Sierra, TNT and SRU Wednesday Morning 1-29-2020

Thank you Sierra

"New Q Drops: The Best is Yet to Come!" by Sierra (NZ) - 1.28.20

Entry Submitted by Sierra (NZ) at 11:44 PM EST on January 28, 2020

Q featured the phrase 'The best is yet to come' in two new Q drops today...

Guess what phrase President Trump used to close his rally in New Jersey today?

The Q proofs linked to POTUS are getting more and more bold. When will a reporter ask THE question: 'What is Q?'

President Trump's choice of venue for the rally was no accident. George Washington crossed the Delaware River in New Jersey in Durham boats, starting the American Revolution. Q's first post was 28th October 2017. When was John Durham appointed to investigate Deep State criminal activities? 28th October 2017.

Lisa Mei Crowley has retweeted a tweet from 'Question Everything'...

'Another Q proof/message to Pelosi...Q significance of January 28th Rally in Wildwood, New Jersey. The battle of Turtle Gut Inlet, 15 months after start of the Revolutionary War, and blowing up of vessel "Nancy", spotted on 28th January 1776 approaching the Inlet.'

Wow, the intricate detail of the Alliance plan is mind-blowing. There are so many synchronicities and signs, it makes your head spin. The Q movement will be studied in history for centuries to come. And we are living it now, in real time!

Here is a tweet from Lisa Mei Crowley about 'Freedom Day'...

'New Q drops 28th Jan '20. FREEDOM DAY posted in 31st Jan '18, drop confirmed as >BREXIT on 31st Jan '20. Yet another 'future (news) proves past (drop).'

Lisa Mei Crowley retweeted a tweet from Michael Irwin...

'Could FREEDOM DAY also mean President Trump will be acquitted in the Senate Impeachment Hoax on 31st Jan 2020?'

The date 31st January is reported to be the date the USA Corporation Inc (financial arm of the Deep State) will be bankrupt (with possible extension into February). It's a big day.

Finally, the Corona virus is clearly a desperate last ditch effort from the Deep State to postpone arrests and the RV/GCR. It is doomed to fail. Nothing will stop what is coming. The Demonrats are trying to hold back a D5 Truth avalanche with teaspoons.

Meanwhile President Trump enjoyed record crowds at his Wildwood Rally in New Jersey. Some estimates put the crowd at up to 175,000. People queued for over 24 hours to get in.

Hey Joe 'n Nancy - how are your rallies going?? Here's a thought, you could save money on empty halls and stand on street corners instead. Oops, I forgot. You already tried that and no one turned up.

Where We Go One We Go All.

Love and Light
Sierra (NZ)


SouthernGuy:  Article quote: "Najaf Governorate sit-in announced that the President of the Republic and the Iraqi parliament have been given a specific deadline to implement a number of demands." This would include a new PM :)

Yada:  Southernguy heard there was a set date to complete this date and it was made known to all parties concerned. This is not last minute news at least 10 day notice….I’m sure you all know who put their foot down.

Yada:  Also heard that there is no delay in publicly naming the PM. They know who is the choice and this person/group has been getting their people in line so once they are named, the rest will fall in place in short time.


Cutebwoy:  News of a deadline to political forces until Saturday to choose the prime minister

January 29, 2020

Baghdad / Obelisk: An informed source revealed, Wednesday, January 29; January 2020, that the President of the Republic, Barham Salih, had given the political blocs until Friday evening regarding the candidate of the Prime Minister.

The source said in an interview with local media, that the President of the Republic, Barham Salih, had given the political blocs until Friday evening to present a non-controversial candidate for prime minister.

Otherwise, Saleh will assign an independent figure who will accept the street, he added.

A source close to the President of the Republic, last Tuesday, had denied through the “obelisk”, agreement on a candidate for prime minister, while the leaks reveal political settlements about the next government, whose results are not known exactly.

The source said that the news that talked about agreeing on the candidate for prime minister is unfounded, in a clear indication of the difficulty of getting out of the bottleneck, where parties, parliamentary blocs and protesters exchange the right to name.

Rather, the scene paints marathon negotiations between the political class and the demonstrators, resulting in an endless debate about the characteristics of the next prime minister, who cannot pass without regional consensus as well, according to observers. 

At the time of writing this report, the media and social media are providing the names of candidates, and there has been widespread debate among supporters and opponents. For the Iraqis, the matter came to the conclusion that even the phrase “imminent discount” of the prime minister’s file did not cross the topic of interest, after it was frequently repeated by MPs and politicians.

And every day, the name of the candidate with the greatest probability changes, between names, as soon as they are put forward until the agenda of their downfall begins, whether in the arena of demonstrations, or through the media, where each party has its own goals and objectives.

Sources conveyed the message of President Barham Salih to the political blocs, the following is its text without the obelisk confirmation of its validity period until the writing of this report:


Harambe:  Bloomberg: Zimbabwe Tax Body Orders Companies to Pay in U.S. Dollars   (1/27/20)

The Zimbabwe Revenue Authority is clamping down on companies conducting business in foreign currency but paying tax in Zimbabwe dollars.

The southern African nation reintroduced the local dollar in June last year as sole legal tender and banned the widespread use of foreign currencies, mainly the the U.S dollar. While the tourism, mining and oil industries were granted exemptions to conduct trade in foreign currency, the tax body said some businesses were flouting the law.

Taxes, including pay-as-you-earn, value-added tax, income tax, capital-gains tax and mining royalties must now all be settled in foreign currency, Zimra said in a statement Monday. “Foreign currency means the U.S. dollar, Euro, British pound, South African rand, Botswana pula and any other foreign currency denominated under the Exchange Control Order,” it said.

 As of Jan. 1, for capital-gains tax purposes, all asset disposals will be assumed to have been in U.S. dollars, unless documentary proof is submitted that the transactions were conducted in the local currency, Zimra said   .​rders-companies-to-pay-in-u-s-dollars

Literally Everything Is Shutting Down Starbucks, McDonalds, Dominoes, Disneyland...

Silver Report Uncut:  Jan 29, 2020

We covered three major factories that had decided to halt production for 1-week minimum but it didn't stop there. The reports kept coming so I tried to gather the most pressing closures.

Starbucks has decided it will temporarily close several stores, McDonald's has closed restaurants across 5 cities, Dominoes has also decided to temporarily shut down operations in several large regions.

Even Disneyland resorts announced that it will be pausing operations and will send a notice when it plans to reopen.

 The company also said it will issue refunds for customers who already purchased tickets. Several other retailers have decided to close down shop until further notice.




Restored Republic via a GCR- Rumors as of Jan. 29, 2020


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