News, Rumors and Opinions Saturday Morning 1-9-2021


Tishwash:  The journey of devaluing the dinar is "not over" here ... The Finance Ministry is preparing for broad measures that it discussed for weeks and did not "reveal"

The Ministry of Finance in Iraq is preparing to take "supportive measures" to remedy the risks and effects that the raising of the dollar exchange rate against the Iraqi dinar may cause in the country.

"The Ministry of Finance is fully aware that there are a number of supportive measures that need to be taken to increase the positive effects of adjusting the exchange rate," the ministry said in a statement, which "Yes Iraq" received a copy of, noting that "the Ministry of Finance was unable to do this publicly due to the sensitivity of the issue and because The budget must first be approved by the Council of Ministers.

And she added: “The Ministry of Finance has led extensive discussions in the past weeks after the budget was approved by the Council of Ministers on the follow-up to adjusting the exchange rate with many parties inside and outside the government. These discussions will culminate next week with a proposed expanded meeting with the main economic actors from the public and private sector, where the Ministry of Finance will develop a program. Its detailed policy is designed to maximize the benefits from the exchange rate adjustment ”.

 And she continued, "The Ministry of Finance hopes that these procedures will coincide with discussions within the House of Representatives on the budget. It should be noted that the main policy measures to protect the poor and the vulnerable have been included in the budget and discussed in the minister's statement regarding the budget."

Structural reform

Yesterday, Moody's Investors Service for the Management of US Economic Risks considered in a report that the devaluation of the Iraqi currency would ease liquidity pressures in the short term only, and that in the event that the Iraqi government did not undertake structural reforms, this easing would be only temporary and would need to reduce the dinar to an additional number .

"The devaluation of the Iraqi dinar will strengthen the country's financial position in the near term by increasing oil revenues in local currency, thus helping it reduce the deficit," the British newspaper The National reported in a report.

He added that "Iraq, which is the second largest oil exporter in OPEC, depends in 90 percent of government spending on oil revenues. Most of the borrowing was by purchasing short-term US government papers, which led to the erosion of its foreign currency reserves."

The agency stated that “the short-term impact of devaluation on Iraq's debt will be mixed. It is expected that the debt-to-GDP ratio in Iraq will increase by about two percentage points, but it will reduce the debt-to-income ratio by 6 percentage points.

And that "it is likely that the depreciation of the currency will lead to an increase in inflation, given that Iraq imports a lot of food and consumer goods, however, any rise in inflation carries with it the risks of political and social stability."

Moody's analysts said that “if Iraq does not implement structural reforms to reduce the size of public sector wages and pension bills, reduce energy subsidies and increase non-oil revenues, the relief provided by the devaluation may be only temporary,” noting that “if the government is unable to control Spending this year, the central bank will face pressure to devalue the dinar further, threatening an inflationary spiral.   link



Jan.8, 2021


Courtesy of Dinar Guru

MilitiaMan   Article:  "Iraqi Finance announces new developments in the dinar  exchange rate"   They say this is a new development in the dinar exchange rate. Well, fairly sure we can see that this was a part of the plan for some time and they are rolling out that plan...They used the Devaluation on purpose, imo, knowing that there would be effects both of which served a purpose to stimulate the citizens to bring in additional 3 zero notes, citizens feeling that if they devalue again to 1660 they would lose even more purchasing power. ...Regardless the plan was to be short lived and it appears to be the case now As, we see the Finance Minister has promised today to make an amendment to the exchange rate for positive effects and with supportive measures...It sure looks like the process was to devalue ahead of the revaluation to come as part of the plan has legs. The US Fed told us they can Devalue and Revalue and it appears to be holding true.


Silver & The Road to Freedom!! (Bix Weir Live!)

Streamed live 19 hours ago

Silver is the last hope to save our Freedom. 170 years of silver price suppression ends in a BANG not a WHIMPER!


SantaSurfing:   January 8, 2021


All pieces are in place!  Things have already happened, so all I ask is to ignore the garbage on the news and social media.  

The beauty of the world in truly unveiling now! 

But do know, when this rolls out, there will be some resistance that could happen and possibly some civil unrest.  The movie has to play out this way to truly get the hateful masses, the ones that have been shaming us, to fully wake up.  It has to happen.  Then the beautiful world unveils. 

God always wins!!!  


NATIONAL Economic Reformation and Securitization Act

GLOBAL Economic Reformation and Securitization Act

A law that was passed in the year 2000 but not ever enacted. The law began nationally and has branched out globally.  

Efforts to enact this law were stifled and stopped by the evil dirty cabal.   In's a law that will change the World and our Lives!!

This beautiful law is AWE-INSPIRING!  Beyond what anyone could ever imagine!  

HUMANITY IN EVERY WAY!! End of Poverty, Homelessness, Seniors struggling, People struggling, debt forgiveness,

No more corrupt governments, power back to the people,

Constitutional Judges / Attorney's.  

Federal Reserve is controlled by the Treasury department.  

Cures and Therapeutics that are beyond imagination!  Patents and technologies that are life changing!  There is so much more and I will share an updated version of NESARA.  

Certain debts forgiven will help so many millions of people around the world.  




The Atlantis Report and SRU Saturday 1-9-2021


More Iraqi News Friday PM 1-8-21