PIR, Bix Weir and Pimpy Monday 6-15-2020

Patriot intel Report

PIR 06 15 20

Anomalous activity is going on all around the world…..Everything is in the red. I mean everything!

The futures in the US-Red, The European markets-Red, Asian-Red, cryptos-Red.  This is not normal.

They are saying that US futures and European stocks slump over concern of infections of Covid19….even though the news is out there that this was no more severe than a normal flu.

Whatever is going on here I think it’s a cover for major economic changes. We have been talking for months about infrastructure and about how the infrastructure is the key to big financial changes coming.   Well, POTUS over the weekend saying they were expecting a 2 Trillion dollar stimulus package.

In this stimulus package he is demanding that there be infrastructure money in it.  I will remind everyone that he has said in the past that about currencies that “ Currencies will be equel and on par with one another globally” .  That would be what we would call a Global Currency Reset or a Currency Adjustment. 

He has also publically talked many times about the infrastructure and infrastructure bill that has “Trillions of dollars of private money sitting on the sidelines waiting to enter the US economy” when the infrastructure bill is passed. When he and his team were asked who is this, and where is this private money coming from?” there has never been an answer.

Now about Chinese Historical Bonds. There was an article from Fox business news a few weeks ago along with others.   They had to do with groups of individuals here in the US who are bond holders of these Historic Chines bonds and about trying to get them redeemed with the Chinese Government. There have been meetings with the Trump administration and Chinese Governement about this . There is a historical precedent for redemption of these bonds. This happened in the UK…..There is a lot going on behind the scenes about this.

Changes are coming….To build a new financial system…you have to take away the old….there will be some shake up. Q has said the Fed will be restructured…..and The Fed has now been absorbed into the Treasury….and they are now one and the same.

The Petro dollar is dead.


USA! Preserving Our FREEDOM in this Transition! (Bix Weir)

RoadToRoota:  Jun 15, 2020

It's looking more and more like there will be NO WINNERS in the battle between the Good Guys and Bad Guys.

The Left is solidly entrenched and the Right is solidly entrenched...there is no middle ground at the moment.

Stalemate means it's up to We the People to make our way forward individually and in local groups. I guess that's what Freedom means!

Best of luck to all of us.


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