News, Rumors and Opinions Thursday Morning 10-31-19


Re: Doodlebug Post  

Walkingstick:  ftti: The value of minor will be/ is, based off a number of natural resources..ex: oil, gold... etc: Look for a pairing, to come..other then, the USD...Regards...


Don961:  What are the new US measures to “protect the international financial system from Iranian threats”

by Ali EjamIraq News5 Hours ago

Washington - Agencies

US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo on Wednesday praised the steps taken by the Financial Action Task Force to protect the international financial system from Iranian threats by reimposing countermeasures on Tehran for failing to meet international standards to combat terrorist financing and money laundering

"Iran has demonstrated a deliberate failure to address systemic deficiencies in the fight against money laundering and terrorist financing, ensuring a deliberate lack of transparency in its economy so that it can continue to export terrorism," Pompeo said in a statement

"The IRGC continues to engage in large-scale and illegal plans to finance its malicious activities," he said. "This includes support for terrorist groups classified by the United States, such as Hezbollah and Hamas," he said. He stressed that "the facilitation of illicit financing plans for the Iranian Revolutionary Guards is taking place at the highest levels of the Iranian government."

The Terrorist Financing Targeting Center, made up of the United States and six Gulf states, has designated a network of companies, banks and individuals supporting the activities of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard and Lebanese Hezbollah as terrorist groups, coinciding with the recent visit of US Treasury Secretary Stephen Mnuchin to the region

A  statement  issued by the US Treasury Department said that the seven members of the Center decided to designate "25 names targeted for belonging to the Iranian regime's networks supporting terrorism in the region," in a move is the largest of the center so far 21 target entities represent a huge business network providing financial support to the Basij, a paramilitary force of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards “used by the regime to recruit and train fighters, deploy fighters to fight in conflicts triggered by the IRGC, and in carrying out terrorist attacks throughout the region” , According to the statement

The remaining four targets are Hizbullah affiliates who are responsible for Hizballah's coordination, intelligence and financial activities in Iraq: Shebl Mohsen Obaid al-Zaidi, Yousef Hashim, Adnan Hussein Kawtharani, and Mohammed Abdel Hadi Farhat LINK

Samson:  US Treasury Secretary reveals list of sanctions against Turkey

2019/10/30 20:29

US Treasury Secretary Stephen Mnuchin said on Wednesday that President Donald Trump's administration maintains a list of sanctions for Turkey to use in case of necessity, but so far satisfied with the ceasefire in Syria, which contributed to the lifting of previous sanctions.

Mnuchin said in an interview in Saudi Arabia: The list of additional targets has been amended to be carried by Vice President Mike Pence to Ankara to negotiate a ceasefire in Turkey.

He added that the United States "would have imposed financial sanctions if the talks had not been successful." "We still keep the list," Mnuchin said. "There is no reason to believe we will need to use it. I think we are satisfied with the way things are going."   LINK 



Cutebwoy:  Demonstrations in Iraq, entered on Thursday, the seventh day, putting the government in great trouble. The capital Baghdad and a number of provinces in the south of the country witnessed continuous demonstrations over the current week, during which the ceiling of demands rose to the demand to dismiss the government and parliament and amend the Constitution, as well as demand for political and economic reform and the fight against corruption rampant in the joints of the state.

On Wednesday night, demonstrations rose in Baghdad, where security forces fired tear gas to prevent thousands of angry protesters from going to the Iranian embassy and encircling it.

The anger on the street is putting a heavy strain on the government of Adel Abdul Mahdi, especially after the influential Shiite cleric in Iraq, the leader of the largest parliamentary bloc, withdrew the cover, calling on Abdul Mahdi to resign.

"We've Reached the End Game" by Sierra (NZ) - 10.31.19

Entry Submitted by Sierra (NZ) at 1:22 AM EDT on October 31, 2019

RedPill78 has put together an excellent video - it presents plenty of evidence that the Alliance Plan has reached the end game. I recommend taking the time to watch the whole video...

First astounding fact: Pelosi was in Syria just before the elimination of the top ISIS murderers. The video suggests that the US military may have got to the ISIS coward before he was killed, and taped him admitting the ISIS connection to the US government Deep State, including Pelosi. Anons say that the picture of President Trump and military officers around the Oval Office table showing exposed cables was sending a message about the direct connection between ISIS and the corrupt Obama administration. TREASON.

Second astounding fact: Every single Israeli embassy and consulate around the world closed permanently and suddenly - just TWO DAYS after the ISIS deaths. Red Pill78 weaves evidence together to explain this important event. Anons suggest that Deep Staters may have duel citizenship with Israeli passports, and would have attempted to escape the US to an Israeli embassy. This exit strategy has now been foiled.

Q said, 'We are saving Israel until last...' Yet another sign that we have reached the end game.

The Deep State demise is obvious for those with ears to hear and eyes to see. Clearly they are running out of money. Kamala Harris is scaling back her campaign, reducing staff, citing dwindling funds. This scenario will be repeated throughout the Demoncrat election bid.

As the RV inches ever closer, we must temper our exhaustion with admiration for President Trump and the Alliance. They have played the long game superbly. Remember they will only get ONE chance to destroy the Deep State - forever.

Meanwhile the RV is constantly moving forward BEHIND THE SCENES. We should be reassured by the lack of solid information - it means that maximum security is being upheld. Safety is paramount. We do not want lives lost in our haste to introduce the RV/GCR.

If you are feeling despondent about the RV wait, reach out to a fellow lightworker. It is uplifting to connect with a 5D colleague. You are never alone.

Where We Go One We Go All.

Love and Light
Sierra (NZ)


The Patriots Sent A Message To The [DS], There Is No Place To Run: Frank

X22 Report Spotlight:  Oct 31, 2019



Restored Republic via a GCR- Rumors as of Oct. 31, 2019


How China Influences the U.S. Dollar