News, Rumors and Opinions Wednesday Morning 12-11-19


Samson:  Trump announces the best and most important business deal in American history

11/12/2019 0:11 

The United States, Canada and Mexico signed a new trade agreement on Tuesday, which is to replace the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). The new USMCA agreement was reached after negotiators approved amendments to the initial agreement approved last year.

US President Donald Trump wrote on Twitter: "The great USMCA looks good and this will be the best and most important trade deal in US history." He pointed out that the agreement would benefit "all", especially farmers, industrialists and the energy sector, and added: "It is important that we will end the "NAFTA" the worst business deal for our country.

For his part, announced the US Trade Representative Robert Aathaysr, that this agreement will be a model for other trade deals that intend to US United held.  Trump has launched a revision of the agreement "NAFTA" during the first year of his mandate was to replace "NAFTA" new agreement promises launched by Trump during his election campaign in 2016.

It is noteworthy that the "NAFTA" agreement was signed in 1994, and includes commercial transactions worth about $ 1.2 trillion in North America. Supporters of the agreement say it created 12 million jobs for the United States and covered nearly a third of US agricultural exports.    LINK

Courtesy of Dinar Guru:

Delta  ...I believe this week or next week we should see an announcement coming up from the Central Bank of Iraq.  This is going to be a big thing because the Committee of Financial Operations they're ready...they're lining up everything...

Jeff    Article "Parliamentary Finance Committee intends to raise the price of the dinar against the dollar and give it strength among other currencies"  ...because Iraq's inflation is a little bit higher they need to delete the curb the inflation that will allow them to mint coins.  And they will have a higher exchange rate because of the deletion of the zeros to support and sustain and allow for the minting and use of coins...


John Williams - Fed Lost Control of Financial System

Greg Hunter:  Dec 7, 2019

The Fed is pumping out tens of billions of dollars every month, and yet, the economy keeps sinking. What does this tell economist John Williams?

“The system is not operating properly. These are stopgap measures, stopgap liquidity that the Fed is putting into the system. If they understood what was going on, they would not be doing that. They wouldn’t have to do it. They have lost control of the system effectively,” says Williams.

Williams goes on to say, “It tells you the underlying system is unstable. I can see where the economy is based on the hard numbers even though they do funny things with the numbers. We are seeing a very weak economy here. Again, the Fed tightened and they eased to help the banks, but they did not do much to help the economy. . . .

The banks are not as healthy as they appear and as they have been promoted.

The Fed may well be on the brink of the type of crisis they had back in 2007.” Join Greg Hunter of as he goes One-on-One with economist John Williams, founder of

Global Currency Reset $250 Trillion Debt Hit With Inevitable Economic Collapse & Stock Market Crash

Nov 27, 2019

The time will come when the US dollar will collapse and be worth no more than the scrap and/or collection value of its cotton-paper and dross coins.

We are coming to a period I call “the Global Currency Reset.” As talks about an economic collapse are heating up among economic experts, some believe that it might even trigger a Global Currency Reset.

Basically, Global Currency Reset refers to a process where the U.S. dollar will eventually lose its place as the global currency. Instead, gold or some other instrument will be used as the new standard. In 1944, the allied countries came together to establish a new global monetary system.

Called the Bretton Woods Agreement, they decided to ditch the gold standard and use the U.S. dollar as the global currency. The U.S. benefited greatly from this new currency system and the dollar made its way into central banks around the world. In time we left the fixed-rate system.

Richard Nixon stopped backing U.S. dollars with gold globally in 1971. This was known as the Nixon Shock. Since then, the dollar and all other currencies in the world exist without any support from a hard asset like gold.After the 2008 financial crisis, experts started predicting that the current financial system was on its last legs.

Since the Federal Reserve was created in 1913, the dollar has lost 95% of its value – its worth eroded by inflation.The US debt currently sits at over $22 trillion and grows daily. In 2011 Standard & Poor, a ratings agency, downgraded US sovereign debt from AAA to a lowly A.The 2009-2008 financial crisis & stock market crash which started in the US through the sub-prime mortgage debacle, was another flag to the rest of the world signaling a move away from the dollar toward other currencies.

The American people actually showed resistance against central banks for a long time. Before the FED was established, 3 central banks were shut down by the Americans. In 2019, global debt hit $250 trillion.Encouraged by lower interest rates, governments went on a borrowing binge as they ramped up spending, adding $3 trillion to world debt in Q1 alone.

It reverses a trend that started at the beginning of 2018, of reducing debt burdens, when global debt reached its highest on record, $250 trillion.“The IMF, the World Bank, one after another are warning of a recession.” Last week, a central bank said gold could serve as a “trust anchor” for a renewed international monetary system, in the event of a “global reset”.

In an article on its website the De Nederlandsche Bank boldly claims, “If things go wrong, prices may fall. But, financial crisis or not, a gold bar always holds value.” We’re not sure when the global currency reset will happen, or what will be the trigger – ie. a corporate debt time bomb that could crash the global economy.

Almost $19 trillion dollars of debt is owed by companies that don’t earn enough to cover interest payments.We are absolutely sure the reset (GCR) will happen and gold will play a very important role in the transition to a new world currency.

Do you know about NESARA ? N.E.S.A.R.A is the National Economic Security and Reformation Act. It was to be announced the morning of September 11th, 2001.

NESARA provides major financial benefits to American citizens including: 1) end of income taxes; 2) forgiveness of credit card and mortgage debt as remedy for bank frauds; 3) U.S. Treasury Bank system which absorbs the Federal Reserve and new precious metals backed U.S. Treasury currency; 4) restoration of Constitutional Law, and much more.

The day is approaching with an inevitable economic collapse & stock market crash… Do your part by sharing this video with everyone you know who you feel may be concerned about our freedoms and a sound future for their children and grandchildren...



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