News, Rumors and Opinions Thursday Morning 2-11-2021

RV Excerpts from Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Thurs. 11 Feb. 2021

Compiled Thurs. 11 Feb. 2021 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington

Judy Note: It was my opinion that Tier 4 B (us, the Internet Group) notification to receive a Secured Website that would allow us to set redemption/exchange appointments would be available sometime between now and Mon. 15 Feb.

On Wed. 10 Feb at 2:30pm and 4pm EST orders went out to position all Tiers for a Shotgun 72 Hour Release Start on or before, Fri. 12 Feb. - the Chinese Elders requested start date so as to coincide with start of the Chinese New Year celebrations on Fri. 12 Feb.

Our Military Intel Contact said those working on the RV release were focused on finalizing the liquidity phase for the large bond files. Confirmation of that activity was coming from large bond movements that have issued contracts in the last 24+ hours, who said that the bonds should be done in the next 24 to 48 hours.

In a video done on Tues. 9 Feb. Charlie Ward said that he had a meeting scheduled with important people on the restored Republic Transition Team on that Friday 12 Feb. They told him that we were so close that “it” could happen before his Friday meeting.

On Wed. 10 Feb the new Banking System Platform for Middle East countries, Buna, would activate the new rates, plus on that Wed. Iraq was expected to publish their new budget, with a Dinar in-country RV rate of about $16.40. (Our Contract Rates would be higher).

Since the start was imminent Paymasters, attorneys and group leaders were gagged and asked to remain in place at their banking centers around the world.

By Tues. 9 Feb. 2021 it was no surprise to anyone in the financial world that the Stock Market was about to collapse – some experts said within the next 45 days. That was because the US Inc. had taken out bankruptcy in 2008 and their privately owned Federal Reserve which had held the Stock Market up for so many years by printing fiat US dollars, had been functioning on an expired license since way last Dec. 12 2012. Plus, Trump had ordered them not to print any more fiat US dollars.

That 2008 bankruptcy was the same year an Alliance of nations decided to do something about the fiat US Dollar. It was affecting international trade. The nations of Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa (BRICS – which included hundreds of powerful people and eventually 209 nations across the globe) formed to take care of the problem.

They began implementing a Global Currency Reset by evaluating the gold and resources of each country to set up an international trade based on 1:1 currencies with each other. They would set up currencies of their 209 nations in a gold/ asset-backed standard and away from the fiat US Dollar.

Read full post here:


Courtesy of Dinar Guru

Footforward   ...It's my "opinion" the dinar MUST be at least $3.50 to start. And it's my "opinion" they won't let it float this time.

Petra    Last Monday who was in Iraq ?  Everybody!  The UK .  The IMF.  The GCC.  The IGBC.  Everybody and their mother was in Iraq last Monday.  Did we hear what that was all about?  No...obviously they were there for a reason...when all those people show renowned financial entities all show up.  Obviously something happened.  We can't talk about it yet.  But clearly there's evidence there's been significant progress...



Samson:  Al-Hakim: Oil prices may reach $ 100 in the coming months

08:42 - 10/02/2021

On Wednesday, former Foreign Minister Muhammad Ali al-Hakim suggested that oil prices would rise to $100 in the coming months, while he wondered about the government's existence of a clear development plan with agriculture and local industry as the basis.

Al-Hakim said in a tweet on his page on the social networking site, which was seen by the information, that "oil prices are on the rise and may reach $ 100 a barrel during the next 18 months."

Al-Hakim asked, "Does our government have a clear development plan in which agriculture and local industry are the basis for supporting the private sector and certificate holders in establishing small companies instead of doubling the size of the state and giving contractors projects that were not implemented as before?"    LINK

Venustwo2:  I was reading something today that says the Central of Iraq announced on Monday the launch of BUNA platform. It states that work in underway to adopt the Iraqi dinar in the system for the next stage. Now, that is exciting news IMO


Streamed live 2 hours ago

Richard W: You and others have said that the FED's end game is to inflate away the debt.  But isn't that impossible? Don’t you think that an overt default is their only way out?

Beth J: You said history has proven beyond a doubt that silver/gold can always be converted into currency. However, humans have never had digital currency before. What if they outlaw gold/silver transactions, or simply disallow conversion to digital? Then the only use for gold and silver would be to barter it, right?

 JC: Would the US ever sell assets to cover our debt?  Anytime I used to get in a tight spot, I would sell off some of my assets to cover debt. Would the US government ever do that?

Sherri T: I keep hearing have physical gold and silver and cash on hand. Does cash mean cash in your possession, or in a bank, or a money market fund?

Tom D: In 2008 the stock market, real estate, silver and gold fell. Why will gold and silver not fall again when stock market falls? Should I wait to buy when that happens?



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"Tidbits From TNT" Thursday Morning 2-11-2021