News, Rumors and Opinions Saturday Morning 10-3-2020


Tishwash:  I'd love to see something like this from the CBi

Kuwaiti Central affirms its commitment to the strength of the dinar

Today, Saturday, the Central Bank of Kuwait affirmed its commitment to preserving the strength of the Kuwaiti dinar and the stability of its exchange rate.

The bank said in a tweet on its page on the social networking site “Twitter”: “In light of a report published by some websites on the devaluation of the dinar, the bank affirms its commitment to maintaining the stability of the dinar exchange rate, in a way that guarantees its purchasing power.”

The bank added that it will also continue to adhere to policies aimed at strengthening the dinar and maintaining financial and monetary stability in the country.  link

Tishwash:  A "golden plan" that gives Iraq more than 16 trillion annually, "pays salaries for two years"

Iraq - Baghdad

 One of the female employees in the Rafidain Bank, called Victoria Zarzis, who is in the position of Deputy Director General in the Rafidain Bank / General Administration, sent a letter to the government containing important and serious details about the Iraqi financial map, and ways to obtain the lost Iraqi funds.

In her message, she said: Instead of borrowing and looking for confused, urgent and ill-considered solutions to solve the problem of the economic and financial crisis in Iraq and drowning Iraq in debts that have no way to escape from them, as long as the spoilers have fun in its institutions, so you must first correct the course of the financial policies of previous governments and the manipulation of their officials with the capabilities of the homeland and the state's revenues .

She added: The Iraqi Oil Ministry supplies its refineries with one million barrels of oil per day. This is what was mentioned by more than one official. Of course, this oil is refined inside the refineries, and a barrel of oil is converted into 100 liters of gasoline or 100 liters of kerosene that is supplied to gas stations, and it becomes as follows: -

The 1,000,000 barrels of oil x 100 liters of gasoline or kerosene = 100,000,000 one hundred million liters of gasoline or kerosene.

One liter of very regular gasoline and kerosene is sold inside Iraq at 450 dinars.

So, the state's imports of petroleum products (benzene - kerosene) only daily:

100,000,000 liters x 450 dinars = 45,000,000,000 billion dinars per day.

And it comes monthly:

45,000,000,000 billion dinars x 30 days = 1,350,000,000,000 trillion dinars per month.

And it becomes annually from oil derivatives:

1,350,000,000,000 trillion dinars x 12 months =

16,200,000,000,000 trillion and two hundred billion dinars annually, Iraq's imports of petroleum products (gasoline and kerosene) only.

And she continued: Where does this huge, hidden amount of money go, which is ignored by all the ministers who succeeded in the ministries of oil and finance, the majority of representatives and officials, and all of them did not dare to open this issue at all!

And she added: This amount, O Prime Minister and Minister of Finance, is sufficient to pay the salaries of all Iraqi employees from first to tenth grade for a period of two years, so do you have the courage to be frank with us and tell us about this enormous amount where it goes ?, not to mention the revenues of gas, aircraft gasoline, white oil and black oil Not to you about the non-oil revenues that cover the salaries of employees for years and provide services to all cities, governorates, and state sectors?

Zarzis indicated the waste of money with several questions as well:

1. Where are the revenues of the General Tax Authority ?!

2. Where are the revenues of the Ministry of Communications and Mobile Networks ?!

3. Where are the revenues of the Communications and Internet Networks Commission ?!

4. Where are the revenues of the border crossings and customs departments at all ports ?! In our turn, we ask: Why open 24 border outlets in Kurdistan, of which one dinar has not entered the state, while it is closed in the center and south out of fear of the transmission of the Coronavirus epidemic ?!

5. Where are the revenues of Iraqi airports and airlines ?!

6. Where are the revenues of the Municipality of Baghdad ?!

7. Where are the revenues of the real estate registration departments throughout Iraq ?!

8. Where are the revenues of the public traffic departments ?!

9. Where are the revenues of the Ministry of Electricity ?!

10. Where are the revenues of the water and sewage departments throughout Iraq ?!

11. Where are the revenues of the Ministry of Health ?!

12. Where are the municipalities' revenues in all governorates of Iraq ?!

13. Where are the revenues of the Ministry of Agriculture ?!

14. Where are the revenues of the Ministry of Water Resources ?!

15. Where are the state real estate rents ?!

16. Where are the revenues of ships and vessels transporting oil ??

She showed: It is time for you to stop wasting Iraqi money in each of the following angles:

1. An auction for the sale of the currency at the Central Bank of Iraq; Iraq's annual losses from it are estimated at 4 billion dollars!

2. Two billion dollars lost annually in the commissions of the Ministry of Commerce!

3. The colossal budgets of the two endowments: the Shiite and the Sunni!

Zarzis concluded its message by saying: What is important is that if these revenues were properly received by the state treasury, oil would have been a secondary resource for the Iraqi people and not a major resource.   linnk


Courtesy of Dinar Guru

Frank26  ..the reason we don't have the new exchange because of Iran and anything associated with Iran...

Pimpy  There's a difference between lowering the exchange rate and devaluing the dinarLowering the exchange rate benefits us.  Devaluing the currency is bad for us.  So if they devalued their currency on the exchange side that means you would get more dinar for your dollar.  In other words if they devalued the dinar instead of getting 1190 dinars for every one dollar you might get something like 2000 dinars.  That's because it's cheaper to buy.  Make sure you don't mix them rate lowering - good.  Dinar devaluing - bad.


[Forwarded from Nick Fleming]

Our military intel contact still can’t say much except that he is confirming that POTUS & FLOTUS had to be “quarantined” to release the RV as decision-makers decided; confirming Mr. Fleming’s sources and Bruce’s sources saying the Iraqis are finally openly celebrating their RV tomorrow Saturday 10/3 and that the Trumps’ supposed COVID-19 infection is cover for the RV release to finally begin T4B exchanges after Iraq releases the LD’s this weekend;

Confirming sources saying that the Trumps are not truly infected precisely because they have and use hydroxychloroquine which is the cure for COVID-19 according to multiple clinical tests and multiple epidemiologists outside the Deep State medical lackey circles (e.g., google “

Dr. Harvey A. Risch, MD, PhD , Professor of Epidemiology, Yale School of Public Health - The Key to Defeating COVID-19 Already Exists. We Need to Start Using It—Hydroxychloroquine”).

He is confirming Bluwolf this morning Fri 10/2: “ Today [FRI 10/2] is that day when all doors have been taken down never to be closed again.” He said he would get out more info this weekend.

Vietnam Dong News 10/02/20 - under investigation

Pimpy’s Investment Chat:  Oct 2, 2020

Iraqi Dinar News 10/02/20

Pimpy’s Investment Chat:  Oct 2, 2020


Restored Republic via a GCR- Rumors as of Sat. Oct. 3, 2020


More Iraqi News Friday PM 10-2-20