Sierra, FootForward, PIR and more Friday 5-8-2020

"General Flynn is Free!" by Sierra (NZ) - 5.7.20

Entry Submitted by Sierra (NZ) at 7:02 PM EDT on May 7, 2020

This is a great moment in the Alliance war against the Deep State. The charges against General Flynn have been dismissed. He is a free man. Q promised that General Flynn was safe and would be freed. 'Future proves the past'.

Sean Hannity tweet...

'FLYNN FREE! Justice Department dropping charges against former NSA Michael Flynn.'

Jack Flynn tweet...


Brenden Sir Huglife Dilley tweet...

'Remember that time that Sydney Powell told us that Gen Flynn "knows where all the bodies are buried...and still does"? Does this mean that this fully innocent, exonerated and cleared name Patriot can begin sharing the location of said bodies with POTUS, Barr and Durham?'

Donald Trump Jr tweet...

'Now is the time to go on the offense. I look forward to watching General Flynn take a flame thrower to these corrupted institutions.'

I have saved the best for last. During a press conference, a reporter asked President Trump if he had heard that the case against General Flynn had been dismissed. Here is a link to the press conference so you can watch his response (I have included excerpts below...)

Excerpts from President Trump's reaction to General Flynn being free...

'He was an innocent man. He is a great gentleman. He was targeted by the last order to take down a President...What they did is unprecedented. It has never happened the history of our country. And I hope a lot of people are going to pay a big price...They are dishonest, crooked people. They are scum...they are human scum...The last administration, Justice Department was a disgrace. They got caught. Very dishonest people. It's treason. It's treason...'

Deep State satanists will never sleep properly again after this statement from President Trump.


And General Flynn knows 'where all the bodies are buried'.

Congratulations, General Flynn and family! You are the bravest of Light Warriors. We honor your immense sacrifice in the war to liberate humanity. Thank you.

Where We Go One We Go All.

Love and Light
Sierra (NZ)

Courtesy of Dinar Guru

Footforward    [So we "Should" see the budget between now and May 24th, the end of Eid-Al-Fitr.]  I'd be surprised if the budget even takes that long. If it does it's because they are bickering over a few minor points. I was told the budget has been done for months with just a few fine points needing to be worked out.

Jeff  ...this is my opinion - the last remaining seven ministers most likely will not be needed or required for the rate change... Pompeo Tweet "...Great to speak with new Iraqi Prime Minister Mustafa al-Kadhimi. Now comes the urgent, hard work of implementing the reforms demanded by the Iraqi people. I pledged to help him deliver on his bold agenda for the sake of the Iraqi people." ...according to what Pompeo said here that the next move is the reforms which is the demands of the people.  That can't happen without a rate change.  So based on this comment Iraq's next move is the rate change...the news is going to go dark and quiet for the next few weeks...

Pimpy  ...Lo and behold sure enough our boy al-Kazemi made it in there and then Mike Pompeo sent a letter..."the United States will move forward with 120 day electricity waiver as a display of our desire to help provide the right conditions for success.  The Secretary and Prime Minister also discussed the upcoming US-Iraq strategic dialogue and how they look forward to working together to provide the Iraq people with prosperity...and security that they deserve"  ...this is going in a very interesting direction...we know that sometime in June that the United State with the United Nations along with the IMF are gonna meet with the Iraqi government and they're going to talk about some things...Let's hope they're talking about the prosperity part of this...we all know that part of the prosperity and one of the things that can help them is what?  The increase in the exchange rate... 

The Coming Reset Of The International Monetary System

(Diagram By MartinValk)

Brad Kines:  May 8, 2020

Patriot Intel Report

PIR 05 08 20


Ron Paul, Lynette Zang and Bix Weir Friday Afternoon 5-8-2020


Frank26 Update and MilitiaMan Friday PM 5-8-2020