PIR, SGT, Max Keiser and X22 Tuesday 4-28-2020

Patriot Intel Report

PIR 04 28 20

Markets are green across the screen today because of the optimism of states reopening after the Covid 19 plandemic.

What will be the final shakeout to all this?  With Oil today at $10.71 a barrel and the destabilization of global markets we are witnessing the death of the Petro Dollar. It needs to go….It has to go.

We are going to something new.

Many , many years ago the primary source of light was whale oil and candles. That went away when they discovered petroleum. The whaling industry died and the petroleum industry took off. We are at this type of transition again. We are going to see the petroleum industry die and something new take off when these new technologies come forward.

We are also looking for the Global Currency Reset and how it comes out is going to surprise everyone I believe.



SGT Report:  April 26, 2020

Praying Medic Dave Hayes joins me to discuss Qanon, a topic about which he has written a new book titled 'Calm Before the Storm'.

In this interview I press Dave on the Trillions of Dollars in stimulus and the unaccountable criminal banks and corporate interests which are getting most of that money...

Dave says that's "a stone in my shoe." Let the fireworks begin. And let's pray that Dave is right.


Keiser Report 1533 “Ghouls of Financial Media”

Apr 28, 2020

Markets! Finance! Scandal! Keiser Report is a no holds barred look at the shocking scandals behind the global financial headlines.

From the collusion between Wall Street and Capitol Hill to the latest banking crime wave, from bogus government economic statistics to rigged stock markets, nothing escapes the eye of Max Keiser, a former stockbroker, inventor of the virtual specialist technology and co-founder of the Hollywood Stock Exchange.

With the help of Keiser's co-host, Stacy Herbert, and guests from around the world, Keiser Report tells you what is really going on in the global economy.


The Globalist Supply Chains Are Broken, US prepares To Shift Uranium 1 Back To US: Marin Katusa

X22 Report Spotlight:  Apr 28, 2020



Mon. Night KTFA CC Replay and more Tuesday PM 4-28-2020


"Coffee with MarkZ" Tuesday Morning Chat 4-28-2020