silver coin a tender in payment of debt” . So this means that legally it’s a requirement. This requirement has been ignored for decades in every state .

Now the Sound Money Defense League says quote” Practically speaking, state laws that recognize gold and silver as money restore a government view of precious metals as a favorite form of money, a currency or any other asset. “

This is a policy we should stand behind.  Passage of H4678 would establish gold and silver as legal tender .If people from multiple states were to begin using gold and silver instead of Federal Reserve Notes it would effectively nullify the Federal Reserve.

This would abolish the Federal Reserve from the ground up.

Professor William Green:  “Over time as the residents of this state use both Federal Reserve Notes and silver and gold coins, the fact that the coins hold their value more than the FRN will lead to  reverse law or effect where good money, or gold and silver coins will drive out bad money or the FRN.As this happens a cascade of events can occur including the flow of real wealth towards the states treasuries and an official outcry against the use of fake money will begin. .”

Gold and silver is the answer and the end to excessive debt and sliding interest rates, the end to dropping wages, and the end to a currency’s  value which is determined by a very small and elite group..



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