TNT, Max Keiser and more Wednesday Morning 11-27-19


Cutebwoy:  Planning: We will resume work on all projects stalled and lagging across the provinces

November 27, 2019 Walter

Economy News _ Baghdad

The Ministry of Planning, on Monday, its keenness to resume all projects stalled and lagging throughout the provinces.

“The Planning Minister Nuri Sabah al-Dulaimi received this morning the governor of Muthanna, Ahmed exiled,” the ministry’s media office said in a statement received by Al-Iqtisadiah.

“The Minister of Planning discussed during the reception of the governor of Muthanna, the reality of the service province and ways of investing allocations in vital projects and providing jobs through them to young people,” the office added.

Al-Dulaimi said, “The ministry seeks to unify local and international efforts to achieve services in accordance with the priorities of the citizen and his daily need,” pointing to “the ministry’s keenness to resume all stalled and lagging projects in all provinces.”

The minister called on local governments to “make the best use of the cabinet’s decision to grant governors the power to issue direct invitations to companies executing investment projects,” stressing the “importance of choosing specialized companies with high efficiency.”

Mobius:  Iran says hundreds of banks were torched in 'vast' unrest plot

GENEVA (Reuters) - Iran’s top leader on Wednesday denounced an outbreak of deadly unrest as a “very dangerous conspiracy” as authorities reported about 731 banks and 140 government sites had been torched in the disturbances.

Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei said the protests amounted to a plot that Iranians had defeated, referring to the worst anti-government unrest in Iran since authorities put down demonstrations against election fraud in 2009.

The disturbances began on Nov. 15 after the announcement of gasoline price hikes, but quickly turned political, with protesters demanding top leaders step down.

In response, the government has blamed “thugs” linked to exiles and the United States, Israel and Saudi Arabia for stirring up the street unrest.


Courtesy of Dinar Guru

Jeff   Article “Parliamentary Finance:  The 2020 budget will differ significantly from previous years”. Quote “the House of Representative and the Council of Ministers have given a lot of promises to the demonstrators to INTENSIFY PROJECTS DURING THE NEXT PHASE...”  This is what I’ve been telling you since the end of September.  The 2020 budget has everything in it that’s all post rate change.  Article 140, HCL, the reforms, the reconstruction, the taxes, the tariffs…Remember the whole budget is encompassed around transparency to reduce and minimize corruption going forward.  That’s the main reason why we’re waiting on this 2020 budget.  Intensify projects during the next phase” is a specific phrase that I’ve showed you all through this entire year and that phase means the period after the rate change…this article is freaking huge…The budget has to be done first then the rate can change then they can implement everything.

chattels   Article:  "Behind the scenes of Pence's Iraq visit"   Quote:  "Many are wondering why Pence skipped a visit to Baghdad’s top three officials [prime minister, speaker of parliament and president], instead flying straight to Erbil to meet Nechirvan Barzani, President of the Kurdistan Region.   A White House official provided a diplomatic answer and said that the US Vice President could not greet Iraqi government officials due to a violent crackdown on protesters across Iraq’s south. Instead, this visit was more related to Trump and his administration’s changes and reviews to their policy in Iraq and Syria, including the role Kurds want to play in both countries."

World Debt Downgrade Warning – Moody’s

by GoldCore    Wed, 11/13/2019

A World Debt Downgrade Warning (WDDW) has been issued by credit rating agency Moody’s due to deepening global geopolitical uncertainty and risks

Moody’s has issued a debt downgrade warning to the entire world on fears that severe political turmoil from London to Hong Kong poses a threat to the global economy (see News below)

Moody’s have a bleak outlook for government debt amid political instability in a report published just this Monday

Moody’s said political and geopolitical turbulence is exacerbating a slowdown in national and global GDP growth, aggravating structural 'bottlenecks' centred on massive banking and sovereign debt and increasing the risk of economic or financial shocks

Moody’s identified the emergence of influential “populist” movements and suggested this is undermining the effectiveness of domestic policy, weakening institutional strength and compounding social and governance risks

“Overall, the global environment is becoming less predictable for the 142 sovereigns we rate, encompassing $63.2 trillion in debt outstanding,” according to the report


Keiser Report: Downgrading the world on global dystopia (E1467)

Nov 26, 2019

n this episode of the Keiser Report, Max and Stacy discuss Moody’s issuing a world debt downgrade warning (WDDW) on rising political unrest.

Despite this rising turmoil, the Fed keeps printing new millionaires as QE continues to rescue the 'haves' at the expense of the 'have nots.'

In the second half, Max talks to Alasdair Macleod of about ‘plans for global dystopia,’ and why and how it is that policy planners are prepping for a post-fiat world.



SRU : "Legal Tender Act in South Carolina" 11-27-19


Bail-Ins Saves The Banks But Who Saves Us?