News, Rumors and Opinions Sunday Morning 10-25-2020


KMan:  .‘Demands not met’: Anti-government protests resume in Iraq Hundreds of protesters gathered in Baghdad, southern provinces, demanding reforms and end to corruption......

Briona:  Too much progress has been made in Iraq to blow it all up with riots. Even though everything they wanted done, has not met their timeline, I can see the demonstrations as being peaceful. Now if they can control Iranian backed militia and individuals there to stir up problems, things should go smoothly.

Lioness2:  Family not because it hasn't happened yet means it won't happen. We are here! It is done! Watch what they DO not say!

RED:  LOOKING VERY GOOD, PROGRESS IS IN THE MAKING!, this is like a fresh canteen of water being given to a person in the middle of the desert...

Hoodie:  I am believing that someday Iraq and all the middle east will love their people as much as they hate us

Courtesy of Dinar Guru

Frank26  ...right now we're right at the cusp of bring fourth the new exchange rate for the Iraqi dinar.  Right now we're beyond the cusp of introducing the pictures of the new small category notes to the citizens...anywhere from one to four weeks then you can say goodbye to me...

Austin-Powers-For-PM   ...This RV will happen, but it's impossible to nail down a timeline. In 10+ years of this journey we've had people tell us that it "has" to happen before (pick your date) and that date comes and goes. We could very well be post election without an RV.   I do believe this will happen either before 2020 is over or the 1st few days of 2021...Things are lining up, and they're in a position where they will have to make things happen, and rather soon.   Do understand that there are forces that want this stopped dead in it's tracks (Iranian proxies, the corrupt in high places, global interests who benefit from the Status Quo) who will do anything to delay this until January 20th, 2021...Yes, the heat is on to complete this and complete it very soon.



Power4445:  Question:  what’s everyone’s opinion on what will happen to the plan to raise the rate if Biden wins?  I don’t think he will, but what if?  I think it was said here months ago that if he wins, this is toast.  Since we now seem to be waiting another week to four weeks, I’m assuming the election will come and go without the rate change. imo Thoughts?

Safeone:  In my humble opinion:  We should not be worrying about American politics in this study.  Yes, we have an important duty to vote on November 3.  Yes, The Fab Four includes Trump.  However, what is done is done.  I think we need to stay focused on what is happening n Iraq.  Iraq controls their own currency and they are the only ones who do.  Influences abound, opinion abounds BUT they control.

Ross:  IMO regardless of who wins the election the RI will happen as they say the die is cast.  IMOO it would be better for us if the RI happens this year (better for me also Lol) cause if the democrats win and the RI happens next year you can expect to see a huge tax increase on your gains cause they will need a lot $$$ to pay for all the promised giveaways and programs. If you listen to or read their platform this is a no-brainer to figure out.  Besides you will be considered the evil rich for which to tap with more taxes.


Don961:  AMA launches a 20-riyal bill on the occasion of the Saudi Presidency of the G20

The twenty-riyal memorial denomination will be launched and circulated starting tomorrow, Sunday

 October 24, 2020 09:00 PM

Riyadh - Mubasher:  The Saudi Arabian Monetary Agency "SAMA" announced its intention to offer a denomination of twenty riyals of Saudi paper currency on the occasion of the presidency of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia for the G20 summit during the era of the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, based on Article (4) of The Saudi Monetary System issued by Royal Decree No. 6 on 07/01/1379 AH.

.a new saudi ryal.jpg

The Monetary Agency stated in a statement on its website, today, Saturday, that the twenty-riyal commemorative denomination will be launched and circulated from Sunday 03/08/1442 AH corresponding to 10/25/2020 AD, along with the currently circulating banknotes in all its denominations as currency Legal formal.

Sama confirmed that this category was printed according to the latest standards in the field of banknote printing, as it is characterized by many technical specifications and high-quality security signs, and with a distinctive purple-colored design that highlights the aesthetic of decorations inspired by the G20 Summit logo.

She indicated that the design of the twenty-riyal denomination paper included an image of the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud on the face of this category, and the slogan of the Kingdom's Presidency of the Group of Twenty (G20) in a three-dimensional manner, while the back of the paper included a world map showing the G20 countries in a different color.

And the map of the Kingdom shows that radiation emanates from it, symbolizing the meeting point of these countries on their land, and the importance of the Kingdom as a source of cultural and economic radiation.   LINK

Bambi:  Iraq is in the "eye of the hurricane" It seems we are in the QUIET of the storm. It is also the PERFECT storm.

Don961:  With the first anniversary of October 25 ... calls for political and economic reforms

Sunday 25 October 2020  Baghdad: Morning 

 Today passes the first anniversary of the October 25 demonstrations calling for political and economic reforms and fighting corruption, with free and fair elections, while the Ministry of Interior has coordinated with leaders of the movement and activists to secure the demonstrators and protect public facilities and properties.

.a iraq protest.jpg

And the political calls continue to achieve the legitimate peaceful demands of the demonstrators and alleviate the suffering of the citizens, amid warnings of acts of violence and chaos and targeting state institutions with the aim of striking the stability of Iraq. 

Baghdad Operations Command issued binding orders to all leaders and units, without exception, to prevent the carrying or use of live weapons and ammunition of all kinds in the areas of the demonstration squares or around them or on the approaches leading to these squares, stressing “the importance and the necessity of dealing with the highest degree of wisdom, patience, professionalism, patriotism, and respect for the demonstrators. Peaceful people who demand their legitimate rights ».

 The leadership called on “the demonstrators to adhere to the peacefulness of the demonstrations, which during a whole year yielded significant and important results,” stressing “the importance of preserving public and private funds and preventing changing or diverting the course of the demonstrations from their peacefulness. The head of the National Security Agency, Abdul-Ghani Al-Asadi, said in a statement to "INA":  LINK


Samson:  Kurdish Deputy Calls Al-Kazemi To Respond To The Demands Of The Demonstrators

25th October, 2020

MP Hoshyar Abdullah called on the Iraqi government to respond to the demands of the Tishreen Revolutionaries because it expresses the will of the people, stressing: “This revolution has achieved its goals by creating a public awareness that will not be extinguished.”

He said in a statement today: “A year has passed since the start of the October Revolution, which was the reason for the change of government and the preparation for early elections, although the demands of the revolutionaries were not limited to replacing one government with another, but rather to change the system and the way the country is managed, removing all the corrupt from the joints of the state, and establishing a political system.

Elected by the people and not linked to any agendas,” indicating: “Some people think that the revolution did not achieve its goals, and this belief is incorrect, as the revolution created a public awareness that is not extinguished.”

Abdullah added: “This revolution is completely different from what is called the Arab Spring, which was not without strategic mistakes. It is a peaceful revolution and will remain peaceful despite the high price paid by our youth in the sit-in squares.   LINK


Restored Republic via a GCR- Rumors as of Sun. Oct. 25, 2020


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