News, Rumors and Opinions Wednesday 4-8-2020


Tishwash:  "OPEC +" invites 10 countries from outside to the crisis meeting

The Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries and its allies "OPEC +", on Tuesday, invited ten other countries, including the United States, which did not send a response, to attend the meeting scheduled Thursday in an attempt to stabilize the crude oil market.

This emergency meeting will allow through the video circle to discuss a significant reduction in production by the level of 10 million barrels per day, which was presented by Russian President Vladimir Putin on Friday. 

OPEC, which is based in Vienna, as well as its OPEC partners, in addition to Russia, invited 10 producing countries that do not usually cooperate with it but are concerned with low prices, such as the United States, Canada, Britain, Norway, Brazil, Argentina, Colombia, Egypt, Indonesia, Trinidad and Tobago. 

A document issued by the General Secretariat of the organization stated that the United States, Canada and Britain had not yet been sent in response to the invitation.

The meeting aims to reduce production by ten million barrels per day, an enormous amount aimed at stemming the collapse of oil prices that have been going on for weeks due to the emerging crisis of the Corona virus and the oil price war between Moscow and Riyadh.   The shadow of the United States hangs over this extraordinary meeting, as US President Donald Trump was the first to refer to this number through a tweet on Thursday, April 2, which led to higher prices.

Soon thereafter, indicators were issued from Riyadh and Moscow to resume the dialogue, as Putin called on Friday to "unify efforts to achieve a balance in the market and reduce oil  link

Courtesy of Dinar Guru

Frank26  ...the Central Bank of Iraq is telling their banks to start retaining more dinars and don't use as many American dollars.  These are choice words... Why?  Because the CBI was told to do this too...they will change the auction format because they can't keep pumping high volumes of dollars into their market...the auctions are coming back soon.  This time they will come back to serve the economy of Iraq...

Jeff    Article:   "The Finance Committee comments on the Central Banks' decision to stop the flow of the dollar" ...the Central Banks goal is really to stop the flow of the U.S. dollar.  That's their goal.  Remember that's actually an article VIII requirement - they can only use the Iraq dinar.

Jeff  ...yesterday Monday they did not have a currency auction.  Today looks just like Sunday.  Today they're showing us they had a currency auction but again just like Sunday the total cash sale is zero.  They haven't sold anything this whole week.  BOOM!  We're looking good.  We're right on to see a blessing this weekend...the ISX stock exchange..say the last update was March 16 so again they have not had any actual stock trading since March 16th and so far they technically have not sold anything at the auctions really since 3-16 either...looking good.  I'm excited.


Trump's 17 Bombs in his press briefing with NESARA proofs!

April 7, 2020|BOOMS, Covid, NESARA, News, Q, Trump

President Trump's Press briefing contained 17 bombs including more NESARA proofs!

President Trump Tuesday 4/7/2020 press briefing he says some powerful things:




4) "MONSTER" - "Strategy is working"



7) "8675 VENTILATORS" - Soldiers will move it

8) "2200 ARRIVING APRIL 13th" - Q2200 -  Will FISA Declass happen on April 13, 2020?

For full post go here:

Trump discusses bold plan to reopen the economy in ‘Hannity’ exclusive

Premiered 9 hours ago


C365 & TC "Iraq & Reset Update & US Treasury + Fed Merger?"

Apr 7, 2020


"Coffee with MarkZ" Wednesday Morning Chat 4-8-2020


Today's Smile Post - Let's Dance