News, Rumors and Opinions Sunday Morning 11-1-2020


SusanaC:  Come on Down RV...the RATEs are still blank on screens...THIS is goooooood

Annie68:  Supposedly the Treasury wants us in and out by the 10th? Let's get moving!!

Alf:  haven't we heard that before?

Dizzyob:  We have heard it all before… let’s hope this is the last time

Alf:  Let's get this train out of the station!

BigDaddy: November ….Will This Be Our Month?   Time Will Tell !!!!!

Tishwash:   Central: He went to create solid financial institutions

The Central Bank of Iraq confirmed the trend to create solid financial institutions, supporting the country's active economic activities.

Integration and pluralism

He pointed out that "the central bank does not accept the existence of sagging in the Iraqi banking system, and supports the increase of capital after verification of its integrity, as it supports the processes of establishing the banking sector through the integration and multiplicity of products offered to the public  Customers."

Advanced services

"Efforts are continuing towards developing performance and creating an effective banking body that supports efforts to develop the national economy, through a range of products that are constantly being developed, to provide advanced services that reach all segments of society in line with the financial inclusiveness trends recommended by the Central Bank," he said. 

He added that "the Bank is working in accordance with the instructions of the Central Bank and has worked to support smEs with effective economic viability, in a move aimed at providing jobs for the largest segment of  Al-Shabaab."

Important projects

"Achieving a partnership with the Ministry of Agriculture to establish a number of important projects, where the trend was to grow soybeans in Iraq for the first time and areas covering the country's need for this material, which is imported from markets outside the country, where experiments proved the success of the cultivation of this important crop inside Iraq, as is the work on the textile agriculture project in Holy Karbala and simple conversion projects such as the production of derivatives, Milk."

He warned that "the success of the bank's work requires the formation of governance and specialized committees that follow up the mechanisms of work and the paths of performance improvement in the form, which enhances trust between the banking system and the public, after there has become a big gap in this Side."  link


Courtesy of Dinar Guru

Footforward   ...I've insisted for a long time the rate can't be $1.   Not to mention that one to one is not really a reinstatement.   $3.22  is a reinstatement.   I...have info from a source I trust. Alot.

Pimpy  ...on the back end of thing right now there is a lot of chatter.  I mean it's increased...large amounts of IQD have been moving to a lot of different central banks and into a lot of different countries.  That's not a secret...what we can't figure out is why.  There seems to be some kind of deadline on all these things for some reason.  The deadline is in the month of November.  What's that means? I don't know.  But there's a lot of rumors.  I try to avoid rumors because I don't want to talk about anything that I can't prove.  But I will at least let you know that is out there and even people I know that deal in the IQD are purchasing personally IQD themselves.  It kind of makes me wonder.  I don't know what they know.  Either they know and they're just not sharing or they don't know and they're just preparing just in case...a lot of changes coming real quick...

Exploding Debt Means $100,000 Gold – Bill Holter & Jim Sinclair

Greg Hunter:  Oct 31, 2020

Financial writer Bill Holter and renowned gold and financial expert Jim Sinclair say exploding federal debt and massive defaults will send gold to the stratosphere.

Holter does the astounding and yet simple math and explains, “The number is over $100,000 per ounce for gold now. If you take the 260 million ounces that we (U.S. Treasury) supposedly have and take the 260 million ounces and divide it into the current debt which is $27 trillion, it’s well over $100,000 per ounce now.

In other words, if we had to back our debt in gold, the gold would have to be priced at over $100,000 per ounce.”

Sinclair offers hope and a way out of the financial mess we face. It involves a Trump Win that will preserve the Constitution and the rule of law. If we can maintain the rule of law and the U.S. Constitution, America can and will recover, according to Holter and Sinclair. Let’s pray that happens.

Lynette Zang

THE RETIREMENT RISK SPECTRUM: (Pt-1) 99% Bond Losses & New Era of US Bankruptcies

Oct 31, 2020

If you care about preserving your wealth and/or maintaining your standard of living through this crisis (and further into the future). This is going to be a very valuable series to watch. In this Part-1 video, I'll be covering the major risks in Investor Protections and the Bond Markets, including the new Default Rates of your Investments, and what's being called "The Next Era of US Bankruptcies". I'll be showing you exactly what's happening, what it means, and most importantly what you can do about it, coming up!


Restored Republic via a GCR- Rumors as of Sun. Nov.1, 2020


More Iraqi News Saturday PM 10-31-20