News, Rumors and Opinions Sunday 12-27-2020


Cutebwoy:  Joint Operations: We have orders that security forces be on standby

December 26, 2020

On Saturday, the Joint Operations Command revealed orders for the security forces to be ready in the coming days.

“We have orders that the security forces be on standby in the coming days,” said the spokesman for the leadership, Major General Tahsin al-Khafaji.

 He added, “Protecting the security of diplomatic missions is one of our top priorities.”

Joint Operations: We have orders that security forces be on standby

Tishwash:  Reform or austerity?

It became clear that the government decided to pursue a policy of austerity reform to meet the major challenges caused by the financial crisis that is ravaging the country, a measure (the last ironing treatment) taken by states in case of running out of all means to meet the challenges beyond their capabilities. austerity whatever the justifications.  

It is useful to refer to the warnings we have given in two previous articles: 

I focused on activating the productive sectors and the need to control the management of public finances, but unfortunately did not heed the warnings. Here is a shared responsibility borne by all concerned parties and those affected by these austerity measures, the government is required to control the price implications and control the market and punish the vulnerable people of monopolists, especially those related to the food and pharmaceutical basket.

The second order, which comes with the same importance, is the honorable position of our honorable traders to cut off the way to the manipulators in price, and to prove their patriotism and humanity until the evacuation of this crisis, God willing, by putting reasonable profit margins and declaring the pricing in public for the regulatory authorities to carry out their duties in accordance with justice. The law. Our circumstance here is the distinction between what is essential and ideal, with the certainty that our citizen understands the general situation and believes in the de facto policy that was dictated at this critical stage.

In view of this supportive and honorable position by the citizen to support the decisions that are supposed to be to meet the challenges regardless of the causes and causes, the government should not raise the welfare of the citizen, and we remind the Ministry of Finance, which has increased the good salaries of some state employees, that the only achievement achieved after the stage of change in the year (2003) is to improve the standard of living of citizens of the wealth and wealth of their country, and none of them touches on this only achievement from the memory of Iraqis.

In this regard, we propose that deductions should be from the salaries of employees and retirees. When the government succeeds in managing the public money in the future to spread the welfare of all the people, it is the noblest goal and the highest objectives, namely, to enjoy the wealth of the country, not to waste it and leave it in a hand that does not improve its disposal.   link


TishwashAn expert reveals when the economic confusion due to raising the dollar will end

The economic expert, Abdul Rahman Al-Mashhadani, suggested the end of the economic confusion in the local market after raising the dollar exchange rate by an official decision of the Ministry of Finance and the Central Bank of Iraq.

"The confusion in the market will end next week and will begin to approach the price set by the Ministry of Finance and the Central Bank of Iraq as a result of the start of withdrawal, the implementation of the demand and the stability of the balance between the official exchange rate and the local market," Al-Mashhadani said.

He favored "a rise in commodity prices up to 40% in conjunction with work on the new exchange rate of 1470 thousand dinars per hundred dollars, and there is no decrease in the price of the dollar after the recent central bank decision on raising the currency exchange."

Al-Mashhadani said, "The recovery of the Iraqi economy needs a long period, as the justifications put forward by the government are correct in the long-term talk."

He pointed out that "the government was supposed to prepare the industrial and agricultural sectors that suffer dumping and price war before announcing the decision to increase the dollar."

Last Thursday, Iraq recorded a rise in the dollar’s ​​exchange rate.
The exchange rate on the Al-Kifah and Al-Harithiya stock exchanges in Baghdad was 1420 dinars, or 142 thousand dinars for one hundred dollars.

Yesterday's price was at 1405 dinars per dollar.

As for the exchange office prices, they also rose to 1,430 dinars for sale and 1,410 dinars for purchase.

In Erbil, the dollar rose to 1,420 dinars, and in Basra 1,410 dinars.

It is noteworthy that the Iraqi Central Bank decided on 19 December to amend the dollar exchange rate, as follows: 

1450 dinars per dollar, the price of buying foreign currency from the Ministry of Finance.

1460 dinars per dollar, the selling price of foreign currency to banks.

1470 dinars per dollar is the selling price of foreign currency to the public.   link

Courtesy of Dinar Guru

Frank26  When you go to exchange and then what you're going to do after that.  You have to know when to hold them and fold them...when the new rate comes out and it's international it will be pegged to the American Dollar inside of a basket...but it cannot grow pegged to the American Dollar..."I'll take the 1 to 1 Frank".   Go right ahead but it will float and you need to know've got to know when to hold'm and when to fold'm...

Jeff  Here's amazing news...they've told us multiple times that when the rate does change they're going to want to shut down and end the currency auctions.   That's one of the steps you're seeing right before you...  Article "The Central Bank Auctions continues to decline and is witnessing a rate event"They are literally bringing the currency auctions to an end right before you.  That's what's going're officially in a 90-day period for the rate change.  You're right in the middle of it.  They're setting the stage on this right in front of you...


Emailed to Recaps

From Sam-I-Am: New Year’s Resolution

Well, it’s that time again…….time to make our New Year’s Resolutions…..

Lately I have found myself feeling very down….. the events in 2020 have really hit the world hard in so many ways.

Once again another year gone without an RV/GCR……The contentious election…the Global Pandemic, the despair and anger everywhere……it was a very hard year for so very many.

In my opinion, This New Year…2021 …is very symbolic of new hope and new beginnings…and I feel we are going to see the events of 2020 fade away like a bad dream.

Just think….Jan.6th should see the resolution of the election from H***

There are announcements of cures and vaccines for Covid19 which means no more masks, and no more lockdowns….

We have the new QFS financial system ready to go …so our funds and exchanges will be safe. 

Iraq saying in every other article lately that there is about to be a new rate……

We should see the end of the deep state and the beginning of truth and justice once again

And finally we will be able to financially help all our friends and family to heal from 2020.

So, my New Year’s Resolution is to put 2020 in my past this week, and look with hope and optimism to a wonderful new year.

It’s time to leave the year 2020 behind….

It’s time to forget the fear that has been foisted upon us…

It’s time to let the music play on and keep the lights burning…

A New Year is about to Begin, and with it, a New Hope.

May all of our dreams come true in 2021



KTFA, Walkingstick, Pimpy and more Sunday Afternoon 12-27-2020


Restored Republic via a GCR- Rumors as of Sun. Dec. 27, 2020