Sierra, SRU, Max Keiser and more Thursday Morning 11-14-19

"New Q: We Fight!" by Sierra (NZ) - 11.14.19

Entry Submitted by Sierra (NZ) at 12:15 AM EDT on November 14, 2019

There are two new Q drops featuring the Armor of God Bible quote from Ephesians. Q has always said that it will be BIBLICAL...

There is a link in drop number 3593 that I couldn't open and neither could Lisa Mei Crowley. Drop number 3594 has a link to a piece of music from Future World Music called 'Victory of Life'. The music is stirring and the picture features fiery angel wings. Here is an excerpt from the Q drops...

'...Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil's schemes...
For God & Country
For Humanity

The Anon 3Days3Nights has analyzed a photo from today of President Trump and Turkish President Erdogan at the White House...

'3 Q clues in this photo of Trump and Erdogan

1) Trump's hands in 5:5 position

2) Erdogan is wearing the purple tie as a sign of submission. It's the second time in a row he has done this

3) The Marine flag has yellow trim which means we are at war. With whom?'
(Tweet from 3Days3Nights)

And now evidence is emerging that the sons of four top Democrats are on the Board of Directors of corrupt Ukraine energy companies - Biden, Pelosi, Kerry and Romney. The Alliance is circling the Deep State wagons and there is nowhere for them to hide. Truth is being revealed. Dark to Light.

Still need convincing that the Alliance is crushing the Deep State on a daily basis? Watch Devin Nunes as he slays the Democrats and their sham impeachment proceedings. His nine minute speech should be required viewing for every USA citizen. Devin Nunes and Jim Jordan are my heroes - fearless super intelligent men who take no prisoners...

We are fast approaching the release of the 600 page Inspector General Report - it is said to be as thick as a telephone book with few redactions, and will definitely involve criminal referrals.

Nothing happening?

Where We Go One We Go All.

Love and Light
Sierra (NZ)


Don961:  exchange rate

Wednesday, November 13 2019

One month after the popular movement, the exchange rate remains at acceptable levels. This reflects the existence of a good course of monetary policy and enables it to achieve an equilibrium in the exchange rate.

I recall that exchange rate fluctuations in the past were caused by speculators' rumors in the market, but reflecting the commitment of everyone to the country's fate and the country's economy.

Question: How long will the exchange rate hold?

Certainly, it is necessary to hedge the possible variables as the situation continues for a longer period and may cause future volatility, God forbid.

In order to benefit from the Lebanese experience that is undergoing the same conditions and movement, the tracer of the popular movement is seeing legitimate fears of losing control over a fixed exchange rate that has lasted for decades.This means that the disruption of banks and the central bank from working will affect the reality of the exchange rate and its repercussions on the general economic situation.

They are confident that a successful monetary policy is able to deal with events in order to mitigate the potential effects, provided that it is allowed to continue its activity.

Although this part is seen as small compared to the effects of the popular movement on the economic reality, I find that this part is of great importance to compensate for all possible losses due to events.

I am talking here as an economic observer away from what is being raised by the attempts of some to involve monetary policy in this movement; it is a safety valve for public money .. However, I call the Central Bank, through its strategic partner, the Association of Private Banks to maintain contact with public and private banks to track the effects of the movement on the financial and banking reality Expected and researched how to deal with crises and their effects.

Whatever the outcome of the movement and events going through Iraq, the result is always to maintain the national economy and the outcome of how to manage liquidity and maintain the balance of exchange and this is what we pledge monetary policy independently and impartially, so that the Central Bank remains independent as the Iraqi judiciary and then win the interest of the country that Inclusive and subject matter requires wisdom and prudence in dealing with peaceful popular movement and the possible effects.   LINK


Courtesy of Dinar Guru:

Frank26  IMO there is only so much time left for what I call a ‘receipts schedule’…watch once again but this time watch the reinstatement and the CBI travel at a much faster speed than we have ever seen…this receipt schedule is not a piece of paper.  It’s a dateWere the lower denoms deliveredOh, hell yes!  IMO they were delivered…Allaq is still pounding for a suitable environment…watch the speed of return



Harambe:   AP News: Iraq’s protests raise question: Where does the oil money go?

JSL: If we see this action very soon it will satisfy many issues that must be addressed concerning slowed economy as I listened to the Fed Reserve chairman today. also it will immediately bring Iraq into better place. Something needs to happen like Yesterday…… Afterall some say 7 Trillion has gone forth from USA taxpayers directly connected to Iraq. This is the only way to address the Big WHY? So I am 100% on board in agreement to Addressing this right now.

Actech426:  Gov't funding to keep operating runs out Nov 21st. The workers will be laid-off. There will be no holiday pay or back pay.

Sooneriam:  Why does the American Congress and Senators wait till the last minute the best budgets and bills keep the government and Country in business?  Seems like the same old story over and over. We hear that same old story of the government going to shut down and every year All the congressmen and senators make sure they get their pay raises and get benefits for their selves. The business of the people is not a high priority

Economic Collapse News - The Fed Warns US Is On Unsustainable Path, Underwater Auto Loans Soar

Silver Report Uncut: Nov 14, 2019

First we look at auto loans and the fact that 33% of loans have negative equity at trade in This number is abnormally high. We also see a major portion or surprise borrowers are deep underwater due to lower quality vehicles and too much negative equity to get a decent loan.

Next we look at the Feds statements on the US economy. Jerome powell brought up the fact that the US debt is on an Unsustainable path and needs to be addressed immediately.

He stated His belief is that nothing will hinder the expansion at this point and at the same time Unsustainable?

Keiser Report: Cash and debt pile (E1462)

Nov 14, 2019

In this episode of the Keiser Report, Max and Stacy discuss Warren Buffett’s $128 billion cash pile. In the second half, Max talks to Professor Steve Keen about the rapidly climbing pile of U.S. debt now over $23 trillion and whether or not it matters.


Teaching People About Money Doesn’t Seem To Make Them Any Smarter About Money


7 Steps That Protect You From Rising Interest Rates