News, Rumors and Opinions Thursday 4-30-2020


Suzie:  I think executive order #13303 is due to be re-signed in May....I know it's a BIG IF but what IF President Trump decided NOT to re-sign it???   Just wonderin'............  

Cleitus:  You are correct, Susie.  President signed the E.O. on May 23, 2019..., set to expire on the 20th of May, 2020. Will he sign again..., we'll see.  

Godlover:  For anyone to see the text of this document law.

 Samson:  Iraq Seeks More Aid From the U.S. to Manage Coronavirus Fallout

Iraq is seeking financial assistance from the U.S. to help the country combat the fallout of the Covid-19 pandemic and plummeting oil revenue, the country’s health minister-designate said.

“We have been promised by the United States government as part of this strategy between Iraq and United States to help us financially,” Jaafar Allawi said on Wednesday during an online policy forum organized by the Washington Institute for Near East Policy. “I think there is a team negotiating now, or in the process of negotiation, to get Iraq some support, financial support, from America.

The U.S. has proposed a strategic dialogue in June that aims for the two governments to work together amid the pandemic and decreased oil revenue. Announcing the talks during a briefing on April 7, Secretary of State Michael Pompeo warned that the Covid-19 outbreak and “plummeting oil revenues” threaten an economic collapse in Iraq.

The virus outbreak hit OPEC’s second-biggest producer as Iraq’s government was trying to end months of damaging political deadlock that coincided with a slump in oil prices. Iraq’s intelligence chief Mustafa Al-Kadhimi was picked to form a government after previous attempts failed.

The latest crisis in Iraq began when anti-government protests erupted in October as people lost patience with years of rampant corruption and poor services, forcing the prime minister to resign the following month. Tensions between the U.S. and Iran have also led to armed conflict in Iraq, threatening the country’s tenuous stability.

“The challenges facing the Iraqi state have become more acute since the beginning of 2020 and represent real risks to the stability of the state,” Ayham Kamel, head of Middle East and North Africa at the Eurasia Group consultancy, wrote in a note on Wednesday. “A shrinking revenue pie due to low oil prices will prove to be the most destabilizing factor over the next 12-18 months. Irrespective of who is leading the government, a large drop in revenues combined with rampant corruption is bound to create problems.”

Al-Kadhimi is “well positioned to win confidence from the key political and sectarian blocks in parliament, and therefore succeed in forming a relatively reformist government,” Kamel wrote. “However, this is far from a slam dunk as the list of obstacles and complications in Iraq’s political system are endless.”

Iraqi authorities have reported 2,003 cases of the coronavirus so far and imposed curfew measures in mid-March to try and control the outbreak. Kuwait has contributed a “large amount of money,” and the Chinese government has provided Iraq with equipment to help combat the outbreak, Allawi said during the forum.   LINK

Billuke:  Can you believe these clowns?


Don961:  Search for an international currency

Thursday 30 April 2020

Dr.. In the name of Brahimi

The emerging markets witnessed unprecedented outflows of capital in terms of volume ($ 100 billion) and speed as a result of the global health crisis (SK) and the market activity actually froze in some cases, which created a huge demand for liquidity in US dollars in a way that exceeds the available liquidity.

To meet this challenge, the major central banks have provided bilateral lines of currency exchange between them and more countries (compared to the global financial crisis), as well as the Repurchase Program (Repo) established by the Federal Reserve Bank in New York, which provides dollar liquidity to more countries. 

However, this was not able to meet the need for liquidity, which reveals a loophole in the global financial relations network represented by the risks of "sudden cessation" of capital flows.

In turn, the International Monetary Fund responded to this issue by creating a new facility in mid-April called the "short-term liquidity line" (SLL), which is the first addition to the Fund's financing tools in nearly a decade, and this facility provides reliable and renewable credit (without subsequent conditions For member countries whose economic fundamentals and policy frameworks are highly robust and are designed to meet any particular need (prospective, medium-sized, and short-term) in the balance of payments whose impact is reflected in the form of pressures on the capital account after external shocks, and IMF experts estimate that demand reaches a "line" Short-term liquidity For "from a number of countries during this crisis to about (50) billion dollars, which represents a small percentage of the fund's lending capacity of one trillion dollars, and experts believe that addressing the financing needs early leads to reducing future needs and the repercussive repercussions on other countries. 

This crisis renews international thinking on the foundations of international monetary relations and the ability of the dollar and other major currencies to meet the international need for liquidity and cover commercial transactions.

 Can digital currencies be an alternative solution?

These and other questions bring Corona’s pandemic back to the fore, especially as the world lives in the labor of redrawing The global economy map on the commercial and financial level, and the international currency issue will be strongly present.    LINK

Courtesy of Dinar Guru

Jeff  ...We are now only waiting for Iraq to form the GOI to go International...the new GOI will be approved by the constitutional deadline of May 8th...

Pimpy  ...a nifty little tidbit of information that was brought to my attention that I had not paid attention to but might make a difference in our thought...from the White House, "Text of a Notice on the Continuation of the National Emergency with Respect to the Stabilization of Iraq"   Executive Order 13303...this one was redone by Trump May 20, 2019...When they declared it [back in 2003] is when the currency was devalued.  When this expires does this mean there are no longer any restriction on the Iraqi dinar?  Does this mean we're finally going to see the Iraq dinar on forex?  Does this means we're finally going to see the rate change?...On May 20, 2019 Trump extended it for one year.  What does it mean when this expires?  Trump might not extend this 13303...I don't want to get overhyped...does this mean that on May 20, 2020 if they don't extend this does that mean any restrictions on the currency is then lifted?  ...I'm curious what this means.


Patriot Intel Report

PIR 04 30 20

Tomorrow is May 1st and we just may see some changes……

We are waiting to see big economic changes……expect the unexpected.

25 Most Amazing Ancient Ruins of the World


All That Glitters: Why I’m Not Investing In Gold


IQD CALLS Chat Early Thursday 4-30-20