Pimpy and Ania K: What RV's First? IQD, VND, Baht, IDR?

Pimpy and Ania K: What RV's First? IQD, VND, Baht, IDR?

By Kat on November 4, 2020
WOWZA! It is 10:20 p.m. PST and I just read that Twitter censored POTUS!!

As of this writing, I don’t know who won the Election but I expect POTUS did. In which case this discussion between Pimpy and Ania K regarding which currencies Revalue first in the GCR is essential because President Trump intends for the RV/GCR to happen. Enclose my partial transcription below.

Pimpy and Ania discuss:
What currencies go first? Possibly IQD, VND, ZIM, IDR and the Thai Baht.

What kind of rates? (Who knows?)
Where can you buy currency still? Pimpy uses a company in the U.K.
Where do we exchange? Etc.

Now that the Alliance have got the Election out of the way I can’t wait to see what happens next. Not sure why the Alliance didn't reveal the truth about the [t]reasonous criminal [p]edo_ph_ile child [t]raff*icker [J]oe [B]i*den but they have a Plan.  Whomever won (and in my heart I know it was POTUS) Donald J. Trump remains POTUS until January 20th ‘21 so let’s see what the Plan is.


-I’m so ready for the RV / GCR.
-For the 209k indictments to be served, knowing that each indictment carries the possibility of 1 to 99 names.
-For ca_bal arrests and crimes to be revealed.
-For NESARA / GESARA to be fully implemented.
-For every single de*ep state de_mon to return to the darkness from whence it came.
-For Gaia, her Kingdoms and Humanity to Ascend to 5D+ Divine Light from whence we came and for us to embody our Immaculate Divine Blueprint Multi-Dimensional Immortal Light Bodies again.
I’m so READY to get this show on the road.


So ready, Q! Godspeed mighty Alliance. God bless you all. With blessings of Peace, Health, Happiness, Abundance and Truth for All — We are Goddess, Sovereign, Free, xo, Kat

Pimpy on what currency will be re-valuated first, Iraq or Vietnam, on the banks, and on the election 11-2-20 : With Pimpy of Pimpy’s Investment Chat and Ania K.


Partially Transcribed by Kat

2:10 Ania K: I am also part of this GESARA Club with Charlie [Ward]…

I loved that short video you made with Charlie… you showed the coins, the bars…
"Charlie Ward and Pimpy Talk Gold and Silver and VOTE Trump!" by Kat - 11.2.20


3:30 Pimpy: Charlie said, look we need to explain the difference between coins and bars… when it comes to precious metals I’m like a kid in a toy store… I’m a collector of coins…

I advise my people… it’s very important to keep at least 30 – 35% of your money into precious metals…

[Discussion about buying Precious Metals]

24:33 Ania K: So Pimpy, who will be first in the Revaluation? Vietnam or Iraq?

24:37 Pimpy: Let’s see… I’m going to try and remember what I can and can’t talk about… [Assuming Pimpey's signed an NDA]... Here’s what I CAN tell you because I have permission to do so…

25:00 See that’s why I hate that you’ve got all these people who say “they’ve got insider INTEL”…. nope, they don’t… I DO but I don’t talk about it and there’s a reason for that…

25:04 Most of the things we talk about I’m allowed to share… not everything…


25:17 Pimpy cont.:When it comes to the Iraqi Dinar? We’re not sure what the he*’ll’s going on with it?!

25:25 I can tell you this… there are LARGE amounts… in the Trillions… LARGE amounts of it being moved around… to Central Banks… and to private holders… I’m not talking a little bit… I’m talking about very very large amounts… [Googols and pallets]

Kat Note: Charlie Ward and Pimpy Discuss RV, QFS, GCR, Silver & Gold and More with Nicholas Veniamin 10-21-20


Kat Note: Charlie Ward and Pimpy Discuss RV, QFS, GCR, Silver & Gold and More with Nicholas Veniamin 10-21-20

5:49 Pimpy: Hey Charlie, I wanted to pick your brain a little bit… are you hearing anything about the Dinar [IQD] if you don’t mind me asking?...

