News, Rumors and Opinions Saturday Morning 6-13-2020


Eccle519:  You have to remember, the US planned this RV thing to prosper the US Treasury and wasn't counting on people finding's all good or they would not have printed all that Dinar to be sold outside Iraq. On that note, it seems we were meant to participate and buy this IQD

SwampyJack:  historically have purchased my VN Dong from Wells Fargo both in the branch and on line. Today I went to order my usual amount of Dong... and the order was refused. No reason given as I was on line purchasing... I tried several times, but no go.. Maybe that will be a signal for us. Who knows?

Jwatchbrit:  I went to my Chase branch today to buy dong and it was not on their screen either and the bank manager verified she could not order it.

Briona:  I believe massive amounts of VND have been bought in the recent months in anticipation of the revaluation. Much more than one would expect for normal travel expectations, so I can see there being shortages.

Tishwash:  United Nations: We have implemented more than 2,380 projects in Iraq

Resident Representative of the United Nations Development Program in Iraq, Zina Ali Ahmed, Saturday, announced the implementation of more than 2380 projects in Iraq as part of efforts to restore stability, with cash assistance to poor communities and grants to families headed by women
, and Ahmed said, according to the official newspaper , "The United Nations Development Program supports the Government of Iraq in a number of programs, and there are two major programs that are currently being implemented, namely, the Stabilization Project and the Corona Response Program."

She added, "So far, $ 1.3 billion has been obtained from 27 donors, in addition to the government of Iraq, as this funding has enabled us to complete more than 2,380 projects, of which 570 are about to be completed in important sectors such as water, electricity, education, and health." The project also helped 4.6 million displaced people return to their homes. "

She noted that "as a result of the war against the terrorist" ISIS ", the United Nations Development Program in Iraq began its work to restore stability to the liberated areas in mid-2015, focusing on rehabilitating basic infrastructure, providing short-term job opportunities, and supporting the government to provide quality services Better and foster societal cohesion.    link


Tishwash:  Government source: The strategic dialogue between Baghdad and Washington has achieved Iraqi success

Adviser to the Prime Minister Hisham Daoud said, on Saturday 13 June 2020, that Iraq is open to cooperation with any country except Israel for initial reasons.

Dawood said in a press statement followed by “Al-Masala” that the strategic dialogue between Baghdad and Washington is at least Iraqi and has achieved success, explaining that there is no veto from Iraq to cooperate and deal with countries in the world except Israel for initial reasons, adding that the relationship with the countries of the region and the world is open On the basis of positive neutrality and the interest of Iraq, and on this basis, cooperation and cooperation between Baghdad and Washington will take place.

And David said that the relationship between Baghdad and Washington did not stop for many years, but due to the recent international circumstances imposed by the Corona virus, travel and direct communication between the countries of the world has become difficult, not only between Iraq and the United States, and once these conditions improve, meetings will take place at a higher level.

He considered that most of the statements and accusations against the dialogue between Baghdad and Washington were not fair, and did not take into account the truth and content of this dialogue, and did not pay attention to what the Iraqi government headed by Mustafa Al-Kazimi wanted, adding the dialogue directly and explicitly indicating the United States’ support for Iraq’s sovereignty and assistance in various fields, and its support In international forums, in addition to reducing the number of American forces according to Iraq’s need, and the United States’s unwillingness to establish any bases and a stable military presence in our country, these are key points that are in the interest of Iraq today and tomorrow. link

Courtesy of Dinar Guru

Bruce   ...what I’m getting is that it looks as though from my information...from my sources...this is not coming from the internet...not’s not coming from anybody else that’s putting information out...but this is coming from MY sources that seem to say that the 15th/16th  which is Mon/ the timeframe that's been noted for this to be released to...US... we believe that things are at the point where we think it’s about to go...I hope we go sooner rather than later...


"12 States are Beginning to Accept Gold/Silver" by Sabre - 6.13.20

That's right! 12 states are in various stages of legislation to accept metals as cash. Removing taxation from metals is a common theme among most of the 12.


Vietnam Dong News 06/12/20

Pimpy’s Investment Chat:  Jun 12, 2020


Restored Republic via a GCR- Rumors as of Sat. June 13, 2020


How Unpaid Debt Is Handled When A Person Dies