News, Rumors and Opinions Thursday 10-1-2020


Wednesday UPDATE for September 30, 2020

Reportedly, Iraqi President Barham Salih was on Iraqi TV stating that there are three plans for reducing the rate of the dinar and deleting the 3 zeros. One of those will be chosen soon.

Massive bombings occurred in Erbil today, PM Al-Kadhimi is promising swift and severe actions to those responsible.

Tishwash:   What is the fact that 6 trillion dinars of Iraqi salary borrowing is missing?

The decision of the parliamentary finance committee Ahmed al-Saffar on Thursday revealed the fact that 6 trillion dinars of borrowing money allocated to finance employees' salaries has disappeared. 

"The parliament voted to borrow 15 trillion from Iraqi banks to finance the salaries of employees for the months of July, September and September at the request of the Ministry of Finance, but 6 trillion dinars of borrowing were not disbursed within the salary of employees, but may have been disbursed for emergency financial matters, debts or other part of necessity, which has not yet been revealed to us," al-Saffar told The Shafq News agency.

Al-Saffar denied any accusations by the Finance Ministry of overspending on borrowing, theft or corruption, stressing that the current finance minister is working professionally and academically as we have seen in recent periods.

Al-Saffar said Iraq's fiscal deficit was 3 trillion dinars a month, according to official figures.

"It's a matter of the Ministry of Finance and no rights will be lost to the employees, even though the ministry has not answered the questions yet," he said.

"Securing the salaries of the coming months will depend on new borrowing or the approval of the 2020 budget as soon as possible, despite the delay of the government sending the 2020 budget to parliament, and we are determined to approve it, but the budget has not yet reached us," he said.   link


Tishwash:  Trump Administration Set to Announce Vietnam Currency Probe

The Trump administration plans to announce an investigation into Vietnam’s currency practices, according to three people familiar with the matter.

The probe, undertaken through section 301 of the 1974 Trade Act, would come after the Departments of Commerce and Treasury in August determined Vietnam had manipulated its currency in a specific trade case involving tires, the people said. The announcement could come as soon as this week, said the people, who asked not to be identified.

In the Crosshairs

Vietnam has fourth-highest trade surplus with U.S. this year

Source: U.S. Commerce Department

“Vietnamese relevant agencies are now in contact with the U.S. side to verify this information,” Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Le Thi Thu Hang said during a briefing in Hanoi when asked about the Bloomberg News report.

Vietnam is among the U.S.’s 10 biggest trading partners. The U.S.’s goods-trade deficit with the Asian nation this year reached $34.8 billion by July, the biggest after the shortfalls with China, Mexico and Switzerland.

The Trump administration used a so-called 301 investigation against China to apply tariffs on billions of dollars worth of imports that initiated the trade war between the world’s two biggest economies.

Vietnam is one of the Southeast Asian countries “caught in the U.S.-China crossfire and Trump’s angst over trading partners’ currency manipulation,” said Linda Liu, an economist at Maybank Kim Eng Research Pte. in Singapore. The investigation “has increased the chances of the U.S. imposing tariffs on Vietnam. But the tariffs will likely be targeted and product-specific, rather than sweeping.”

This “warning shot” to Vietnam also might put other regional economies on guard, including Thailand and Malaysia, she said.

Countervailing Duties

A new federal rule published this year allows the U.S. Commerce Department to treat currency undervaluation as a factor in determining countervailing duties on a trading partner.

Vietnam’s central bank has moved to a more market-based framework of setting the currency since 2016, adjusting the dong’s reference rate on a daily basis. It allows the dong to trade within a band of 3% on either side of the reference rate, which is based on eight currencies.

Market reaction in Vietnam was subdued on the news of the U.S. probe. The benchmark VN Index of Vietnamese stocks rose 0.7% as of 9:23 a.m. local time Thursday as investors reacted to this week’s interest-rate cuts. The dong’s reference rate was set by the central bank at 23,213 per dollar Thursday, and the currency traded at 23,184 per dollar as of 10:15 a.m. in Hanoi, unchanged from Wednesday, according to data from commercial banks compiled by Bloomberg.

These types of currency investigations usually take months, so any imposition of tariffs as a result wouldn’t likely occur before the U.S. presidential election in November.

Spokespeople for the Commerce Department and the U.S. Trade Representative didn’t immediately respond to a request for comment. Treasury referred comments to them.   link


Courtesy of Dinar Guru

Footforward   ...It's still my opinion that Trump would like to get this done before the election. We may potentially be waiting on a peace deal involving the US , Israel and Iraq ...I'm watching Iran and expecting another SIGNIFICANT strike.

Bruce   [via WiserNow] ...we do know that in Iraq – in a 20 mile zone – between the Iranian border and Iraq – in that zone – in North Kurdistan – we know that there were about 2800 people arrested in a day’s period of time by sunset yesterday - Taken in custody – and that cleared the way I believe for traffic to be proper between Iran and Iraq on the Norther Border...and then also we’ve heard that Kurdistan is saying that they’re open for business – Internationally – that’s significant...

Dinar News - loop talk not good

Pimpy’s Investment Chat:  Sep 30, 2020

Deleting the zeros part 1

Deleting the zeros part 2

NESARA / GESARA - Debt forgiveness is real

Pimpy’s Investment Chat:  Sep 30, 2020

NESARA / GESARA video list


TNT, PIR and Currency365 Thursday Afternoon 10-1-2020


Restored Republic via a GCR- Rumors as of Thurs. Oct. 1, 2020