News, Rumors and Opinions Thursday Afternoon 10-29-2020



Baghdad-Al-Sharqiya, October 29: The Iraqi Council of Representatives voted at dawn on Thursday on the electoral districts for Kirkuk governorate, and the session was raised until further notice.

 Parliament Speaker Muhammad al-Halbousi announced that all political parties in Kirkuk agree on three electoral districts with the number of women’s quota, with the highest number of votes in each constituency.

The Iraqi Council of Representatives completed the distribution of electoral districts throughout Iraq after long disagreements over the number of districts and the mechanism for their distribution, especially in Nineveh and Kirkuk.

According to the new election law, the distribution of electoral districts for the provinces will be as follows: seventeen constituencies in Baghdad, eight in Nineveh, six in Basra, five in Dhi Qar and Sulaymaniyah, four each in Babil, Anbar, Erbil, Diyala, and 3 each in Kirkuk And Najaf, Salah al-Din, Dohuk, Diwaniyah, Karbala, Wasit and Maysan, and two circuits in Muthanna.  link


Samson:  Foreign Policy: Iraq is a missing element in the discussions by Trump and Biden

29th October, 2020

A report by Foreign Policy magazine confirmed that among the important issues in US foreign policy that were almost absent from discussions of the presidential elections is the issue of Iraq and the role of the United States in the Middle East.

The Foreign Policy report stressed that Iraq is the main pillar of any US strategy in the Middle East, especially in light of its joint position with Iran and a number of important countries in the region.

Moreover, it possesses one of the largest global oil reserves, and the flow of Iraqi oil will be necessary for the growth of the global economy in the coming years, indicating that if Washington wants to deter Iran and its proxies, it must do so in Iraq.

The report wondered about the reasons that made the Iraq issue almost absent from the discussions of the candidates for the upcoming presidential elections, Donald Trump and Joe Biden, despite its strategic importance.

The report emphasized that the American people's rejection of the so-called eternal wars does not mean abandoning Iraq, but rather finding a strategy that supports political pluralism and democracy. LINK


Courtesy of Dinar Guru

Pimpy  Let me touch on these rumors going around...with anything that we do you're gonna have some people that think one way and some people who think another way...a youtuber is claiming there's not going to be any change with the Iraqi dinar.  That's fine...this person is only expressing their opinion.  This isn't set in any kind of evidence...There's nothing wrong with individuals expressing their opinion...nobody knows what going on with the Iraqi dinar...there's no doubt whatsoever that the Iraqi dinar exchange rate is too low.  We know this...over the last month a lot of talk about the exchange rate.  Both positive and negative...listen to all the different opinions...listen to the information and you filter through what you feel is BS and what is the truth...everything is speculation...

Iraq CBI To Meet About Printing Notes, Inflation, Digital Currency

Currency365:  Oct 29, 2020

Abadi Address Iraq With Support For Citizens & Reforms

Currency365:  Oct 29, 2020


Lynette Zang and Silver Report Uncut 10-29-2020


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