5:58 Charlie Ward:Well just before you came on… I was actually talking to somebody about the Dinar [IQD]… the ZIM… and the Dong [VND]…

6:09 Because there are 2 particular clients that have OBSCENE AMOUNTS and they’ve come to me to transport them to China where they’re being monetized with the Chinese Elders…

6:28 I’ve only just been approached recently to ask if I could assist them and I said, “Yeah, I could do that no problem at all…”

6:37 So I am aware that the Chinese Elders are monetizing… where and when and by how much I don’t know… because very simply, when they are monetized, BEFORE they are monetized, you have to sign an NDA [Non-Disclosure Agreement]…

7:00 So you cannot talk about what rate you got… that’s something you can only imagine… no one’s actually got a clue… and also, when it’s monetized, it goes straight onto your Quantum Account [in the Quantum computer / QFS]…

7:21 And everybody in the world apparently already has a Quantum account if they currently have any form of banking… so it’ll [the exchange money] automatically go onto the Quantum system…

7:32 The process of that… all I would be is like a taxi driver… I’ll take it there… a BIG taxi, but a taxi driver…

41:39 Charlie Ward cont.:There’s so much evidence out there about the Reset / the Revaluation of Currency… there’s hard evidence…and this is the biggest thing I’ve tried to stick to rather than being drawn in all the Conspiracy theories… is to stick to the hard evidence… and just do tons and tons of research…

42:02 It didn’t take long to find out the Central Banks were closed 5 or 6 weeks ago… it didn’t take much to find out, just talking to people who work in the bank, what’s going on behind the scenes… there’s tens of thousands of people who work in banks…

42:13 And it’s very interesting, you just make a little chat and a phone call to somebody who you know who works in the bank and ask them what’s happening behind the scenes?...

42:20 They’ll say, “I don’t know but SOMETHING’s going on!”… Now those are the things that are very very constructive without people knowing what’s going on…

42:30 You have to take all these little bits and do the research… to find out the truth… because no one’s going to come out and tell you…

"3 Charlie Ward Videos: The RV, GCR, QFS, and Predictions for 2021" by Kat - 10.24.20

25:40 Pimpy cont.: So when I’m talking to my Currency friends I say… What the he*ll is going on [with the IQD?]… because we can see it happening… they’re like, we’re not sure… because whenever this “event” gets ready to happen… they don’t know what to call it because nobody knows… whatever it is? It’s going to involve the Iraqi Dinar… but we don’t know what that is.

26:03 Ania K: Pimpy, this is worldwide, right?

26:07 Pimpy: Worldwide, yes… where I come in on a lot of this is… I do have a friend… in the State Department… he doesn’t know anything about money, we don’t talk about money, we talk about Geopolitics…

26:27 That’s why I told people long before it was announced, get ready for Peace in the Middle East… because he knew what was going on…

26:38 After talking with him and then my Currency friends… I’m wondering, you know, does the Middle East Peace Agreement have anything to do with it?... of course it’s speculation on my part… whatever is happening there? We’re wondering if the Iraqi Dinar is not going to play a huge part or a role in this…

27:05 My friend said it best... he thinks the Iraqi Dinar is going to be some poor man’s reserve… like we have our dollar that is a world reserve dollar? The Dinar might play a role in this transition that we’re going into… again it’s all speculation…

27:27 But there’s a lot of great minds and if we put our heads together…

27:31 Here’s the thing about Currency… everybody knows this… I talk about Gold and Silver, I talk about Crypto Currencies, I talk about the Vietnam Dong and the Iraqi Dinar… I talk about NESARA / GESARA…

Kat Note: I always like Gene Decode to weigh in on a conversation:

30:01 Gene Decode: OK, so NESARA is the National Economic Securities and Readjustment Act (for the USA)… [GESARA is the Global Economic Security and Readjustment Act (for the world)]

And that document [NESARA] was brought forth by farmers that had found out, with insiders, all kinds of information, like secret technologies and secret space programs that were being held back…

30:26 So it includes bringing forth technologies that have been held back such as Anti-Gravity and Free Energy like what powers the TR-3Bs… that have been around and out running since 1947… they went to Mars and the Moon with one in 1947…

30:41 The power for that is massive so the TR-3B uses a device the size of a shoe box that ... develops one trillion watts of power, from free energy, from the Planck distance, has been defined in the Cassini Experiment, it's essentially 10 to the 95th grams per centimeter squared, per second per second energy... it’s a massive amount of energy… that’s equal to all the energy in the entire Universe…

31:08 That’s because God is on mission and everywhere… so the power of God is everywhere… it’s in all of the Universe and in every location of the Universe simultaneously… it’s all holographic and fractal…

31:15 And so bringing those technologies out as well as putting us back on a Rainbow currency gold, silver and platinum… that has already been secured and brought back to the US…


31:30 Additionally, when they got to the Vatican D.U.M.B. that goes from the Vatican to Jerusalem… the first 150 miles of that over 1500 mile DUMB is NOTHING BUT GOLD stacked 30 levels high with Gold Bullion… all taken from all the Crusades and all of us…

