Santa Surfing and Charlie Ward on Q" by Kat - 7.22.20

Santa Surfing and Charlie Ward on Q" by Kat - 7.22.20

7/22/2020 11:28:00 AM  Emailed, Intel, Kat, News, Thoughts 

Entry Submitted by Kat at 10:07 AM EDT on July 22, 2020

Hi Dinarlandia,

Santa Surfing is hot-under-the-collar over Twitter's censoring Q-Anon accounts, and rightly so.

She herself was in Twit-mo over the weekend.

Here is the link to Santa's 7.5 minute 7-21-20 video, FYI, where she says, @5:15 minutes:

"Twitter you're basically lying on your SEC report and that is FRAUD..."

Santa Surfing: Blue Bird Announced to Censor / Remove Q-Anon Accounts

Blue Bird announced to Censor / Remove Q Anon Accounts

For the record, I've never Tweeted or Facebooked. I didn't like all the personal information you have to give in order to post on them.

I don't like to use Google to search because I KNOW Big Brother/AI is watching me.

But on the positive side, keep in mind, President Trump already has another method of communication in place.

This is what Charlie Ward said on this point on President Trump's new method of communicating direct from the White House, past the Lamestream Media and other AI/cabal controlled streams of communication:


41.01 Charlie: Yes, and I think also… I’m very privileged because of who I work with to actually know people who are actually involved in it… because they led me to it in the first place…

It’s very interesting also that Donald Trump right now is setting up a very similar system, based in Q, but instead of 1-outlet… he’s actually going to have 7-outlets of information so that 7 different people can form their own opinion based on the facts…

And that they’re all digital media people in America… so people that have got a following… they will be given the information from within.. so you will have a choice of 7-different pov’s…

42:08 Charlie cont.: So Q is becoming more modified now to give it a more diverse action… they’ll put out the information instead of just to one source they’ll put it out to 7-different sources… a bit like TV channels but instead of TV channels it will go out to these ‘Digital Warriors’ as Trump calls them…

42:33 And I’m in contact with one of them, right now…

We’re getting information from them as well as Q and it’s a lot easier to understand… because there’s not the risk of them being killed anymore like there was before…

43:00 Charlie cont.: The gentleman I speak to… I’ve done an interview with… and I’ve recorded the whole thing but I’ve been asked not to publish it just yet…

He was a pilot for the CIA from 1977 to 1980… and when he found out that every week when he was going back and forth from Asia to America … when he found out that he was transporting heroin and hashish at the time… he decided to leave because he wasn’t comfortable with it… he decided to leave the CIA…

43:40 Charlie cont.: He was under the Official Secrets Act until 1999… so in 1999 technically he could have opened his mouth 20 years ago but then he realized that the Bush’s, then the Clintons and then the Obamas were doing the same thing…

So if he’d opened his mouth he’d have wound up dead…

And I was the first person he spoke publicly to and I have the recording but I’m not allowed to use it as yet… he has to get permission to do so… because we covered a lot of areas that were incredible… absolutely incredible… this man was a young man, he was 25-years old… and he’s 77…

44:21 Charlie cont.: Interestingly enough, Trump has gone to these people, and he’s one of them… and he is one of the advisors to Trump on the CIA that is left… and these are the people that are working together behind-the-scenes and putting the information together for Q… but they can’t go public…

44:47 He’s now working with Trump… Trump has gone to the people who left the CIA for unknown reasons… that were given “Honorable discharge”… and Trump has gone to all of them to find out what was actually going on in the CIA so he’d have hard hard evidence… he’s got people, first-hand that were involved… without knowing what they were transporting…

45:10 And they’re now working with the Q organizations to put the information together… so yes they’re all Military… nearly all Military… all CIA operatives…

45:20 Chris: For anyone who wants to learn more about this, my friend Shaun Attwood has written books on all the drug-smuggling they did… all interspliced with the Iran-Contra affair… and the crack epidemic which resulted from… basically they flooded America with so much cocaine that coke lost its value so they thought, right…

how can we up the stakes here and they thought, ah, let’s turn it into crack-cocaine which they did which then made this addiction epidemic… then they blamed it all on this man on one side (whose name I forget) and Oliver North on the government side…

48:11 Charlie: …People are connecting with people like you and I because they’re sick of the BS…

49:12 Q is just a source of information that comes from within…without a shadow of a doubt comes from within…

49:19 Charlie: Up until 2.5-months ago Q was far more encrypted… then suddenly I got a message from the man that I know saying, “Charlie, we’re passed the critical point now” then suddenly Q became a lot easier to understand… now the Q-drops are pretty much laid out… you don’t need a Military brain to work them out…

49:49 Q’s days are virtually at the end now… we’re in the latter days of it…

"Q etc. a Charles Ward and Chris Thrall Video 7-3-20" by Kat - 7.12.20

Remember, we're in WWIII and the deep state / illuminati / cabal are desperate. They've lost. They know it. They're just doing everything they can think of to cause chaos on their well-earned way out.

Victory to the Forces of Light! Victory to the Alliance!

Peace, Health, Happiness and Abundance for all — We are Goddess, Sovereign, Free, xo, Kat

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