News, Rumors and Opinions Sunday PM 11-8-2020


Samson: Khalati: Parliament will require the government to submit a reform paper for 2021

8th November, 2020

MP Hassan Khati said that Parliament will require the government to present a reform paper during the year 2021 to reform the economy

He added that the amount required from the Iraqi government is very large, amounting to 41 trillion dinars, and it is difficult to pass this amount

He confirmed that Parliament would support the government with salaries   LINK

DeepWoodz:  Imo...let’s not forget, I believe it was Allawi said even if you don’t pass the borrowing law, within 2 weeks we are going to pay salaries anyway.

OlLar:  Steve Bannon video about the software to transfer votes…This is insane!!!  


Samson:  Expert: Internal Or External Borrowing Is A Shackling Of Iraq, Regardless Of The Size Of The Sums

8th November, 2020

The economic expert, Abdul-Hassan Al-Shammari, affirmed: "Internal or external borrowing ... tying Iraq up with large debts, regardless of the amount."

"The government has enacted a new method of providing funds through internal and external borrowing twice within one year, and this is a negative case for the financial administration in the country," he said in a press statement published by the Independent.

Al-Shammari added: “The country is rich with resources, if invested properly, it will generate huge sums of money for the public treasury to pay salaries and establish projects,” considering corruption and the lack of a sound financial and economic plan that brought the situation to this situation.

The House of Representatives ended yesterday the second reading of the borrowing law submitted by the government in the hope of voting on it this week in order to release the salaries of employees, the delay of which is a non-positive situation that did not go through Iraq during its long history.  LINK



Tishwash:  Specialists: The currency auction is a drain on the dollar and a great profit opportunity for influential parties

 The Iraqi government places great emphasis on economic issues, by working to control border crossings, fight corruption, dismantle the influence of armed factions on financial outlets, and strengthen local industry through these files, all of which pass through the central bank’s gate, specifically, the so-called currency auction, the most controversial file in years.

In the past, where the Parliamentary Finance Committee accuses the Central Bank of exploiting its powers as an "independent body" in not dealing with the problems that the legislative and executive authorities raise.

The basic idea of ​​a currency auction revolves around selling dollars to private banks and money transfer companies to manage the import of goods, and its daily sales of dollars reach one hundred and eighty million dollars, but several suspicions affect influential political figures standing behind those banks to manage corruption operations.

Economists described the currency auction as a drain on the dollar and an opportunity for some banks owned by influential parties to achieve large profits.

According to estimates, the sale of the Central Bank exceeded five hundred billion dinars in its daily operations that have continued since the year two and three.

The specialists believe that the problem that the Iraqi economy is suffering now is a problem of policies and not a problem of resources, as the country suffers from the lack of political and security stability, which impedes development and taking decisions regarding it.

They emphasized that confidence in the Iraqi dinar began to wane, and that the instability of internal and regional conditions led to an increase in the demand for the dollar.  link

Courtesy of Dinar Guru

Pimpy   ...there's speculation that whatever is happening with the IQD, whatever that plan, whatever they're doing with it right now, it could be implemented real quick before Trump is totally out of office...

Jeff I know a lot of you guys keep kind of shooting your options out in the background saying 'Oh, if Biden gets in, this is never gonna happen.' Bull crap! Iraq is not stopping. Iraq is continuing to push forward. The U.S. elections will have no impact on this at Iraq life is moving forward as normal regardless of the elections...stay focused on Iraq. Don't focus on our political mess...


Sunday Night X22 Reports

Trump controls the economy & Fed reconcile Episode 2323a

Trump and the patriots have complete control of the economy and the fed. The [CB]/[DS] cannot allow this, they will fight until the bitter end to get control back. The Fed has been detached from the other [CB]s. The economy continues to improve, people are beginning to spend for the holidays as covid magically disappears.


Let Your Plans Be Dark As Night,When You Move,Fall Like A Thunderbolt, Drop The Hammer- Ep. 2323

The [DS]/MSM have pushed their agenda into overdrive, all assets are deployed, they will not give in. The push is to use propaganda to convince the country and the world that [JB] won the election and there is no voter fraud, that is a myth. The elections have been an illusion, it was created by the [DS] using special algorithms to make the people believe they had the power to choose. Trump is waiting for the right moment, this is truly the art of war, keep your plan in the dark, when you move fall like a thunderbolt and drop the hammer.



More Iraqi News Sunday PM 11-8-20


2021: More QE, More Taxes, Stimulus. Debt, Deficit and Money Printing Unil the Dollar is Totally Toast