Operation Disclosure, Sierra and AWK Thursday Morning 4-2-2020

Operation Disclosure Intel Alert (4-2-20): "Rescue"


Operation Disclosure  V/INTELLIGENCE ALERT - April 2, 2020

(Disclaimer: The following is an overview of the current situation of the world based on intelligence received from several sources which may or may not be accurate or truthful.)

Rumors suggests that hospital ships Comfort and Mercy are being covertly used to care for Human Trafficking rescuees.

If true, the arrival of Comfort and Mercy is just on time with the National Child Abuse Prevention Month (April) declared by President Trump in 2017.


It is a possibility that the Alliance has begun mass rescue operations for human trafficking victims while the public stays indoors during the quarantine.

Human trafficking is one of the Deep State Cabal's sources of income.

Sources are claiming that there will soon be a nationwide shutdown of phone and internet which may indicate the beginning of mass arrests.

Meanwhile, censorship is being removed from all Social Media platforms prior to the shutdown.

The Emergency Broadcast System will remain active during this shutdown.

The mass arrests are expected to last for 3 days and updates will be given via the Emergency Broadcast System.

Sources are also claiming that the CV pandemic will be used to bring forth an global economic reset.

The transition has begun.

Once the transition is over, a New Financial System is expected to be in place and with the New Financial System in place -- the long-awaited currency redemption event will begin.

"Trump may not be the hero you want, but he's the hero you got." -- David Wilcock

Out of the darkness and into the light.


"Pedophile Prisoners of War?" by Sierra (NZ) - 4.2.20

Entry Submitted by Sierra (NZ) at 3:27 AM EDT on April 2, 2020

A tweet by Dr Russell McGregor has possible evidence of Deep State satanist arrests...


The US Military is actually showing us a Deep State Paedophile ‘Prisoner of War’ as the first ‘Patient’ inside the Tents at #CentralPark❗️

Captured in operations to liberate the DUMBS.

Message received. #QAnon #MAGA #WWG1WGA #POTUS pic.twitter.com/KSJa3bsufs

— Dr Russell McGregor (@KillAuDeepState) April 2, 2020

Dr McGregor's tweet...

'The US Military is actually showing us a Deep State Paedophile 'Prisoner of War' as the first 'Patient' inside the tents at Central Park (NYC)...Captured in operations to liberate the DUMBS (Deep Underground Military Bases)...Message Received.'

His tweet features a montage of photos. There is a picture of a medical person talking to a patient inside one of the tents. The only part of the patient visible in the photo is one hand, shown wearing a distinctive red ring. Other photos in the montage are of suspected Deep State satanists wearing similar distinctive red rings.

Dr McGregor got the main photo of the 'patient' from the official Mt Sinai Health System Twitter account...


Our first patient being treated in our #hospital tent in #CentralPark.#COVID19 #Coronavirus #HealthcareHeroes pic.twitter.com/UAyzcrBwPk

— Mount Sinai Health System (@MountSinaiNYC) April 1, 2020

Possible scenario...

The white tents in Central Park, New York City, are for processing the Deep State satanists as they are being removed from the underground bases.

The two white naval hospital ships - Comfort in NYC and Mercy in Los Angeles - are for looking after the sex trafficking victims rescued from those same underground bases.

It seems that the massive military operation to arrest the satanists is underway - confirming that the signals 'Rig for Red' and 'Green (for Go) Castle' were accurate.

Various intel sources are speculating that the three days of darkness (internet shutdown) might be more of a 'rolling' shut down as opposed to a complete national shut down. The military might only shut down the internet in areas of the country they are operating in for the arrests.

Everything is moving quickly now. It is easy to imagine significant results being achieved by Easter, as promised by President Trump.

Where We Go One We Go All.

Love and Light
Sierra (NZ)


As We Know

AWK News 4.1.30: Are you ready to be part of history? Good v. Evil.

Apr 1, 2020



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