News, Rumors and Opinions Sunday 10-4-2020


Tishwash:   Saleh calls for strengthening the financial situation of Iraq by adopting a balanced monetary policy

Today, Sunday, the President of the Republic, Barham Salih, called for the need to strengthen the financial situation of the country and preserve the independence of the Central Bank.

A presidential statement, a copy of which was received by Al-Mawred News, stated that "President Barham Salih received the Governor of the Central Bank of Iraq, Mustafa Ghaleb Al-Kitab, during the meeting and discussed the monetary and financial situation in the country in light of the current challenges."

Saleh stressed the need for "the independence of the central bank, strengthening the country's financial position by diversifying the state's resources and following a balanced monetary policy, and taking all measures to combat administrative and financial corruption, especially in the current circumstances in which the country is facing the Corona pandemic, and low oil imports."

For his part, the book reviewed, "the current functioning of the Central Bank on the financial and monetary situation, and the steps taken to reduce the economic repercussions," appreciating the support of the President of the Republic to achieve the goals of improving the financial and monetary situation and providing the necessary services to citizens.  link

Tishwash:   Central Bank conducts assessment to determine iraq's fiscal deficit

The Central Bank's board of directors on Sunday announced a decision to reassess the financial position of private banks and determine their deficit ratio.

The Central Bank said in a statement today, that its board decided at its recent meeting in September 2020 to reassess the financial position of all private banks, by directing the relevant departments of this bank, by "auditing and evaluating the capital of private banks and determining the deficit ratio and the sources of those funds."

The decision is in line with the bank's management-led reform plan to create a real banking sector, in line with depositors' demands for dealing with such banks, the source said.  link


MRiles:  The forex market is open 24 hours a day during weekday hours, but closed on weekends. With time zone changes, however, the weekend gets squeezed. The forex market opens on Monday morning at 8 am, local time in Sydney, Australia (which equates to Sunday night at 7 pm, in New York City, under Eastern Standard… 7pM EST 4 PM PST… this what we are waiting for??

RVALready:  Waiting for the CBI governor to say “OK, here’s your blasted rates. Now quit calling me.”


The next Miracles Intel Conference Call will be this coming SUNDAY NIGHT, OCTOBER 4, 2020 beginning approximately 6PM PT / 9PM ET.

Our conference call line is: Dial-in number (US): (712) 770-4598 Access code: 767664#


Courtesy of Dinar Guru

Pimpy  ...doing something about the corruption is already bearing fruit there.  The fact that they collect a record number of taxes in the month of September is outstanding.  The fact that they've arrested and are continuing to investigate the people behind the missile attacks and Erbil is outstanding.  This is all great news IMO...It's been more than impressive since al-Kazemi has been in there.  He's been doing everything he said he's going to do.  So far so good...I think a lot more people are starting to get behind Al-Kazemi and making sure that the Iraqi people are secure and that their sovereignty is respected.

MilitiaMan  Article:  "Deputy Finance: The government cannot solve the economic crisis without harming the citizen"   Quotes:  "The government until now has not been able to properly and properly resolve the economic crisis..."; "...reported that the government is moving towards saving or reducing the dollar exchange rate..."    So if you reduce the dollar exchange rate, it takes more dollars to buy the Dinar! That my friends is the whole enchilada.. That is what they are reeling to do!  imo  Be happy...


I Told You Kadhimi & Salih Would Very Soon Be All Alone

Currency365:  Oct 4, 2020

Dinar Hoarding Iraqis Will Be Super Rich (Here's Why)

Currency365:  Oct 4, 2020

Iraqi Dinar news 10/04/20 - get em

Pimpy’s Investment Chat:  Oct 4, 2020


Iraqi News Sunday AM 10-4-20


Jim Rickards, Jim Willie and Mike Maloney "Silver and Gold" 10-4-2020