56:02 Gene Decode cont.: Did I mention they have meticulous records of every person, not just you, but your parents, your grandparents, your great grandparents… etc. etc. all the way back… for thousands of years… of how much they’ve looted from you and your family that you are owed… and not only that, it’s exactly to the penny… and that also goes to the cities, the states, the provinces, the countries… ALL of that is reappropriated…

"SpirituallyRAW Podcast: Gene Decode Part 2, New World Incoming" by Kat - 10.23.20

27:49 Pimpy cont.: What makes this crazy is that each one of those are separate subjects that people talk about… [RV, GCR, NESARA, GESARA, Q, Stolen Gold, Silver, Diamonds and Cash from de*ep state tunnels and DUMBs]… now I monitor all of them and I noticed in the past year they started interacting with one and other and I’m like… oh… what’s going on here…

28:00 Before it never did… now all of a sudden they all seem to be overlapping… and I speculated on what Trump is trying to do is create a new currency…

28:40 Here’s the thing… the Q-An_on crowd are also overlapping… Q said “Gold will end the Fed”… so we’re going back to the Gold Standard…


28:40 Pimpy cont.: I started thinking about that… it’s not enough to end the Federal Reserve… it would just be a matter of time before they got back in power… so the real issue is Central Banks around the world… that’s the real problem…

29:25 So how can you end the Central Banks? That’s what I did… I created a theory that I put in those videos on how we can end it all… but it all comes from dealing with the different subjects that I do…

30:15 Ania K: OK… let’s say Iraq will be first… and then Vietnam, right?

30:24 Pimpy: I did see a so-called plan… I don’t know how official it is… the rationality actually makes sense… you can’t just revalue all currency at the same time it will cause some type of instability and lack of faith in this movement by the citizens… you have to do them in groups {tiers}… like we’re talking about…

30:55 X Y Z currencies will be revaluated first… you wait to see what kind of effect it has on the economies… then the next group… then the next group…


31:05 It laid out a good plan… the Vietnam Dong and the Iraqi Dinar are 2 of the 4 or 5 currencies in one basket… and they’re chosen to go first…


31:28 Ania K: That’s 2 of the 5, can you say the other 3?

31:35 Pimpy: Indonesia Rupiah… the Thailand Baht… and then the Zimbabwe ZIM dollar… that was the First Basket…


31:55 Then in there it gives you rates but the rates are so ridiculous looking… I did make a video and showed people the plan… I’m like, I don’t know about this… that doesn't mean it’s not possible… but some of the rates are realistic looking, others are like, no way!... just no way

32:17 But when you think about my theory about what they’re trying to do? Then it does make sense… and that’s only because the rates in the examples that I had, as high as they were, could only be achievable, if you take into consideration these particular countries Natural Resources…

32:39 Gold, Silver, Diamonds, Minerals, Agriculture… whatever they have… Oil… Copper… all these things is why I’m saying it’s going to be an asset-backed currency…

32:52 Then I go, if they took THAT into consideration… yeah, these rates might be realistic…

33:05 If I apply the theory that I think Trump is really trying to accomplish? Then we go to a more level playing field… and I think they’re trying to accomplish a 1 for 1 Exchange…

33:22 Whether it’s Iraqi Dinar, Vietnam Dong… you would just exchange it One dollar for One dollar… based on the New Exchange Rate… and the new currency basket they come up with…

33:38 Ania K: But the dollar from Zimbabwe is like Quadrillions…
33:45 Pimpy: That one’s been discontinued… the new ones are $2 dollars and $5 dollars…


33:38 Ania K: Is my Elephant-faced ZIM worth anything?


34:10 Pimpy: I have the one with the rocks on it... Here’s the thing… the crazy thing is… we used to make fun of the Zimbabwe dollar… then I found out…

A private event took place…the elite holding the Zim dollar were able to redeem them...but it was a private event…

Are you serious? I’m talking to my friends and we made fun of it… that’s the first one to go?... and they go they did…

34:40 We don’t know the [ZIM] rate…we know it got redeemed…we’re waiting for it to become a public event…


35:08 Ania K: If anybody wants to buy the Dinar or ZIM or Dong… Pimpy has the link… in the U.K.

