Sierra, Max Kaiser and more Wednesday Morning 2-12-2020

"BOOM! Reporter Asks THE Question..." by Sierra (NZ) - 2.11.20

Entry Submitted by Sierra (NZ) at 7:22 PM EST on February 11, 2020

Q drop number 3855 features a link to a short video. In the video a reporter asks President Trump: 'Do you know who Anonymous is...?' (meaning Q)...

President Trump responds: 'I don't want to say, aaah, but you'd be surprised.'


President Trump did NOT say, 'I don't know what you mean...' or 'I don't know who Anonymous is...'. President Trump said, 'I don't want to say' which implies he DOES know who Anonymous (Q) is. And he said, 'You'd be surprised.'

Oh, please let that surprise be JFK Junior!

We were told right from the start that less than ten people are fully involved in the Q operation, and only three of those people are non-military. So it is accurate to call Q a military operation.

Are we now close to the D5 avalanche? Will the truth pour out in many different areas - a massive tsunami of information that will never stop until ALL of humanity is fully informed about the truth of slave planet Earth?

I think that BOOM! time is very close now. And phew, have we waited (not so patiently) a very long time for this moment. Weary digital soldiers, every one of us.

A recent Q drop confirms that the tide has now turned PUBLICLY against the Deep State. We've always known that the Alliance has been in full control behind the scenes. Now the world will see the results of the Alliance 'long game', played so magnificently by President Trump and his team.

Q drop number 3850 features a movie poster meme with images of President Trump and the Washington monument. The Washington monument is a famous Deep State symbol of satanism and evil. The movie poster has these words: 'The Hunt is On. The Hunters Become the Hunted...'

Yes, indeed - the tide has turned. The wait WAS worth it. And we WILL see justice - SOON.

Where We Go One We Go All.

Love and Light
Sierra (NZ)

Courtesy of Dinar Chronicles

Footforward   I'd be stunned if we are sitting here this time next year waiting for the RV to happen. There is incredible progress being made on the Iran front.

Frank26   ...IMO Dr. Shabibi is very aware of what is happening and what's about to happen and because of what may happen he is in constant consultation with the Fab 4...the Fab 4...the IMF, World Bank, U.S. Treasury, and the President of the United States of America...



Tishwash:   The Finance Committee calls for the approval of an emergency budget for this purpose

The Finance Committee of the House of Representatives, on Wednesday, called for the approval of an emergency budget to allocate its funds for immediate services and projects.

The committee’s rapporteur, Ahmed Al-Saffar, said, “The delay in service projects and the delay in their completion are linked to the political situation and the security stability that Iraq is going through, especially in light of the absence of the budget decision related to the formation of the government - which we hope to form when the legislative term ends - and researching the draft budget that was prepared by The caretaker government or modifications. "

He added, "The formed government must pass an emergency (extraordinary) budget that allocates its funds for immediate services and projects, which meets the aspirations of many protesting youth and attract a large number of manpower to reduce unemployment, and the formation of a specialized committee to develop a strategic plan to get the country out of this crisis that affected negatively. In the environment of Iraq, which has become unsafe to attract investors due to the current political situation and the absence of government formation. "

To bring Iraq back to the investment front and to economic activity, Al-Saffar said that "the government should rebuild confidence and rehabilitate the environment that is suitable for investment through security and political stability in the region."

He explained, "Until now, there is no entity that has the authority to spend the funds. Therefore, the Financial Management Law was amended exceptionally, which stipulates (the recovery of funds allocated for projects for the year 2019 to the public treasury in the event of the end of the year and not spent) so there was an amendment to continue spending the funds." For projects allocated for the year 2020, moving the wheel of the Iraqi economy and reducing the problems resulting from the delay in approving the budget.    link

Keiser Report: Trade deficits = lower wages (E1500)

Feb 11, 2020

In this episode of Keiser Report, Max and Stacy discuss the new study from the Economic Policy Institute which proves that China’s ascension to the WTO did, indeed, cause nearly 4 million manufacturing job losses.

Furthermore, the trade deficit has directly impacted wages negatively to the tune of $37 billion per year.

In the second half, Max continues his interview with Randy Voller, the former head of the North Carolina Democratic Party, to find out what to expect in New Hampshire as the race for the presidential nomination to the Democratic Party heats up.

What exactly is at stake at this point in the race? And what is the plan for Mayor Bloomberg who doesn’t enter the ballot until Super Tuesday? Will there be a brokered convention? What does that look like?



Restored Republic via a GCR- Rumors as of 2-12-2020


IQD CALLS Chat Tuesday Night 2-11-20