Robert David Steele with 7 Questions for Charles Ward Quanon 8-7-2020

Robert David Steele with 7 Questions for Charlie Ward Qanon

Charles Ward: Premiered 87 minutes ago

Listen for thoughts about Q, the GCR, Arrests, DUMBS, Nesara, Gesara and much more………

About minute 14:00

CW: yesterday Donald Trump said farewell for a few days while they remove evil people.

RDS: I saw that video where he said a lot of people were trying to kill me and I’m going to be invisable for a few days…so is August the bull month?

CW: We are heading into a really wonderful period right now. And DT is extremely well protected because he knows they have tried every trick in the book to remove him from office and that the only way now to remove him from office is to kill him. So he is in quaranteen himself while they arrest the rest of the incredible evil people.


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