35:37 Pimpy: I don’t endorse any one company, but so many people were asking me where to go buy the Dinar… and the company I used to buy it from Exchange of America… was all sold out… all the places I used to go to were all sold out…

But this U.K place reached out to me and said, hey… we have Dinar… usually I don’t deal with companies that are not here in the USA… I decided to purchase some Dinar from them and not only did the order get to my house really quick… when people ask me, they used to be called U.K. Dinar… they decided to call it NESARA shop… they can ship anywhere in the world…

35:22 Ania K: Where will we actually physically exchange this currency? Do we exchange this currency for U.S. Treasury Notes? [The new U.S. Note]… Where do we go? To the banks?

38:14 Pimpy: So… here in the United States… there’s a restriction on the Currencies… you used to be able to go into the Chase banks and other banks to buy Vietnam Dong but they stopped selling them… for now…

38:38 Once whatever this is happens? They’ll remove the restrictions… and allow the banks to do the exchange…

38:46 When I talk to my bank manager at Wells Fargo… I asked him, if this happens [the RV / GCR]… what do I do?

38:55 He said it’s very simple… you just bring the currency into me… obviously if you have millions of dollars you’re not going to to walk out with a shopping cart of millions of dollars… we would have to set an appointment so they could order that amount of money…

39:14 If you’re just depositing it into your bank account [I’m assuming he means the Quantum Financial System Bank Account]… bring me the money… if it’s real, I tell you what the exchange rate is, if you agree, we charge you like 1% fee… or 5% fee… and we just deposit it… it’s just that simple…

39:31 So that’s what he told me… but Chase is the only bank you can go to exchange your IQD.

41:36 People say to me I thought you hate banks? You’re going to leave your money in one? I go, no, I have no intention of leaving my money there… immediately the Exchange happens, I’m putting my money in precious metals…

42:03 Ania K: When we are collecting buying those precious metals… and then the true value is announced and we have the Gold Standard, praise the Lord… now, what is the best way… how do we go about selling that Gold and Silver? Do we use Money Metals for that too?


42:40 Pimpy: Yeah… Money Metals doesn’t just sell Precious Metals it also buys them… It depends on the value of the coins… You don’t want to go to a coin shop… you could go to a bank, because if we go to the Gold Standard the bank will now be able to make the exchange…

43:16 If we go to the Gold and Silver standard.. you would take your ounces into the bank… and they would deposit it into whatever the “new” currency is… keep in mind 90% of the money we have out there is digital… so it just goes in your account… you’ll be very happy…

43:57 Pimpy cont.: Election Day… you all know I’m a Trump supporter… but this should interest Iraqi Dinar and Vietnam Dong holders… we’ve already been told if [B]i*den wins… we’re not going to see ANY change in the currency for YEARS… [B]id*en’s part of the same machine [de*ep state] that’s prevented [NESARA, RV, GCR] from happening before…

44:36 I encourage everybody to get out and vote… I encourage everybody to grab your friends and neighbors go out and vote… I was a Democratic strategist for a few years… we know polls are BS, it depends who pays them, and they’re skewed... the Media is paid to skew the numbers… we look for different things… we look for Voter Enthusiasm…

45:28 I look out there and when I see maybe 8, 12 or 15 people showing up at a [J]oe [B]iden rally…

46:34 nd then I see 20, 30, 40 THOUSAND people showing up for a Trump rally… I see a 92 mile long Trump supporting caravan… I see a record-setting caravan of Trump supporting boats out there… I go, that’s what we look for…

46:09 These are happening in Blue States… I’m in California, this is Liberal he*ll… I see in San Diego, Chula Vista, Beverly Hills, Hollywood, Newport Beach, Sacramento, San Francisco have some of the largest pro-Trump rallies I’ve ever seen… Huntington Beach…

47:23 It’s starting to change… don’t let the Media convince you that Trump isn’t loved because that’s a lie…

47:24 I’ll make a prediction on your show and you can hold me to it:

47:34 Trump is going to set a record on the amount of VOTES he gets from Black voters… it’s going to be the highest it’s ever been…

47:45 He’s going to smash the records of Democrats voting for him as well…

47:52 He’s going to smash the records for the amount of Hispanic voters… The Media is lying to you…

48:35 Pimpy cont.: When I see 97k people holding a pro-Trump street rally in the United Kingdom? What the he*ll?...

48:39 People have gotta understand… it’s not just the United States… Trump is not just fighting for Americans… the rest of the world knows if the United States falls? We all fall… Trump’s fight is our fight…

Trump is not only saving Americans, he’s saving the rest of the world… When I hear that from more than one person from other countries… man it touches your heart and you realize I’m on the right side of History… My prediction is Trump is going to win with record turnouts…


End Kat partial transcription

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