Peter Schiff, PIR, Pimpy and Charles Ward Friday 8-21-2020

Peter Schiff | Endgame for the Dollar: Government Tries to Replace the Economy with Printing Press

Aug 18, 2020

In response to unprecedented economic collapse brought on by the government's nonsensical response to the coronavirus pandemic, the powers in Washington have decided that the Federal Reserve's ability to create money out of thin air is a sufficient substitute for an actual economy.

Few in power are showing the slightest concern regarding the nearly $4 trillion in new debt that has been added to the Fed's balance sheet so far in 2020 (equal to the entire amount added in the 2008-2012 financial crisis).

 But the recent steady declines in the dollar since the Spring show that the buck is not immune to the monetary and fiscal insanity in Washington.

The trends are making a big impact on investment performance.

Patriot Intel Report

PIR 08 21 20

Iraqi Dinar News 08/21/20

Pimpy’s Investment Chat:  Aug 21, 2020

Gene Cosensei (Decoder) with Cirsten W speak to Charlie Ward

Charles Ward:  Premiered 11 hours ago


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