Patriot intel Report Thursday 1-30-2020 "Looking for a Major Reset"

Patriot Intel Report

PIR 01 30 20:   Jan 30, 2020

China has shut down its stock exchange and Aisin markets are taking a huge hit right now…..This may be the “Black Swan Event”   We are looking for a major reset of everything.  

When you replace an old economic system with a new one… have to take the old system away. Who wants to be responsible for that?  There is a high possibility that something like this “Coronavirus” which is giving the markets reasons to be shut down…may be the reason they need to “reset” everything.

China Trade Deal: Done

USMCA Deal- Done

Brexit : Tomorrow….

Huge time for Economic changes.

The Infrastructure plan that Trump has for the United States….they have been working on it for years….Multiple people in Trumps administration have said multiple times that there are “Trillions” of dollars of “Private” money sitting on the sidelines that are ready to come in.  When asked where this money is coming from …it is never answered.  Think about that…...

Rebuilding the US infrastructure is all new roads, high speed trains…..revitalizing our entire nation. The source of this “Private” money has yet to be disclosed……but President Trump said that he would not address the infrastructure plan until the USMCA was signed…..It was signed yesterday. So hang onto that thought of where is the “Trillions “ of dollars of private money going to come from?  

Now there is also a big possibility the Sham-impeachment will be over tomorrow and President Trump will be Acquitted…..on the same day Brexit becomes law………something else to think about.

The arrests couldn’t happen until the impeachment is over….so this may be a big weekend. The truth is going to shine out very soon. Remember Patriots are in control.


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